Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 90 Big cucumber with thorns on top

According to extraordinary standards, the world of Onmyoji can barely be considered an intermediate level of magic, which is higher than the mysterious level of the world of Puppet Master. Therefore, Owen exchanged some books, which were not very valuable anyway, to enrich his library.

After browsing through it briefly, Owen had some understanding of Onmyoji.

In fact, the Onmyoji system is far less complete than that of Hogwarts, but those top shikigami, such as Tamamo no Mae, Inari God, Demon Sword Princess, Higanbana, etc., have abruptly raised the upper limit and appearance of the world, resulting in Owen can exchange for most things in Hogwarts, but he can only exchange for part of the Onmyoji world.

However, Onmyoji is also unique. Compared with the idealistic magic of Hogwarts, Onmyoji's use of spiritual power is simpler and more direct. It has six words: attack, defense, agility, healing, and sealing. , driven.

Because it is simple, it is more suitable for Owen, because even if you spend the progress points to redeem these skills, it will not cost much. It is not like the spells of Hogwarts. There are dozens of commonly used ones, let alone the less commonly used ones to keep up with the ancient magic. Curse, in addition to subjects such as transfiguration and potions, Owen would go crazy if all were redeemed with progress points, so he has been patiently studying by his own efforts.

But after seeing the simple and crude Onmyoji skills, Owen finally couldn't help it anymore. Since there was nothing that needed progress value recently, he exchanged the spiritual seeds.

Just like when the spiritual power was turned on, the spiritual power seeds quickly integrated into Owen's body, but before they could grow up, the spiritual power seeds were fused with magic power. Obviously, in terms of quality, at least in terms of tolerance, spiritual power is not as good as magic power. Therefore, he merged into the magic without any resistance.

Of course, it may also be related to the fact that the spiritual power seeds come from the system and will not have a negative impact on him.

After fusing the spiritual power seeds, Owen's upper limit of magic power has not been increased, but he has the attributes of spiritual power.

Just because of the lack of comparison, he didn't know what level his magic power belonged to in this world, and what quality it belonged to.

Even though Maya and Del both have the ability to cast spells, Maya, who was the head maid before, only knew about the mage group, but did not know much about the mage's knowledge system.

Although Dale's mother is a witch, she has not received witch education and is equally ignorant.

This resulted in Ouwen learning a lot of extraordinary knowledge and gaining some power, but he didn't know what his level was. It seemed that he wanted to work hard in this area in the future, but he just didn't know who to look for.

After some research, Owen found that Onmyoji is not without its merits. Spiritual power is also unique. For example, Onmyoji believes that everything is animistic and can be controlled. Spiritual power is good at nurturing spirituality, communication, and borrowing power. Therefore, Onmyoji’s Most of the strength comes from the shikigami one possesses.

The polished commander's onmyoji, let alone face the samurai, without any precautions, one or two peasants could press the delicate and frail master onmyoji to the ground and rub him.

But with the shikigami, it's different. Onmyoji's strength has a foundation to display.

Theoretically, the stronger the shikigami an onmyoji possesses, the stronger the shikigami will be. A powerful shikigami is enough to allow onmyojis of the same level to defeat their peers in various tricks, which shows the role of shikigami.

But this is not without an upper limit. First of all, as a human being, there are limits, but some upper limits are high and some are low. The difference is as big as a bad student and a top student.

In addition, the so-called shikigami are actually demons and ghosts. They are born from resentment and feed on humans. Even if they are named as shikigami, they cannot change their inhuman nature. If this power is used without restraint, the user will be completely destroyed. Distorted, as in demonized.

Therefore, in addition to exchanging the basic skills of Onmyoji, Owen did not go too deep into exchanging Onmyoji's power because he wanted to find a way to avoid being affected.

In fact, when Owen deeply understands how shikigami are made and how onmyoji is driven, he will understand where his breakthrough lies.

Compared with the Onmyoji who seeks out demons and then slowly tames them into shikigami, Owen has a huge advantage, that is, he is the Demon King.

Theoretically, monsters and ghosts have a high degree of familiarity, such as undead and ghosts, such as monsters and monsters, so Owen suddenly had the idea to deify the monsters.

The advantage of monster deification is that first of all, he has a huge number of monsters under his command.

After obtaining the monster summoning skill, Owen can randomly summon one of the four basic monsters for free every day, which invisibly saves huge expenses.

Moreover, the deification of monsters is more in line with this world. After all, there are monsters in this world, but there are no Japanese ghosts.

In this way, compared to monsters that cost almost nothing, what else does a shikigami have besides appearance?

The idea was good, but Owen got stuck on the first step because it was easier said than done. He didn't even know what to do in the first step.

After thinking hard for a long time, Owen finally understood that he had to cheat, so he resolutely used the mysterious technique for the second time.

Mystery is a common skill originating from the world of Invincible Heroes. However, because of the extremely high degree of mystery in this world, even an ordinary hero skill still has extraordinary abilities. Even Owen is afraid of it and never dares to use it easily.

But Owen instinctively felt that this was the key to breaking through the current bottleneck, so he gritted his teeth and activated the mysterious technique.

Sure enough, with the opening of the mysticism, a steady stream of mysterious knowledge was poured into his mind, allowing him to burst out with inspiration. Countless ideas were turned into theories, and finally accurate conclusions were drawn, and more sparks of inspiration were created by collisions.

Just when Owen was immersed in the ocean of knowledge and experiencing the joy of being a god of learning, a crisp sound interrupted his immersion. He covered his crotch and rolled over in pain. At the same time, a broken large cucumber with thorns on the top fell to the ground. on the ground.

This is a small trap that Irving made on the chair before. It is similar to a mousetrap, but he is not so cruel. He gave himself a fatal chicken trap and just tied a cucumber. When the time is up, the trap is triggered and the cucumber is swung. When it's round, smash it down.

Owen had previously thought about using a mousetrap to pinch his toes or tie a basin and drop it from his head to wake him up. However, he was deeply afraid that he would be addicted to the occult and would be unable to wake up using ordinary methods. You have to use the man's instinct to break free.

After all, regardless of whether you are a scumbag or a god, as long as you are a man, your first reaction after being tricked will definitely be the same.

Sure enough, just as Owen thought, he successfully broke away from the inextricable learning atmosphere and obtained monster-like deified knowledge, but it was a bit of a waste.

The next attempt came naturally. Although Owen's nature has not been improved, his strength has been enhanced by a little bit. Therefore, he rarely returns to the castle and plans to relax and see if there are any sequelae after being beaten by a cucumber.

Without a computer, Internet or mobile phone, Owen was helpless and could only play for real, so he went directly to Dell.

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