Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1039 Is Brother Fan weak in succession?

Yang Hongxia has been paying attention to the trend on the Internet since the broadcast of this episode. As expected, the song Sunny Day has just been sung, and people on the Internet immediately started to play the rhythm.

[Chrysanthemums are blooming everywhere: Why do I feel that Brother Fan's Sunny Day is far inferior to the first title song Blue and White Porcelain? Be stingy, it sounds like it was written by someone who just graduated from a conservatory of music, Brother Fan couldn't just write a song just to make up for it, right? 】

The point is that there are still many people who agree with such remarks.

[The five elements lack a tendon: It is not impossible! What is the level of Blue and White Porcelain, if every song is of this level, wouldn't Brother Fan's album be a godsend? 】

[Fat House Happy Water in 1982: It may be because too much energy was spent on Blue and White Porcelain, which led to the lack of succession of other songs. Sigh, Brother Fan is also human, you can't hope that every song of Brother Fan is at the level of Blue and White Porcelain, right? Then other singers should mix it up? 】

This rhythm is still very level, every word and every word is concerned about Lin Fan's creation, and the core meaning expressed is also a discussion of the two title songs, as if there is no malice at all, not to mention that ordinary people can't see these people His intentions were unpredictable, and even Xiaoye was a little confused.

Is this rhythmic?

Yang Hongxia snorted softly: Otherwise? If you really want to discuss the merits of two songs, you should list the advantages and disadvantages of both, even if you prefer one of them, such as Blue and White Porcelain, you are generous. No one thinks what Fang said.

After all, modern society is still in the Internet age, and speech is still very free. But do you see what these people are saying? The level of Blue and White Porcelain is the level that Lin Fan should have, and Sunny Day is Lin Fan's perfunctory.

By the way, he stepped on other innocent singers. Why, could it be that if Lin Fange writes well, other singers can't get along? Then when Mr. Zhou Yuezhou and the others swept the music world, how could other singers survive?

Xiaoye was still at a loss: Sister Xia, you are amazing. You can analyze so much content from just a few comments like this.

Yang Hongxia coughed lightly: Cough! That's enough, don't be poor, take screenshots of these few messages, and send them to the fan group on a small account. The rest depends on how Wang Lingli and the others fight back. I believe they will not let you We are disappointed.

Yes, now Yang Hongxia has learned to use magic to defeat magic, and with the help of the fan support club, suppress the words and deeds of these black fans.

Are you not a black fan?

Then I'll let you see how real fans treat Lin Fan's two songs.

Don't you have rhythm?

Then I'll let you see what happens if you can't keep up the rhythm and your vest is uncovered.

Xiaoye had already logged into the trumpet, and took screenshots of Yang Hongxia's speeches of these rhythmic black fans, and sent them to Lin Fan's fan support group.

Wang Lingli and the others were still chatting about the song Sunny Day in the group. It was a little strange to see these screenshots suddenly.

But on closer inspection, fans totally get it.

[Tremble, mortals: Is this group of black-dressed fans coming to make trouble again? Really, I thought that after so long, this group of black fans had died down, and they were no longer looking for ordinary troubles. I didn't expect it to be revived, why not, this is an opportunity to take advantage of, and decided to come to deliver food? 】

[Splitting durians with empty hands: If I wasn't a general true fan, I would have been convinced by this argument. The level of the rhythmic person is very high this time, my big sword is already hungry and thirsty. 】

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Since everyone already knows what's going on, let's play freely. Just one principle, don't bully other artists, don't accidentally hurt your allies, and the most important thing is don't scold Fanfan! Don't do such things as taking the opportunity to secretly scold Fanfan and vent your anger by replying to black fans! Because it is true to hold grudges! 】

It's okay if Lin Fan didn't see it, but if he saw it, who knows how long this guy with a frighteningly good memory will hold grudges!

When you think that this matter is over and that it is impossible for Lin Fan to remember such a trivial matter, he might strike you back suddenly.

It's sour, whoever has tried it will know.

Xiaoye looked at Wang Lingli's emphasis through the phone screen, asking fans not to take the opportunity to step on Lin Fan's speech when responding to black fans, and fell silent: It turns out that Brother Fan's status in the hearts of fans is Such!

Gain knowledge!

On the Internet, Wang Lingli and other fans had just arrived at the scene, and when they were about to tear up these rhythmic black costume fans, they found that there was already a netizen spontaneously defending Lin Fan and Sunny Day.

[You can't put it in the trash can: Blue and White Porcelain is a very good song, but that doesn't prevent Sunny Day from being a very good song too! I don't know professional music theory knowledge, I only know that those songs that can resonate with the audience and that can be listened to endlessly are all good songs! 】

[If you want me to bow your head, then kneel down: If you have to speak from a professional point of view, I think Uneasy is Lin Fan's best Chinese song, but how many people can sing this song? How many people can understand the meaning expressed by Lin Fan? Not much!

A good song is professional, a good song is a good song, and a good song can bring back memories for everyone! So I say, Blue and White Porcelain and Sunny Day are both very good songs! 】

[Tractors can also drag garbage no matter how garbage: Blue and White Porcelain has its gorgeousness and restraint, just like the beauty of history flowing in time. Sunny Day has its fresh and nostalgic beauty, which evokes all the good memories of youth.

Each has its own merits, you like yours, I like mine, it’s up to you whether you like it or not, you don’t have to praise it, let alone rise to Fange’s creative level, because you are not qualified to comment on Fange’s creative ability. As the old saying goes, you do what you want! 】


Lin Fan's fans were all surprised: this year's netizens are very sober and rational, and their logic is also very smooth!

The black fans are very honest, and they give people a polite feeling of I'm reasoning with you, and there is no hostility to tear up x on the Internet. Seeing such speeches, even if you are not a fan of Lin Fan , can also be seen.

It's not like some idiot fans who tear x for the sake of tearing x, and say anything without thinking about it. Apart from ruining the popularity of passers-by, it has no effect at all.

By the way, it also lowered the reputation of the artist. Not only passers-by don't like such fans, but the fan support club also doesn't welcome such members. Artists and management companies are even more troubled by such fans.

Therefore, fans like Lin Fan's fans, who are organized and disciplined, have strong combat effectiveness and can control the situation of tearing up the x, do not affect other artists, and do not arouse the disgust of passers-by, are the most popular existence in the entertainment circle.

But now, even passers-by are starting to develop in this direction. How can Wang Lingli and others not be surprised by how calmly, rationally, and politely retorted in the face of deliberately rhythmic black-dressed fans?


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