Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1028 In the future, if you are looking for a boyfriend, please follow my standards!

The ingredients in Xia Yan's villa are bought by his assistant Chen Yuan at the supermarket every once in a while. Occasionally, Xia Yan himself will change into casual clothes, put on a mask, glasses and a hat, and go to buy it himself in full gear.

Especially after Lin Fan returned to China, Xia Yan directly filled up the refrigerator at home, because Lin Fan likes to cook at home, and if there are not enough ingredients in the refrigerator, Lin Fan will be very troubled.

So after returning to the villa, as soon as Lin Fan opened the overcrowded refrigerator, he felt a strange sense of satisfaction spontaneously.

What to eat?

Xia Yan thought about it: Let's eat light food at night, do you want to live broadcast? Your fans probably haven't seen your live broadcast for a long time.

In the past, when Lin Fan was not so busy, especially when he lived in a homestay, he would broadcast a live broadcast to his fans from time to time.

There is no theme, and no purpose, just doing my own business while live broadcasting, chatting with fans in front of the screen from time to time, the atmosphere is harmonious and beautiful.

The point is that fans also like this kind of interaction very much. Every time Lin Fan broadcasts live, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room is never small.

Lin Fan also felt: It's been a long time since I've broadcast live to them, and I just happen to be cooking too, and they're so hungry.

The two hit it off immediately, Lin Fan was in charge of the content of the live broadcast, Xia Yan was in charge of the equipment, and without warning, the live broadcast started.

And the moment Lin Fan logged into his live broadcast account, a reminder message was sent directly to the mobile phones of all fans who set Lin Fan's live broadcast room as close attention.

【Ding! Lin Fan, whom you are following closely, is streaming live! 】

Usually live!

Lin Fan's fans were all very pleasantly surprised: What kind of fairy idol is this? It started the live broadcast without making a sound. There was no sign at all, and there was no publicity notice at all. If I hadn't been paying close attention to Fan Fan's account, I guess they will miss this live broadcast directly, right?

However, don't look at the complaints from these fans, but there is no shortage of joy in their hearts, and they will log in to their own accounts and enter Lin Fan's live broadcast room at a lightning speed.


In less than five minutes of Lin Fankai's live broadcast, the number of people in the live broadcast room started from zero and increased rapidly, and soon exceeded 500,000 online people.

And it's still rising.

And the fans also saw their beloved idol Lin Fan through the live broadcast, wearing casual clothes, wearing an apron, sleeves rolled up, bowing his head intently, chopping vegetables?

Well, it's very vague.

This is very Lin Fan's live broadcast style: he does his own thing, and doesn't care how many fans there are in the live broadcast room, and what they say.

The fans are already used to it. When they entered the live broadcast room, they greeted Lin Fan first, and then greeted each other. Some even took the opportunity to chat, as if this was not Lin Fan's live broadcast room, but a communication group for fans.

Finally, Lin Fan finished cutting the vegetables, looked up at the scrolling screen in the live broadcast room, and saw this sentence:

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: My parents are already urging the marriage. I used to be able to block my eldest brother, second brother, three cousins, four cousins, five, six, seven, eight cousins, but since I ended it myself After confirming their singleness, all relatives are now pointing the finger at me alone! Alas, if I knew this earlier, I wouldn't introduce them to someone! 】

The replies below were full of hahaha and serve it, which made Wang Lingli very angry: You women, I can see through you, one and two are gloating!

More importantly, Lin Fan was still throwing stones at this time: Then everyone has left their orders, and you are the only one left. If you don't urge you, who will you urge?


[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: ...]

So angry!

The thought of being confronted face-to-face by my favorite idol made me even angrier!

The other fans laughed even louder. Lin Fan looked at the hahaha all over the screen, and felt that his ears were filled with the laughter of those fans.

[Aunt Bohemian: Why did Fanfan suddenly want to broadcast live? But looking at Fanfan's appearance, it must be Yanyan who helped to take pictures with a mobile phone! 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Yes, yes, this is Yanyan's villa. Usually you can't do this, and you are almost a door-in-law. If you marry Yanyan, you will still be like this now, living in Yanyan's house? ? 】

[The beauty sees the same thing: That's right, Fanfan, you can't just urge our president, when will you and Yanyan get married? I remember that it has been two years since you proposed to Yanyan, are you still married? 】

As soon as this group of fans encountered this kind of thing against Lin Fan, they immediately became extremely united, and turned against the generals, and started to prompt Lin Fan and Xia Yan's wedding.

Wang Lingli was also very relieved, feeling that she hadn't treated these women in vain, but at this critical time, she could still be on her side.

As everyone knows, this group of fans actually just want to hate Lin Fan.

There's no way, it's okay to tease Lin Fan, it has become the muscle memory of the cooks, no matter what it is, talk to Lin Fan first.

In the future, no matter whether you can't beat it, or the situation is not good for you, you should be counseled or counseled.

And one is faster than the other.

Lin Fan wasn't afraid at all: Why am I panicking? I have a car, a house, and a fiancee. Our relationship is stable. We have plans for the future. Getting married is a step-by-step matter. But what about you? Do you have a partner? Have a goal? Is it? Is there a plan? The key is that I am only 25 years old, how about you?

Lin Fan asked three times in a row, like three sharp arrows, hitting the hearts of fans. The last rhetorical question directly broke the defense of the fans, killing them with one blow to complete the lore!

That's right, Fanfan is only 25 years old, and he has a good love career, what is he anxious about?

Not to mention that artists in the entertainment industry usually get married late, even the average person, at the age of 25 is a very good time, how many people are willing to be bound by marriage?

The fans suddenly didn't want to talk anymore: their hearts were pierced, they were cold and autistic!

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: You don’t want to start the live broadcast today to pierce our hearts, right? 】

Lin Fan said: How could it be? Before the live broadcast, I didn't know what topic you would talk about.

That's good!

But before the fans had time to comfort themselves, Lin Fan added another sentence: Today, I feel that I haven't cooked delicious food for Yanyan for a long time, and I want to make up for her. By the way, let me show you, an excellent What should a boyfriend or fiance look like?

Come, come, come, when you look for a boyfriend in the future, please follow my standard. I know it is difficult, but don't give up, maybe you will find it?

Fans: Can this idol still do it?

How can showing affection on the faces of fans is not enough, and you have to step on the broken hearts of fans to be reconciled?


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