Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 1003 Li Xiaodong, can you still do it?

Li Xiaodong didn't expect that Titanic was currently being screened, so he received a notification from the company to join a film crew, and he played the leading actor!

Li Xiaodong is already very familiar with this kind of pie in the sky. After all, after staying in the Earthman Studio for a long time, you will find that an opportunity that others dream of is completely a matter of Lin Fan's fingers here. .

If it is said that Li Xiaodong was a little self-motivated before—after all, if he can’t make a name for himself, he has to go home and inherit billions of dollars—but after being hit by Lin Fan in all directions, Li Xiaodong has completely recognized it. With my own abilities, I clearly know where my limit is, and I also understand which direction I should work hard towards.

Coupled with the resources that the company has always allocated to him, if this fails to catch fire, then it is really his own destiny, and he will not be a big hit.

After all, in this circle, there has always been a wise saying: a small fire depends on support, and a big fire depends on fate.

How many resources are there - for example, the c position of a certain group back then, how many resources the company gave to him, but it has never been popular, and now the money is gone, and the people have completely disappeared.

And how many little transparents—for example, Lin Fan, who wanted resources but no resources, and wanted connections but no connections, because of his personal traits—laziness, became popular and became the biggest winner of that year's draft.

To be honest, Li Xiaodong has always been very glad that Lin Fan did not debut in a group, otherwise, according to Star Entertainment's piss, Lin Fan would not be able to get rid of this group of vampires unless the company squeezed out the last trace of residual value.

Lu Bingyang is the best example.

Of course, Lin Fan wasn't that easy to bully, and he would end up hurting both sides in a head-to-head encounter. At that time, Lin Fan will spend more time and energy if he wants to achieve his current achievements.

But none of this happened, Brother Fan was still the same Brother Fan who was unrestrained and unrestrained, and the C who was so vague that people couldn't even remember his name also completely quit the entertainment industry.

As for myself, holding Brother Fan's thigh, I am living a happy life.

With such a mentality, Li Xiaodong joined the group, and then was completely abused by Liang Wen.

Li Xiaodong, you have relaxed a lot recently. I remember that when you joined the group last time, your performance was very natural. Why are you so coy and restrained now?

Li Xiaodong, can you still do it? Didn't I tell you about this scene, why still can't grasp the point?

Li Xiaodong, look at how much time you have wasted everyone by yourself? Zhou Xiang passed one every time,

Why can't you pass it twice or three times?


Li Xiaodong: ...It feels right that Brother Fan is swearing at people.

Director Liang has been with Brother Fan for so long, and he has even learned the essence of Brother Fan's swearing, which makes people dare not look directly at him.

But scolding is scolding, there is no director on the set who doesn't scold others, Li Xiaodong also understands that Liang Wen scolded him for his own benefit, and it is true that he did not meet the requirements, so it is not to blame Liang Wen for getting angry.

Taking a step back, it is better to be scolded by the director on the set than to be scolded by the audience after the movie is released.

Therefore, Li Xiaodong's attitude is very good. In his spare time, he also consulted Liang Wen, Zhou Xiang, and other actors in the crew for advice and learning.

Most of the actors who can join this crew can be counted as members of the Earthman studio. In addition, Li Xiaodong and Zhou Xiang are currently the main artists promoted by the company, and everyone is determined to sell well.

One side sincerely asks for advice, the other side intends to sell well, the two hit it off and get along very happily. Although Li Xiaodong's progress cannot be described as fast, it is still obvious to all.

When the footage was taken back to the company, Lin Fan, Yang Hongxia, and Wen Hongjun watched Li Xiaodong's performance together, and they all felt: Yes, Li Xiaodong's progress is still obvious.

Based on the current state of filming, this movie will definitely not be bad.

Li Xiaodong's face is also very advantageous. He is full of youthfulness. He doesn't look like someone in his twenties at all. He looks like he has just grown up.

Wen Hongjun was right. Li Xiaodong's biggest advantage was his face. It looked like he had never been beaten by society since he was a child. With the innocence and straightforwardness unique to young people, he gave people a very comfortable impression.

Therefore, there is no sense of disobedience in playing such a juvenile role.

Lin Fan also has a strong sense of youth, but unlike Li Xiaodong, Lin Fan prefers an upright appearance. And as Lin Fan's acting skills got better and better, and his experience gained more and more, this youthful feeling was gradually fading away and turned into the charm of a mature man.

In addition, Lin Fan's acting skills have been certified by the system, so there is no problem of transformation. But Li Xiaodong couldn't do it. He set himself up as a comedian at the beginning, and a Wulin Biography made his comedian image deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with Li Xiaodong's positioning for herself, and Yang Hongxia also recognized Li Xiaodong's plan for herself.

But, who made the Earthman Studio develop too fast, and the follow-up artist training can't keep up with the rapid development speed?

We can only sacrifice Li Xiaodong, let him adapt to more roles as soon as possible, and let the audience adapt to Li Xiaodong's multi-faceted nature as soon as possible, so that Li Xiaodong can stand up as soon as possible and become a root of Earthman Studio pillar.

Compared to Li Xiaodong who made people worry, Zhou Xiang made everyone feel much more at ease.

Zhou Xiang has a good image and temperament, better acting skills, and the most important thing is that he can endure loneliness. He didn't complain about the company's treatment of Yang Hongxia and Lin Fan because of his slow development.

On the contrary, Zhou Xiang is still down-to-earth to complete all the training tasks that Yang Hongxia entrusted to her. Even when fans feel that Zhou Xiang is not taken seriously in the Earthman Studio, she still sticks to her heart without a trace of impetuousness.

Faced with such an obedient and sensible child, Yang Hongxia still feels distressed: Shouldn't it be time for Zhou Xiang to start acting as the absolute heroine?

Lin Fan thought about it in his mind, the movies he had seen with better heroines—uh, none of them seemed to be suitable for Zhou Xiang, Zhou Xiang was still too young to handle such a role.

On the contrary, Lin Fan felt that there were a few movies that were quite suitable for Xia Yan to act in.

I have to go back and think about it and see if there is any suitable script.

It just so happens that when I go back, I get out the scripts of those movies that are suitable for Xia Yan, um, I will direct them myself when I go back!

Yang Hongxia didn't think too much, but felt that Lin Fan also needed time to conceive the script, so she nodded and said, Okay, then I'll wait for your good news.

Before the script comes out, it's better not to tell Zhou Xiang the news, so as not to affect the current shooting.


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