Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1013 What award should I give Lin Fan?

A very headache for the China Film Association recently: what kind of award should be given to Lin Fan?

China's three major film awards, the Hundred Awards are also called the Audience Award, and the major awards are all voted by movie audiences; the Huazhang Award, also known as the Official Award, is officially organized by China to encourage the development of films and reward outstanding filmmakers. Filmmakers are encouraged film awards.

The Golden Film Award, also known as the Expert Award, is an award committee composed of experts in the film industry, and the awards are voted by experts. It is also the most authoritative and professional film award in the Chinese film industry.

And with the quality of Lin Fan's Titanic, no matter which award it is, it should be a full reward.

However, this kind of return with a full load is the honor that Lin Fan and Titanic deserve, and it cannot show the recognition of Lin Fan's achievements by the Film Association.

If one had to find an award from the existing awards that could match Lin Fan's achievements and also represent the importance that the China Film Association attached to Lin Fan, it seemed a little difficult.

As a last resort, the Film Association held an important meeting with the theme: What award should I give Lin Fan?

The participants who got the theme of the meeting were silent: the theme looked like a joke, but it was very practical, and it accurately conveyed the problems that the Film Association was facing to every member participating in the meeting .

It can only be said that the Chinese language is really broad and profound!

Ahem! The host of the meeting coughed dryly, drawing everyone's attention, and then said seriously, I think everyone already knows what the theme of our meeting is. There will be no minutes of this meeting. Everyone You can say whatever you want.

Our purpose is only one, and that is to solve the difficult problems raised by the theme of the meeting. I very much welcome creative ideas and speeches, don't be restrained, only brainstorming can solve problems!

No meeting minutes!

That's a lot to say.

The person in charge of the Baijia Awards was the first to say: How about the Special Contribution Award? As the name suggests, Lin Fan has made such an outstanding contribution to Huaxia Film, and this award is specially presented in recognition of Lin Fan.

Then why not directly award the Outstanding Contribution Award? The person next to him began to pick out the words, Special Contribution and Outstanding Contribution sound similar, but it is obvious that the Outstanding Contribution Award affirms Lin Fan's achievements more positively.

It also better represents the attitude of the Film Association.

The representative of the Golden Film Awards felt: Aren't these two awards a little perfunctory? If you want to give it, just give it a lifetime achievement award!

The person in charge of the Huazhang Award immediately shook his head: The Lifetime Achievement Award is an award given to those who are at the level of Taishan Beidou in the film industry. Lin Fan is so old, so he will directly award this award.

Not to mention, if Lin Fan makes a better and more influential movie than Titanic in the future, then what awards can we give him?

The person in charge of the Baijia Award also agreed: That's right, this award was awarded at once, so what other awards can we give to Lin Fan in the future?

The representatives of the Golden Film Awards all laughed: What about the future? Now let's get over this difficulty first!

One sentence made everyone silent: Yes, it will be later! If you can't pass this level immediately, what is there to do next?

In the future, maybe Lin Fan will attend all Blue Star film award ceremonies in the future, and these film awards from Huaxia may not be in his eyes.

At that time, even if the Huaxia Film Association held the awards in front of Lin Fan and asked him to choose whatever he wanted, Lin Fan might not have the time to pick one.

But there is a problem that has to be faced: If all the awards that can be awarded to Lin Fan are given out this time, what should I do if Lin Fan will no longer participate in the award ceremony held by Huaxia?

The participants couldn't help but look at each other: This kind of thing is really bad!

Because there is a lesson learned from the Golden Melody Awards, and this lesson is now in Lin Fan's studio, it's hard to say that Lin Fan won't be spoiled by someone.

I didn't see Lin Fan didn't even attend the Golden Melody Awards in the last two years?

Lin Fan has not won all the awards of the Golden Melody Awards yet, and he has already begun to lose much interest in the Golden Melody Awards. If Lin Fan won too many movie awards this time with Titanic, then Lin Fan What should I do if I don't participate in Huaxia's film award ceremony in the future?

This is also a very headache for the Film Association.

At this time, a representative of the director suggested: How about we set up an award specially for Lin Fan? For example, the Outstanding Contribution Award, the Annual Box Office Award, the Annual Most Influential Award, etc.

When everyone heard it, they immediately felt: This proposal seems to be feasible!

Setting up an award specifically for Lin Fan not only solved the theme of the current conference, but also kept the attractiveness of the Huaxia Film Awards - Lin Fan was not allowed to take all the awards at once, which led to Lin Fan not coming to the awards ceremony in the future.

And this award can also be set as a regular award. Of course, when it is awarded to others, it must be based on Lin Fan's achievements when he won the award. Only those who have reached or exceeded Lin Fan's performance can receive this award.

In this way, it also ensures the high quality of this award, and it will not be reduced to a consolation prize that anyone can receive.

So everyone began to have heated discussions on what the name of this newly established award should be, how to interpret the awarding criteria so that it can perfectly match Lin Fan's current state, and how to operate it in the future.

The atmosphere of the meeting was extremely warm, and the overall trend was also developing in a good direction. Only Director Su, who is the representative of outstanding film directors, was as quiet as a chicken throughout the whole process, silently paddling the water.

Director Yue, who is also a representative of excellent film directors, expressed his opinions a few times, and then found that Director Su was silent, so he could not help but touch him quietly: What's wrong with you?

Why have you been silent?

Could it be that Lin Fan is so valued by the Film Association, but he has emotions in his heart?

It shouldn't be, Director Su is still very arrogant, and he will never feel jealous just because someone's film performance exceeds his own.

Moreover, in this circle, the replacement is not to say fast, but there are always things that the back wave shoots the front wave, and if one is not careful, it is likely to produce a work of lower quality. If things go wrong, you must have emotions. Then, every year in this circle, many people would piss themselves off to death.

Director Su lowered his voice and replied: It's nothing, I just feel that the combined box office of our group of people is not as high as that of Lin Fan alone, and yet we sit here and talk about giving awards to Lin Fan...


This sentence is so heartbreaking!

Director Yue immediately understood why Director Su kept silent, because after hearing this sentence, Director Yue also closed himself off.

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