Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1005 Jack Lin! You jump, I jump!

After arranging all this, Lin Fan will take the crew to fly to various places in Blue Star to do a road show promotion for Titanic.

Although Lin Fan is very confident about this movie, he feels that no matter which country or region it is in, it can reap considerable box office results—after all, this movie has been tested by the people of the earth, and it set a record of 1.8 billion in that year. A miracle at the box office, $$$!

Want to know how much was a movie ticket at that time?

And this record was not broken by another work Avatar by the same director until 2009.

And this movie was also nominated for 13 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actress in 1998. With 11 awards including best film and best director, it can be said to be the biggest winner of the night.

So Lin Fan still had some mental preparations for the popularity of this movie in overseas markets, but Lin Fan still underestimated the charm of this movie.

As soon as he got off the plane, Lin Fan was startled by the fans outside the airport who came to pick him up!

Looking around, it was full of people, everyone was holding Titanic support materials in their hands, and above the airport hall, there were Titanic posters, and Titanic was playing in the airport hall on a loop. The Nickelodeon theme song.

This airport seems to be the scene of the Titanic event, rather than a transportation hub.

As soon as the enthusiastic fans saw the appearance of the crew members of Titanic, they burst into enthusiastic cheers and almost toppled the roof of the airport!

Ruth! Ruth is so beautiful, I love you!

Jack, I'm the king of the world!

Jack Lin! You jump, I jump!


Lin Fan: ...Very well, it seems that my English name has been decided by you without authorization.

The crew went through untold hardships before they squeezed out of the airport, took the special car that had been arranged earlier, and headed all the way to the hotel they booked.

But along the way, the promotion of Titanic can be seen everywhere. Even when we arrive at the hotel, the song My Heart Will Go On is still played in the hotel lobby.

This shows the popularity of this movie overseas.

As soon as they entered the hotel, Lin Fan and Helen were surrounded by the hotel staff, signed autographs and took photos together, and were hugged by many female fans.

Soon, customers of the hotel found out that the crew of Titanic was staying, and they also came to ask for autographs and group photos.

The news was spread from one to another, and soon the nearby residents also knew about the arrival of Lin Fan and others. Fortunately, the hotel's security measures were relatively complete, and no outsiders were allowed to disturb Lin Fan and the others.

Otherwise, Lin Fan would have to consider changing hotels overnight.

After finally dealing with all the fans, Lin Fan and the others went back to their respective rooms to rest for a while before rushing to the road show.

Because this overseas road show is very tightly arranged, don't even think about taking a good rest. For the sake of the box office, everyone has to go all out to promote this movie.

The time to stay in one place will not exceed 24 hours, so you can only catch up on the way to the next event city to supplement sleep.


The road show scene was more lively than Lin Fan imagined, as if all the residents of the whole city had come to participate in this event.

Because the sharp-eyed Lin Fan saw that there were still people holding babies, gray-haired old people, and children who did not know if they were ten years old. Of course, young people were the most, but it was enough to prove that the audience of this movie Extensive, covering audiences of all ages.

Lin Fan just had a doubt, can such a young child watch this movie? What about the rating system? The key is to understand?

It's just that now is not the time to think about this issue, because the road show has officially started.

Welcome, Ruth and Jack from Titanic!


When the host gave a welcome, there was a burst of screams that resounded through the sky, and Lin Fan and Helen also stepped onto the stage amidst the screams of everyone.

Hi everyone, I'm Lin Fan who plays Jack.

Hi everyone, I'm Helen who plays Ruth.


Well, Lin Fan found out that all Blue Star fans are the same. When they get too excited, they are speechless and can only scream to vent their inner excitement.

But it proves how strong everyone's love for this movie and the protagonist in the movie is, so strong that words can no longer bear it, and can only be expressed with the most primitive voice.

The heroine, Helen, has become a well-known overseas actress, from a second- and third-tier actress to a first-line popular actress.

In addition, Helen is a native of the beautiful country and has the home court advantage, which makes it easier to gain the favor of local fans. If Lin Fan hadn't held the dual identities of leading actor and film director at the same time, he might not be able to stabilize Helen's head.

Of course, every time the song My Heart Will Go On is played, everyone will find out that Lin Fan is also the creator and singer of this song!

This discovery made the movie fans even more pleasantly surprised. They didn't need anyone to lead them, and they sang this song with Lin Fan automatically and consciously. It was destined to leave a deep impression on the entire music scene:

Every night in my dreams

every night in my dreams

I see you I feel you

see you, feel you

That is how I know you go on

that's why i understand you

Far across the distance and spaces ;us

Across the spaces and distances of our minds

You have come to show you go on

show me your coming

Near far wherever you are

No matter where you are

I believe that the heart does go on——

I firmly believe that hearts are together—

This song was released in advance of the movie. At that time, everyone hadn't seen the movie, but they were already moved by the song itself.

The release of the movie has become the best commentary for this song, allowing everyone to understand the fiery love that transcends life and death behind this song, and it has added infinite charm to it.

While Lin Fan was singing, the big screen behind him played the highlights of Titanic, especially in the second half of the song, as Lin Fan's singing suddenly rose, the hull of the Titanic appeared on the big screen The picture of falling into the deep sea.

The fans at the scene couldn't help exclaiming, but more people followed Lin Fan's rhythm and sang loudly the love that will never change until death:

You're here there's nothing I fear

I have nothing to fear with you

And I know that my heart will go on

I know if my heart is with you

We'll stay forever this way

be together forever

You are safe in my heart

live in my heart

And my heart will go on and on—

My heart will always be with you—

By the end of the song, everyone at the scene had already burst into tears without knowing it.

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