Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter One Thousand and Thirty Half Price of the Second Cup

During Lin Fan's rare few days of leisure, Yang Hongxia was busy like a dog.

The main reason is that Lin Fan managed to reveal that he wanted to be on a variety show and wanted to promote his new album. He had sent a round of invitations to Lin Fan for both famous and unknown variety shows in China.

Since Lin Fan's song Blue and White Porcelain became popular all over the Internet in the program Music Fellow Travelers, other variety shows have become even more jealous.

If everyone sent invitations to Lin Fan with the attitude of giving it a try at the beginning, then after Blue and White Porcelain swept across China, these variety shows really wanted to come to the door directly and tie Lin Fan to their own shows.

Of course, it is definitely not possible to do this, but everyone really wants to invite Lin Fan over, so what should we do?

The only thing left is to keep harassing Yang Hongxia.

Although Yang Hongxia's status in the circle is different now, she still has many artists under her command. Lin Fan can become popular without any resources, so Yang Hongxia's other artists will always be needed, right?

After all, there is only one Lin Fan, and his success cannot be replicated. The other artists of Earthman Studio were able to hold Lin Fan's thighs to go to higher places, but they couldn't follow Lin Fan's old path.

Therefore, their demand for external resources still exists.

So various variety shows simply came to buy one get one free, as long as you, Lin Fan, are willing to participate in our show, we will give you a few spots, and let you bring your artists over to make a debut.

Is three enough?

If not enough, then five!

It doesn't matter if the whole program is made into a special event of your earthling studio, as long as Lin Fan can come!

Such a condition was so favorable that even Yang Hongxia couldn't help being tempted, and almost agreed impulsively. Fortunately, at the last moment, Yang Hongxia regained her reason and declined the other party's kindness.

But after the refusal, the inner regret and depression couldn't be vented, so Yang Hongxia went to Lin Fan specifically: Are you really not going to participate in a few more variety shows?

Lin Fan wondered: Didn't we agree, one title song and one variety show?

Yang Hongxia is really regretful: But people say that you can bring anyone on the show as you like, and there are a total of five places! There are only three artists in our studio.

You can also bring two more Xiaomengxin by the way!

Lin Fan realized: No matter what status, power, and confidence an emotional woman has gained, she still can't help being tempted by the half-price second cup or buy one get one free dessert drink!

Yang Hongxia: Is this the same thing as dessert drinks? !

Lin Fanyu earnestly persuaded Yang Hongxia: Sister Xia, is it because our company has too little business? Or is it that the scripts are not enough? If you have time to fix these nonsense, why don't you hurry up and shoot all the scripts in your safe.

By the way, have you started preparations for Gu Xi and Xiao Bao's movie? How is the process going, when is it expected to start filming?

Are there enough actresses in the company? I don't ask for a Gongdou drama to be full of our company's actors, but at least we have to support the starring team, right? Are these things resolved?

You just want to go to variety shows in your spare time?

Yang Hongxia was questioned by Lin Fan all the time, and her head was swollen: Stop, stop! The movie of Gu Xi and Xiaobao is already in preparation, and it is expected to start shooting after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month next year. Don't worry about that, I am more concerned than you! I am afraid that you will not be able to spare time to make the movie.

As for the company's actresses, I also recruited a few, but I looked a little immature, thinking about tempering them first. If you are in a hurry to shoot Gongdou drama, you can do it now. It's just that these children are newcomers, if they become popular too quickly, I'm afraid they will go away.

Although in my hands, they can't make any troubles, but if they can make a fortune with Harmony, why bother to overwhelm them? Do you have any questions, Director Lin?

Lin Fan put on a straight face: No more, I'll go and see how my film is doing in post-production.

You've already dealt with everything, what can I say?

Yang Hongxia smiled and said, I'm going too!

The two headed towards the animation studio together.

The person in charge of staying at the animation studio this time is not Liang Wen, but another person in charge. Liang Wen is still busy shooting TV dramas at the moment, and has no time to come back to supervise the post-production of the film.

When the person in charge saw Lin Fan and Yang Hongxia coming together, he knew that these two big shots were for the post-production of the new film, so he directly brought them to the workshop where the special effects rendering was being made, and showed them the current progress.

This part of the special effects is based on the collection of the actors' own body data and combined with post-production. Although the whole process is relatively slow, the effect is very good.

Director Lin, Mr. Yang, you see, these special effects actions are comparable to real people, and the switching between reality and special effects can give people a more fantastic impression.

I can assure you that you will be very satisfied with the final results.

Although Yang Hongxia didn't understand the professional knowledge involved, as an audience who had been spoiled by Lin Fan, she could still tell at a glance whether the special effect was good or not.

As the person in charge of the animation studio said, the special effects of this part are produced by collecting the real data of the actors, and then combined with the post-production model. The overall movement is smooth and real, and it feels very good, as if it is real.

For such a fantasy movie, this special effect alone is worth the fare.

In addition, this is a movie written, directed, and even starred in by Lin Fan himself. Even if it does not have the connotation of love that spans life and death like Titanic, as a commercial blockbuster, it is worthwhile. All expected.

What's more, this is still a series of movies.

This is the first series of movies launched by Earthman Studio, commercial blockbuster, fantasy theme, these labels are enough to explain the status and value of this movie in Earthman Studio.

But at this moment, Yang Hongxia only cares about one thing, and that is: When will the overall special effects be finished?

In fact, Yang Hongxia would like to ask directly, when will it be released, and when will it be able to earn back the box office?

Uh... The person in charge glanced at Lin Fan, The special effects are relatively slow...

Lin Fan helped the person in charge to rescue him and said: This movie has many special effects, and the requirements are relatively high. If you sacrifice the advantages of special effects just to hurry up, I think it is not advisable.

Then he turned to the person in charge: I can give you the greatest freedom in terms of time, but I must not be sloppy in terms of results. And you can't keep procrastinating indefinitely, after all, you have to complete all the work within the deadline.

The person in charge wiped off a cold sweat: Understood, don't worry, Director Lin, Mr. Yang, we will definitely complete all the work within the deadline!


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