No wonder you don't want me to come in. It's really luxurious inside. When he stepped into the bathroom, the large bathtub and a circle of golden faucets inlaid with various gemstones made Emile couldn't help but admire it and was eager to try it out with anticipation.

There was no other way. With Emile's size, she basically said goodbye to the bathtub that could only be used to wash her feet. Therefore, no matter how particular she was about hygiene, she had to use outdoor ponds and rivers as bathing places, which caused trouble. It turns out that the pervert and the adventurer were not the same ones.

So it’s good to moisten it with hot water occasionally on weekdays, but have you ever seen such a big pool of hot water?

Moreover, the bathtub in front of her was big enough for ordinary people to swim in it, and it was more than enough room for her to take a bath, so she didn't care about teaching her daughter, she couldn't wait to step into the bathtub with her long legs, and then lay down on her back with a comfortable look on her face.

When the hot water embraced her body, the long-lost feeling of moisture made Emile involuntarily let out a contented moan, which made Del curl her lips.

Dale, who was sitting opposite Emile, was not in the mood to take a bath at all. However, due to her master's instructions, she still suppressed her anger and watched the unsightly woman floating on the water, moaning, and slapping her from time to time. Get out, the waves are hitting your face!

Before Del became so angry that she transformed into a patter and dragged her away, her mother, who was all soaked in pink, reluctantly climbed out of the bath and was interested in selecting different flavored olive oils in front of the shelf, and also said: The bed with a hole in the middle looks very ambiguous.

That's for massage. Dell said stiffly, but her rosy face and wandering eyes spoke volumes.

Haha, I'll teach you a few tricks next time. Emile said meaningfully, with a mock-like look that I had never seen before, which made Del even more jealous.

Emile walked out of the bathroom, her whole body covered with scented olive oil, and she looked even more gorgeous. Now she was beginning to envy her daughter for finding such a good man. After all, not many nobles could tolerate witches, and even fewer were willing to truly accept them. , most of them just wanted to take advantage of them, and it was normal to silence them afterwards, and countless witches died for this.

Not to mention that her daughter's man can provide such superior living conditions that she doesn't want to leave.

Thinking of this, Emile pulled on the loose robe and felt the softness next to her body, which made Emile even more satisfied.

Because of her special body shape, Emile couldn't buy suitable clothes at all, so she had to make her own clothes. But obviously her talent was not in this, so she often tied things up with cloth. She wore such close-fitting clothes. Haven't worn it for a long time.

After walking along the way and discovering that the destination was a greenhouse, Emile smiled and thought to himself that he was really a considerate person.

Owen placed the other party in the greenhouse. Firstly, he considered that the two were mother and daughter and it would be more suitable to live together. Secondly, he also wanted to lure the other party to stay, and the greenhouse was the key. Dale also knew this, so even if he was dissatisfied, he would She can only endure it, not to mention is her heart really as resistant as she appears?

Not everyone can be a dutiful daughter.

After entering the greenhouse, Del left angrily and closed the door with a bang, just like a child whose parents were having a tantrum. Emile didn't care about this. Instead, she recalled something and smiled happily.

Speaking of which, mother and daughter have not seen each other for more than ten years. Time flies so fast. The little girl back then has turned into a mature woman. She is just not stable enough and can't be too frizzy. It seems she still needs to be treated well. Teach her a lesson so she can go longer.

Emile didn't come with any agenda this time. She didn't even know that her daughters had changed to men. Instead, after sensing the awakening of her bloodline, she specially came to teach Del how to be a qualified witch.

Once a witch's bloodline is awakened, it is difficult to release magic power and is easily influenced by emotions to go to extremes. Therefore, someone must guide her on the right path. Otherwise, once the magic power is contaminated by negative emotions, it will in turn distort itself.

In addition, as her daughter, Del's potential is certainly not small. It is difficult to release magic power through ordinary methods, resulting in changes in body shape, so she rushed here in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, her daughter was emotionally unstable due to her bloodline awakening, and even she was tricked.

Thinking of this, Emile was also helpless. She didn't care who her biological daughter was.

After all, even though she is living a good life now, once her appearance changes, men will be unreliable. Emile knows this very well.

Wasn't she like this back then? If she hadn't left in time in the end, she might have ended up like those witches who died tragically.

But my daughter is really favored. It is said that this greenhouse was specially built for her. Before she could take a good look at it, her biological daughter knocked her down. Only then did Emile have time to visit this magical greenhouse. .

It actually uses a lot of space expansion magic, and it's still constant. It's really amazing. Moreover, many of the herbs here have never been seen before. Are they specially cultivated varieties or found from lost places? As a witch, Emile is good at brewing magic potions, so Emile is very familiar with herbal medicines. One can guess the effects of many herbs just by looking at them and smelling them. In comparison, Del is still a bit naive.

It was precisely because of her familiarity with herbal medicine that Emile was very interested in the new and unprecedented plants here, until she alarmed the magical animals here.

Strange magical creatures, and rare companion species. Emile was very interested in the bowtruckle, but soon the fluffy velvet and the gorgeous feathered witch bird attracted her attention. After all, women Either they like cute ones or beautiful ones, just like men always like young and beautiful ones.

At this time, the moon came out, and the Moon-Crazy Beast couple hiding in the cave came to dance in the moonlight with eyes as big as crystal balls. Although it was a bit weird, it had a special sense of beauty, which made Emile admire it for a long time.

Rare herbs, special monsters, there are really surprises everywhere here. Emile saw that some herbs were about to mature, and she was a little eager to try them, because everything on her body was taken away, and nothing was left. So I wanted to refine some magic potion, so that even if I fall out, I won't be without any means.

Distinguished guest, these herbs are not mature yet and are not suitable for picking. If necessary, you can go to Mrs. Dale's studio. The pothos strolled over and said to Emile who was about to reach out to pick.

Emile was not caught red-handed and realized what she was doing. Instead, she stared at the pothos in surprise.

Puppet? Elf? Magical creature? Emile admitted that she had gained a lot of experience, and what she saw and heard today shocked her.

My name is Green Luo. I am Mrs. Dale's maid. I assist her in managing the greenhouse. Now please let me take you to the bedroom. Green Luo said with a smile.

Compared to Ram, who has always been cold and cold, Pothos, which uses a lot of biochemical plant materials, obviously grows faster in some aspects, so Emile is becoming more and more interested in her. If the time and place were not wrong, I am afraid he would not take action. Shi had no choice but to follow the other party to a corner of the greenhouse.

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