
Riemann didn't know that there was such a big hidden benefit waiting for him, but he followed the script step by step. After reading the audition script countless times, he wrote a short biography for the characters in it.

On the day of the audition, Riemann saw that Lin Fan was also on the scene, and couldn't help feeling that it was so cool to join a good company. Not to mention that the boss personally tailored the script for the actors, he even had to personally choose the roles for the artists. Take a look.

However, the more Lin Fan valued this movie, the more Riemann wanted to win this role.

Riemann, who got the test questions in advance, needless to say the effect of the audition, but Lin Fan had no way to choose Riemann directly, because there were many auditions arranged later.

No matter how satisfied he was with Riemann's audition, Lin Fan had to watch all the auditions before making a final decision.

But this did not prevent Lin Fan from expressing goodwill towards Riemann: Sister Man, I never thought that you would condescend to audition for this movie. We were really surprised and pleasantly surprised.

What condescension, who is the respect in front of Director Lin? Riemann was also willing to show his sincerity to Lin Fan, Don't make fun of me, Director Lin, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I am very fond of this movie of yours. Hungry. If I don't win the election, I don't know how long I will have to wait for the next script similar to your movie.

The point is, the director, producer, and investors don't dislike me! People like us who have been in the TV industry for too long are really worthless in the movie industry.

Lin Fan himself didn't feel this way at all, because whether it's a movie or a TV series, he shoots and produces it himself. Only he is lazy and unwilling to do business. How can he be disgusted by the producer and investor?

So Lin Fan was somewhat surprised when he heard Riemann say this: Why, is there really a gap between the two circles of film and television?

In this sentence, Lin Fan asked Liang Wen, and at the same time, it also made Rieman understand that Lin Fan did not mean to laugh at her, but was really not very clear about this matter.

Liang Wen nodded and said: Some filmmakers have such prejudices, especially for actresses like Li Shihou who have achieved high achievements in the TV circle, this prejudice will be a little more serious.

But not every director thinks this way, but as you know, Director Lin, in the Chinese film industry, producers and investors are more vocal.

Unless it is a famous director, he can fully control the choice of actors, otherwise he will have to make various compromises with the producers and investors.

Even famous directors sometimes have to bow their heads to reality.

For example, Riemann, some people firmly believe that she is not suitable for filming,

Then the rest of the people will be more or less affected by this view. When they think of Riemann, they will have an inherent impression in their minds: Riemann is not suitable for making movies.

Unless there is a role that must be Riemann, otherwise everyone will not take the risk of using her.

But in the entertainment industry, is there any role that must be played?

Over time, Riemann became less and less able to receive suitable movie scripts.

Lin Fan understood Liang Wen's implication, and at the same time understood the real reality hidden behind these helplessness: Riemann did not have enough capital to fight against the malice of the entertainment industry.

Lin Fan felt that it would not be a problem at all if this matter was changed to him: You think I am not suitable for making movies, so I can do it myself?

Isn't that how the original A Chinese Ghost Story came about?

Moreover, after a movie is released, the resources at its disposal will naturally increase, and no matter how foreign capital wants to control itself, it will not be able to control it.

But what Lin Fan didn't understand was that he was himself, and Riemann was Riemann.

With the resources of the people on earth, I can confirm that the movie I cast will not be a bad movie, let alone hit the street, but I am not sure whether the success of this movie in Blue Star is big or small.

But Riemann can't, she may try her best to fight for a chance, but the result is completely unknown. If the result is good, everyone is happy; but if the result is bad, then it is really ruined.

Riemann couldn't afford to gamble, and could only be bound by capital in the end.

In fact, not only Riemann, but also many first-line artists, also have to bow their heads to reality because of capital, human feelings, and many, many factors.

Many first-line movie actors make a big bad movie from time to time, which is the best proof.

There are really very, very few artists who can control everything by themselves like Lin Fan, and they are also the envy of everyone in the circle.

Lin Fan didn't promise anything to Riemann, and Riemann also understood that he couldn't win the role directly by relying on his friendship with Lin Fan, everything still depends on the audition results.

On the contrary, after Zhou Xiang knew that Riemann was also auditioning, he felt a little uneasy: Did Sister Man come to the audition? God, I'm so nervous! Sister Man is so good at acting. Back then in Legend of the White Snake The crew still took care of me so much, by the way, I wasn't even counted as a female n number at that time, and now I want to co-star in a movie with Sister Man!

Seeing her muttering there, Lian Xiaoyu couldn't help asking: Xiangxiang, what's wrong with you?

I am nervous!

Lian Xiaoyu was speechless: Why are you nervous? Didn't memorize the script well? Or did the characters fail to figure out well? Or do you feel that your acting skills are not in place? Well, before the filming starts, I'll hire you a few professional acting teachers first. , come to help you sharpen it, lest it is time to start shooting, you will lose the chain!

The heroine is off the chain, that's really ugly, no!

Lian Xiaoyu felt that she absolutely couldn't let this happen in front of her.

Although Zhou Xiang felt that his manager had not been able to communicate with him, and realized that he was about to face the nervousness of the seniors in the industry, the final result was what he wanted.

This works too!

Yes, yes, sister Xiao Yu, before joining the group, you can help me hire a few more acting teachers to help me hone my acting skills. I am afraid that after entering the group, my level will be judged by another heroine. It's crushed!

I'm really sorry for Brother Fan's tailor-made script for me!

This must not happen!

After being confirmed by Zhou Xiang, Lian Xiaoyu immediately took out her mobile phone and started contacting the acting teachers who had cooperated with Earthman Studio: Is one enough? I think not only acting skills, lines, but also physical appearance need to be honed. Three, what do you think about Xiangxiang?

Zhou Xiang nodded hurriedly: Three is good, then three! If it is not enough, add more later!


What the two women talked about was completely different, but in the end they were able to reach a perfect consensus, and with the same goal, there was no one else.

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