Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1020 This is Lin Fan's influence!

It must be too late to join the variety show now, because Music Fellow Travelers has just finished recording Lin Fan's episode, and it has not been edited in the later stage, so it is announced directly that the special guest of the next week's show will be Lin Fan!

At this time, Earthman Studio also officially announced that Lin Fan is about to release a new album, and is now officially entering the promotion period for the title song of the new album.

And Music Fellow Traveler is Lin Fan's first stop to promote the title song of his new album. Next, Lin Fan will continue to participate in two other music variety shows, as well as other types of variety shows that are more famous in China.

In a word, Lin Fan is open for business!

Lin Fan's fans immediately became excited as if it was a New Year's Eve.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Sprinkle flowers! new album! Title song! Music Variety Show! Woohoo, I was able to wait for the chance to release Fan Fan's second album in my lifetime. I thought Fan Fan decided to quit the music scene, and I will only be a filmmaker from now on! 】

[Tremble, mortals: Me too! I thought that I would never be able to introduce Fan Fan as an excellent singer-songwriter to others, and I could only call him Director Lin. Unexpectedly, Fan Fan still remembered that he was a musician! 】

[Splitting durians with empty hands: I'm about to cry, really, seeing that Fanfan is about to release an album, I really can't hold back! Ordinarily, you still know that you released an album, you still know that you are a musician, and you still know that you need to make songs? Do you know how long we waited for your second album? 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Sisters, stop scolding, be careful if you scold Fanfan hard, he should cancel the album release plan again, and it's not the first time that Fanfan has done something like skipping tickets. Our own fans of idols, what else can we do, admit it! 】


Uh, yes, Lin Fan's fans expressed their excitement differently from other fans.

Other fans shouted excitedly, Brother, you are the best, we will always support you!

The fans of Lin Fan's family were all cursing, or simply crying, in short, they looked special, individual, and heart-rending.

But this can't be blamed on the fans. After all, the interval between Lin Fan's two albums is too long. It is almost as long as a singer with a short flowering period. It ended without a sound.

But if you want to say that Lin Fan doesn't work hard, he shines in the field of film and television dramas, and has achieved things that no one else can do, and achieved unprecedented achievements.

You have to say that Lin Fan has forgotten that he is a musician. He has continuously released excellent songs in film and television dramas and various variety shows.

But if you say that Lin Fan worked hard enough, this guy just won't release an album!

This kind of feeling, a road that requires you to walk a hundred steps to reach the end, you only find out after you walk ninety-nine steps that the last step is a mud pit, whether you really step on it or not step on it.

Not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Well now, Lin Fan finally remembered that he was still a musician who had only released one album, and decided to make up for this shortcoming, and was about to release a second album.

How can this make fans unhappy, unhappy, not excited?

Not to mention anything else, just because it was the first music variety show that Lin Fan chose to participate in, the show Music Fellow Travelers was directly searched by netizens.

The show's official account gained millions of new followers overnight. For the content of the next episode of the program, the expectation value on the Internet has also directly increased by 90 degrees.

This was all brought by Lin Fan.

This is Lin Fan's influence.

Those new-generation musicians who had a competitive mentality because Lin Fan had disappeared from the music scene for too long, seeing this posture, couldn't help being unconvinced by the idea, chewing it and swallowing it.

I can't afford it, I can't afford it at all!

This Lin Fan's passer-by is bigger than my basic one! Several times bigger, how is this compared?

In short,

In this way, Music Fellow Travelers also ushered in the most attention-grabbing moment since its broadcast, which made the program group excited and apprehensive, for fear that the program would not be edited well, causing the traffic to become arsenic, and directly giving the entire program worn out.

Therefore, the chief director team sat down in person, watched the post-production to complete the entire program, then held a meeting for review, and then re-edited...

This cycle went on and on, and overtime was added to the day before the show was released, which was considered to have achieved the effect required by the director.

But at this moment, there is only one thought in the later stage's heart: Lin Fan, don't come!


At 8 o'clock on Friday night, the Lin Fan special session of Music Fellow Travelers was finally broadcast on time under the high expectations.

The show had just started, and the theme song hadn't even been sung yet. Countless bullet screens swarmed in, directly blocking the entire show screen, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

[Tiansheng Yuji Wang: Finally! Finally, I can post barrage while watching ordinary programs again. I really miss the time when I participated in the Sounds of Nature program. 】

[Mengmeng rabbit: Sounds of Nature is really a masterpiece of a singer-songwriter show! The first issue directly confers the gods! But the quality of the later ones can't keep up with the quality of the first issue, what a pity. 】

[The old man's name is messed up: Hey, hey, this is Music Fellow Traveler, please don't watch other programs here, okay? Do you understand respect? 】

[Climacteric girl: Check in! As long as it's a regular show, there's nothing bad about it! What's more, there is Liu Zhengyan and Mr. Liu here. Mr. Liu and Fanfan are old friends. I really look forward to seeing the stage where the two of them cooperate. It must be very interesting! 】


There are too many barrages, even to the point that if you don't turn off the barrage switch, you can't see any screen.

Lin Fan's fans regret that they can't watch the show while posting barrage. But in order to enjoy the program well, I had to reluctantly close it: After all, after watching the content of the program, you can open the barrage and watch it again!

Anyway, as long as it is a program that Lin Fan participated in, these fans will not get tired of watching it a thousand times.

On the contrary, the fans of the show itself felt very upset, feeling that Lin Fan's arrival had ruined the original atmosphere of the show.

Especially Lin Fan's fans, they were too arrogant. Among the bullet screens, one thousand and one out of a thousand were all posted by Lin Fan's fans.

It would be fine if they were discussing the content of the program, but they discussed everything, but it didn't match the program at all, and they looked like people who had never watched the program.

Variety show fans are of course not happy.

But the quarrel was not as loud as Lin Fan's fans - their number was too large, and as soon as the sound of protest came out, they were drowned out by countless bullet screens, and there was not even a splash.

What else can I do if I am inferior to others?

Endure it!

But the fans of the variety show took a deep breath: I want to take a good look at how capable you are, Lin Fan, and let the entire program group and all the guests have to revolve around you!

I like that the brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, please bookmark: () The brokerage company closed down before I came on stage, and the update speed is the fastest.

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