Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

The first thousand and forty-six chapters really missed 200 million!

Isn't Yang Hongxia just worrying blindly!

When Lin Fan participated in the music variety show for the third time, that is, when the third title song was released, Yang Hongxia was unable to go to the scene in person due to work reasons, but after Lin Fan finished recording the show, she personally received the people who came to her door program manager.

I don't know if Director Lin's schedule is up for next year? Our show wants to invite Director Lin as a resident guest. This is our sincerity. Of course, this is completely negotiable.

The person in charge handed over a contract.

Listening to the heavy word sincerity, Yang Hongxia clearly turned to the page where the remuneration was written, and then saw a bunch of zeros.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million... billion?

Yang Hongxia blinked, and counted the string of zeros again, one, two, three, four... nine!

That's right!

Fuck, when did variety shows invite resident guests to appear in units of 100 million?

Movie pay is not that exaggerated, okay?

Although Yang Hongxia's pupils were shocked, but after all, she had experienced a big scene, and she was very stable on the surface. She turned over the contract calmly and closed it, lest she would be fooled by that number, she agreed without holding back. this matter.

The person in charge watched Yang Hongxia stamp the contract page without hesitation, and couldn't help but feel uncertain: Mr. Yang, look...

Yang Hongxia maintained a decent smile, and then refused: I'm really sorry, Lin Fan's schedule for next year is indeed full, and I really can't make time to be a resident guest.

Ouch, my heart hurts!

Really missed 100 million!

The person in charge of the show who didn't know that Yang Hongxia was bleeding in her heart wanted to continue to fight for it: Mr. Yang, this is just our sincerity. If you are not satisfied, we can discuss it again!


Yang Hongxia seemed to hear the sound of her own heart vessels bursting, for the sake of her own life, Yang Hongxia simply did nothing and kept going.

Stand up and see off the guest: I have already seen your sincerity. To be honest, if it wasn't for Lin Fan who really couldn't make the time, I believe he would be very willing to take this job. Unfortunately, I really don't have time. Please forgive me.

The person in charge was invited to the door by Yang Hongxia, and she still didn't give up: It's no problem to double the appearance fee!


Really missed 200 million!

Yang Hongxia felt that the blood vessels in her brain were beginning to burst, so she could only rely on her last perseverance to decline this very attractive invitation: I'm sorry. Xiaoye, you can give me a free gift! Guest!

Xiaoye quickly send this person away!

If you don't send this person away, he will send me away!

Therefore, the person in charge of the program could only leave Earthman Studio with his sincere contract: Oh! Is this the arrogance of a truly outstanding musician? Can't get an appearance fee in the unit of 100 million?

Not knowing the ins and outs, Xiaoye suddenly heard this sentence:? What did I hear?

At the same time, Xiaoye also suddenly understood why Miss Xia was so eager to send her away!

In the office, Yang Hongxia poured herself three cups of ice water in a row, which relieved the continuous bursting of her heart and brain vessels, which was about to completely kill her, and then remembered to call Lin Fan to ask the ins and outs: You are recording on other people's programs? What did you do when you were here? The person in charge of the program has come directly to your door!

Lin Fan was puzzled: I didn't do anything! Why are they here? Looking for trouble?

Yang Hongxia said calmly: It's not a matter of asking for trouble, I just want to spend one or two million yuan to invite you to be a resident guest on their show.



Even Lin Fan, who is worth a lot of money, was also taken aback by the show crew's aggressive move: Sister Xia, how much do you say?

The contract stated 100 million yuan, but after I rejected it, they said they could double it.

There was a minute of silence on the other end of the phone.

Yang Hongxia suddenly regained her mental balance: Look, even Lin Fan didn't perform any better than herself when she heard the news.

It can be seen that the temptation of money has similar influence on everyone. I don't need it at all, I feel ashamed because I can't accept the 200 million appearance fee and feel heartbroken.

After the silence, Lin Fan didn't know whether he was convincing Yang Hongxia or himself: Although the other party is very sincere, I really don't have time next year to be a resident guest of a variety show.

But, that's 100 million, no, it's 200 million!

Lin Fan still felt a pain in his heart, and at the same time he was glad that he was not the one who faced this matter directly, otherwise he might not be able to reject the other party decisively like Yang Hongxia.

Yang Hongxia didn't know whether she was comforting Lin Fan or strengthening her determination: Yes, next year your new movie will be released, your new album will be released, and your own variety show will be released. The schedule is already full. There is no time to be a resident guest at all.”

Flying guests can still consider it, but that is not the price.

A small amount of 10 to 20 million is indeed not as important to Lin Fan now as doing his own business.

Oops, it still hurts.

Yang Hongxia decisively changed the subject: You haven't said anything yet, what did you do on other people's shows? It's worth the long trip?

More importantly, such a generous appearance fee was paid!

Yang Hongxia suspected that Lin Fan's appearance fee should be what they could get for this show, and all the investment was invested.

But in the eyes of the person in charge of the program, Lin Fan was worth the price, maybe even more, but it's a pity that they couldn't afford a higher appearance fee.

Lin Fan himself was also very curious: No, I just sang my third title song on the show according to the original plan. I really didn't do anything else!

Lin Fanfa four, this time I really have no skin!

When he participated in Hui Qiaodan's show before, Lin Fan played back a bit and adapted the other's song beyond recognition, and even made a hot search for it.

But this time, Lin Fan really didn't do anything!

Yang Hongxia still believed in Lin Fan on this point: Since you didn't do anything else, the problem appeared on your title song. By the way, what's the name of this song?


Lin Fan suddenly understood, I seem to know why.

Yang Hongxia:? You didn't know it just now, but now you know it?

Lin Fan suddenly smiled: I know what's going on. It's okay, anyway, Sister Xia has already rejected their invitation, and if there is another invitation like this in the future, Sister Xia, you'd better refuse it. Well, if you happen to I really can't refuse, you can think about it again...

If the other party's sincerity was so sincere that even Yang Hongxia couldn't refuse, then Lin Fan felt that he probably wouldn't be able to refuse either.

Yang Hongxia: No! Why did you suddenly talk about the future? Will there be such a good thing in the future?

And, what the hell do you understand?


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