Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

The first thousand and forty-four chapters Lin Fan was rubbed

In any case, once the trailer and the theme song Dark Fragrance were released, they immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet.

The theme song Dark Fragrance even made it onto the monthly chart of Tian Lai Music, closely following Lin Fan's second album's title song Sunny Day and Stupid Child, which once made people think that Dark Fragrance is the title song of Lin Fan's third album.

Otherwise, with Lin Fan's lazy temperament, how could he release three, no, four songs in a row in such a short period of time?

But if you want to say that this is the third title song, it seems wrong. Because Lin Fan will have an announcement for a music variety show next month.

If the third title song is released at this time, what song will Lin Fan plan to sing on the music variety show next month?

If not, then Lin Fan's turnover has really exceeded the limit during this period. From Blue and White Porcelain to Dark Fragrance, there are already four new songs.

During the promotion period of the new album, two new songs that have nothing to do with the album were released. This is the first time fans have seen such a show operation.

You must know that other singers, during the promotion period of the new album, wish to sing only one title song for three months, so that they can spread the title song of their album as much as possible and let more people listen to it. to achieve the best publicity effect.

Lin Fan's release of three title songs for an album has actually spread the promotional efforts very much. Unless they are very confident in each of their songs, ordinary singers would not dare to do this.

What about Lin Fan?

How dare he!

Lin Fanfei dared to release two additional new songs that had nothing to do with the album during the promotion period of the album. He was not at all worried that these two songs would distract the promotional effect of the album, and he was not worried that fans would misunderstand. These two songs are also on the album.

Because now the playlist of Lin Fan's new album has started to circulate on the Internet.

In these playlists, in addition to the two known title songs, Blue and White Porcelain and Sunny Sky, the most frequent occurrences are Stupid Child and Dark Fragrance.

There are also some other singers' songs inserted into it. Lin Fan seriously suspects that such a playlist is actually for other singers to hype themselves.

Concocted on purpose.

The purpose is to let Lin Fan's fans, when they search for these songs on the Internet, pay attention to themselves and their songs for the sake of the songs.

To put it simply, it is to rub Lin Fan's popularity.

To be honest, this is the first time fans have encountered such a thing of using their own songs and pretending to be Lin Fan's songs to make up an album playlist.

Many fans believed it was true, and went online to find various channels, hoping to hear Lin Fan's new song as soon as possible.

In the end, after a search, I realized that I had been deceived. This song was not Lin Fan's song at all, but a new song by a second- and third-tier singer I didn't know.

In order to look like Lin Fan's song, they also specially changed the title of the song to a style similar to Blue and White Porcelain and Sunny Day, which at first glance does feel a bit fake.

But after listening to it, I realized that this song is much worse than Lin Fan's, both in terms of quality and singer's singing level.

Gu Chou

It made fans feel as sick as eating a fly.

[Seeing it through or not, I'm still a good friend: My god, is there anyone in charge of this matter! I'm almost annoyed by these fake playlists, new playlists are pushed to me every day! At first I was a bit interested to see what was going on, but after being disgusted by a few songs, now I feel like throwing up when I see these playlists! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Is there no bottom line for these singers' enthusiasm? It's not embarrassing for them to use their own songs as ordinary new songs, but I'm embarrassed for them. 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Actually, you can’t blame these singers too much, because it’s probably not their own idea, but the agency’s fault, and it’s very likely that the singers don’t even know about it. Of course, such a thing is really uncomfortable. Now I don't believe in any playlists, and I just wait for the general new album to be released. 】


Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia had also heard about the fake playlist, but it was not easy to handle.

Directly posting an announcement saying that none of the playlists circulating on the market are Lin Fan's works, it seems a bit of a fuss. After all, some playlists are really for the netizens to entertain themselves, and the other part is the behavior of other singers.

But ignore it, it's disgusting.

The main reason is to ruin the popularity of the passers-by. If passers-by have a bad impression of Lin Fan's new album because of the fake playlist, wouldn't it be a waste of the previous publicity?

Although Lin Fan's current base is very large, and the situation of passers-by is also very good, but things like releasing an album still need publicity, and they still need to broaden the audience and increase their influence.

Otherwise, no matter how top singers are, if you release an album quietly, it will still be buried in the vast sea of ​​music works.

Even if your fans take the initiative to promote it for you, the effect will definitely not be as comprehensive and in-depth as the promotion arranged by the brokerage company, not to mention the sales, reputation and influence.

On the contrary, some songs of average quality, or bad songs, if there is a very good platform or a brokerage company behind them, then they can also become popular all over the Internet in a short period of time.

Although the popularity and influence of such songs are only temporary and cannot last long, the benefits gained during this period are long enough.

This is also an important reason why Internet celebrity songs, drool songs, and bad songs are rampant after some platforms are established: to make quick money.

Just like the leeks in the field, once a crop is cut, there will be another crop. Before the audience can react, the next crop will be freshly baked.

Such a fast-paced mode of operation is enough for the audience to maximize their profits before getting bored with a song, and then directly enter the next cycle.

However, being quickly bombarded by a large amount of homogeneous music and supported by a large amount of public opinion, it is difficult for the audience to distinguish the quality of a song in a short period of time, and they can only be led by the nose by the platform. After a period of time passed, I suddenly realized: what song did I listen to some time ago?

no impression!

This has also led to fewer and fewer classic works in the Chinese music scene in recent years: one is the lack of sufficient time to settle, but the speed of updating songs on the Internet is too fast, and the traditional music album model cannot compete with it at all. The album does not have a complete and perfect system.

Over time, the Chinese music scene can only gradually decline.

Fortunately, at this time, Lin Fan was born. With his music and talent, he withstood such pressure and brought a new atmosphere to the Chinese music scene!


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