Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1025 Only Brother Fan can defeat Brother Fan!

Overnight, the song Blue and White Porcelain also swept the entire China at a crazy speed.

This song can be heard everywhere in the streets and alleys, and the school's radio station also started to play this song on a loop, and even the major social platforms were overwhelmed by this song.

Especially those music critics, they are going crazy. One or two of them have published long speeches like writing a thesis, and they are all arguing how good the song Blue and White Porcelain is, and what is so good about it in the music world. What level is it.

A large piece of eloquent text can no longer satisfy these music critics' desire for expression, and some people specially recorded explanatory videos.

Fans and passers-by clicked in to watch the video out of curiosity, good guy, the commentary video took an hour and a half for a song that was only four minutes long!

This is really a bit scary, but the fans couldn't help but click on the commentary video with curious little hands.

As soon as the video came out, Huang Jie's fat round face appeared in front of the audience: Hi everyone, it's me again, the famous Lin Chuan Huang Jie. Friends who know me well know that when I'm here, you are Don't want to hear anyone say bad words about Fan Ge.

If everyone agrees with this point, then you should listen to me. If you don't agree, click the X in the lower left corner, walk slowly and don't send it, and don't come again in the future.

So are you ready, I'm about to start!

It has to be said that Huang Jie, the senior Lin Chui, is still very famous in the industry. Ever since Lin Fan released I Caught a Cold in That Corner, Huang Jie has become Lin Fan's loyal fan.

As long as it is Lin Fan's song, Huang Jie can praise it from head to toe in different ways, without repetition in the middle. But facing other singers on the market, Huang Jie was not so easy to talk about. Those who should be vicious were never ambiguous, and those who should be scolded did not use a single dirty word.

It is a well-known double-standard brand in China.

Coupled with the song Blue and White Porcelain, it is the title song of Lin Fan's new album that has been accumulated for two years. No matter how you look at it, it is an impeccable and perfect work.

This kind of work is simply Huang Jie's favorite, because even if you close your eyes and praise, you don't have to worry about making a mistake. What's more, this song has too many details, and there are too many places worthy of praise.

But Huang Jie understands that the general public can't understand something that is too professional, and it will make them feel bored because they don't understand it.

So how to boast is also particular.

So the first sentence from Huang Jie was: The word in the song Blue and White Porcelain that moved me the most is the word 'waiting'.

What are you waiting for? Azure is waiting for Misty Rain, and I am waiting for you. This lyric has a history.

We know that the most critical step in ancient porcelain firing is the firing process. The azure color is the pure color of the top-grade Ru kiln. There is a saying that azure is a very difficult color to make, and porcelain can only appear azure in misty and rainy weather conditions.

This kind of weather can not be met, we can only wait.

Moreover, the saying of azure also has a history.

Rumor has it that in ancient times the Ru kiln was exclusively used by the royal family. After the kiln officials fired the Ru kiln, they asked the emperor to name the color. When the emperor saw this beautiful porcelain, he swiped his pen and said, After the rain, the sky is blue and the clouds are clear, this color will be the future, so the sky blue color became the color name of Ru kiln porcelain.

Huang Jie's explanation of citing scriptures immediately raised the literary quality of the song Blue and White Porcelain by a large margin.

In addition, Huang Jie did a lot of homework, breaking down every line of the lyrics carefully, and explaining to the audience what techniques Lin Fan used here and what rhetoric he used there, as if he was going to write a song The song is interpreted as an excellent ancient prose.

The key is to have something to say, and every sentence is in place, so that this one-and-a-half-hour commentary video is not only not long-winded, but full of wit and wit, making people want to listen to it.

Moreover, the allusion about the sky is blue and waiting for the misty rain has become completely popular on the Internet, and it quickly spread throughout the Internet.

[Mengmeng rabbit: So there is such an allusion in the general lyrics? My god, I thought it was just for the rhyme of the lyrics, so I wrote it like this, so I misunderstood the generality! Fortunately, I didn't blindly publish my opinions on the Internet, otherwise it would be embarrassing right now. 】

[Tremble, mortals: Is the circle of singer-songwriters so crowded now? Don't know a little bit of historical allusion, unpopular knowledge, are you not worthy of writing lyrics? Facing an all-around player like Fan Ge, I just want to say that other singer-songwriters are too difficult! 】

[See through or not, or good friend: Come on, Brother Fan, is he an ordinary singer-songwriter? Brother Fan is a literati! Do literati understand, someone who can write a Journey to the West in ancient Chinese, and can make Huaxia officially announce that this book will be included in the list of must-read extracurricular books for students! Do you compare Brother Fan with ordinary singer-songwriters? Singers are going to cry! 】


As soon as this news came out, everyone suddenly realized: Yes, Lin Fan is still a pure singer-songwriter!

This guy seems to have completely become the successful person that everyone dreams of: making a movie, the movie is a big hit;

The above can also make everyone comfort themselves, saying that they are all within the scope of the entertainment industry, and even if they do something, it is not too much.

But Lin Fan still wanted to write piano pieces, concertos, draw comics, and write—the ancient Chinese version—and all of them succeeded. Just say, is it annoying or not?

So, pity the other singer-songwriters, let Lin Fan be expelled from the circle of singer-songwriters, it's good for this guy to be in the cultural circle by himself, anyway, in the circle with him, no one is his opponent.

At the end of Huang Jie’s video, he made a summary: “In the category of pop music, the pop songs of ‘Hua Guofeng’ are popular all over China as a unique music form.

The influence of the song Hua Guofeng cannot be underestimated. It has changed the traditional concept of music in people's minds. Of course, the popularity of Hua Guofeng is due to musicians represented by Lin Fan, who updated the concept of popular music and presented a perfect music feast to the public.

Nowadays, the songs of Hua Guofeng affect the music appreciation level of most young pop music lovers, and also promote the inheritance and development of Guofeng songs.

And the song Blue and White Porcelain will undoubtedly be the pinnacle of the Hua Guofeng songs at this stage. As for whether someone will be able to break Fan Ge's record and write better national style songs in the future, I will wait and see.

However, there is a saying that I have always said! Only Brother Fan can defeat Brother Fan!


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