Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 999 The insane Lin Fan is too good at introversion!

Shock! The big ship in Lin Fan's new movie Titanic is real!

Desperate, Lin Fan spent huge sums of money to build the giant wheel, just to give the audience a better viewing experience

\u003cTitanic\u003e, Lin Fan once again staged a peerless love! This time it was not the heroine who died, but the hero!

Revealing the True Experience of the Heart of the Ocean in Titanic


Just after the premiere, news about Titanic has been released overwhelmingly. This time, the box office has not become the focus of everyone's attention.

Mainly Lin Fan's movies, the box office is not bad. Everyone has developed a certain resistance to Lin Fan's movie box office. No matter how amazing the figure is, it seems that it can no longer shock everyone.

So in this first wave of press releases, the media avoided the keyword box office and chose another news that could shock everyone: Lin Fan really built a big ship for filming!

You know, in the public perception, props are equal to fakes, and fake things are just a shelf, the kind that cannot be seen directly at all.

But Lin Fan was not. He could obviously make a boat with special effects, but he just spent a lot of money to transform it into a real boat that can be launched and sailed!

This kind of generosity, while being shocked and lamented by fans and audiences, was also scolded bloody by people in the industry!

How can you do this!

Why don't you all use props together? Why are you so showy?

How do we mess up in the future?

Is it really okay for you to be so introverted?

When you were filming Roman Holiday before, you, Lin Fan, were ingenious and used real jewelry worth tens of billions to make a big splash.

But that was borrowed after all, so forget it.

But now, you obviously can use props, but you don't need to. You insist on building a real ship to cause involution in the industry. What's your intention?

You let us use props in the future?

The filmmakers were very angry, feeling that they were obviously in a normal competition, but were dragged into this vicious competition by Lin Fan for no reason, and the depression in their hearts can be imagined.

In fact, what they don't know is that although the ship is a real ship, it was also shot in real time, but after the filming of Titanic, this ship was remodeled again, turned into another ship, and entered another ship. a crew.

What Lin Fan kept was the one-to-one restoration of the Titanic's shell.

However, there is no need to spread this kind of inside story to the outside world, and everyone will mistakenly think that Lin Fan built a boat just to make a movie.

Anyway, this is also true.

When the four of Xia Yan squeezed out of the premiere scene, it was already half an hour after the end of the movie. It was almost four o'clock in the morning, and the magic city was still brightly lit. The four of them had just watched such a crying movie. , and no sleepiness at all.

Lian Xiaoyu couldn't help but suggested, How about we go have a midnight snack?

To be honest, after watching a three-hour movie and fighting with the audience outside the movie theater, the journalists were exhausted physically, but their spirits were still very high.

So when Lian Xiaoyu suggested, Zhang Xinlan agreed: Yes, yes, I'm a little hungry too, let's go for a late-night snack?

Zhou Xiang couldn't make up his mind, so he could only focus on Xia Yan.

And Xia Yan showed a wry smile: Snack, there are already people treating guests, let's go directly.

Is there a treat?

The other three didn't realize it. They didn't tell others about going out to watch a movie by themselves. It's midnight, who else wants to treat themselves to supper?

But soon, they knew who the treat was.

Brother Fan! Zhou Xiang exclaimed directly.

Lian Xiaoyu shrank behind Xia Yan subconsciously,

But soon he remembered that he didn't seem to have anything to fear Lin Fan, so he puffed up his chest.


Zhang Xinlan looked at Xia Yan with doubts in her eyes: Didn't you say you hid it from Lin Fan?

Why did it turn out that Lin Fan invited us to have supper now?

And it seems that Lin Fan has known people like himself for a long time, and secretly came to attend his movie premiere!

so awkward!

Xia Yan looked at Lin Fan with puffed cheeks: Did you collude with Sister Xia and deliberately tease me?

Lin Fan smiled and gave his angry little daughter-in-law a big hug: There is absolutely no intentional teasing, I just want to see you having fun, and I just don't want to affect your mood.

It's definitely not that I'm worried that I will make myself sleep on the sofa when I go home because of my deliberate slap before the movie starts.

Huh— Zhang Xinlan rubbed her arms exaggeratedly, It's late at night, don't give us dog food!

Yes, yes, we are here for supper, don't you want to use dog food to deal with us!

Supper! Supper!

Seeing these three booing women, Lin Fan was too embarrassed to be too tired of talking to Xia Yan: Okay, supper! I've already made reservations, and this meal of yours is indispensable!

That's about the same. Director Lin's new movie is a big hit at the box office. We're going to eat the most expensive ones today. Anyway, no matter how you eat, you won't be poor!

Eat, eat hard, Lin Fan said, Because the money is still under my control, you open your stomachs to eat. When my wife takes care of the money, you won't have this opportunity to eat my food!

When the three of them heard Lin Fan's words, they couldn't help but look at each other, and then said in unison, Are you going to get married?!

Hush! Xia Yan was so frightened that she wished she could cover the mouths of these women, but unfortunately she only had two hands and couldn't cover three mouths.

Slow down! Xia Yan looked around and found that there was no one near their current position, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

The other three also became nervous like Xia Yan, for fear that someone would overhear what they just said.

Lin Fan looked amused at the thieves: What's the matter, marriage is not something you can't talk about, why are you so careful?

In addition, Lin Fan had no intention of hiding the news at all. When it came to getting married, of course he had to tell everyone openly, and then invite relatives and friends to the wedding. It was a lively event.

The idea of ​​hidden marriage has never appeared in Lin Fan's mind.

But Xia Yan felt: It's a good thing, but I hope that this news is announced by ourselves, not by those paparazzi guessing.

Xia Yan also has no idea of ​​a hidden marriage, but Xia Yan still hopes that this important news can be announced jointly by herself and Lin Fan, rather than from the media.

Lin Fan naturally agreed with Xia Yan's thoughts: Okay, listen to you.

Uh, the other three looked at me, and I looked at you, and agreed, Shouldn't you be eating this supper?

Lin Fan was surprised: Why didn't you eat it all of a sudden?

The three of them said in unison: The dog food is full, who can eat supper!

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