There was a house elf in front of them. After seeing the slime maid, the three of them kept their expressions unchanged, but their movements invariably became much lighter and a little more restrained, which was exactly what Owen wanted.

The real history of the Hydera family is only twenty years old, which is simply a joke, so Owen must create some mystery so that he can stand up, otherwise even showing his strength will not be enough.

As the face of the castle, the hall has gained the true meaning of low-key and luxury due to Maya's many renovations, especially the magical items and furniture from Hogwarts, which range from hundreds to thousands of years of history, making the first The three people they saw for the first time understood what heritage was, and could no longer regard the Hydera family as northern nobles with shallow heritage.

Is this a trumpet opened by some great noble? !

Not only Howard, but also Curranth had this idea in his mind.

At this time, Owen is waiting for time to pass in the study. Because of the gap in status, even if he has nothing to do, he cannot show up so soon. Otherwise, it will look very cheap, and the mystery created before will be greatly reduced, so he keeps it. The three of them were fidgeting over their teacups in the hall, trying to temper their tempers and let them fully understand who was in charge here.

Because there was no woman around, not even a slime maid, Owen rarely fell into thinking while waiting in boredom.

He didn't know why, but many inexplicable thoughts suddenly emerged in his mind, some about Maya, some about himself, some about the territory, and some about talents.

It only took Owen a few years to go from an unlucky guy who was in constant fear to becoming a Northland noble with the qualifications to dominate. It stands to reason that he is proud enough, but he understands that he has never fully utilized the power of the system. Play it out.

The territory has been able to achieve such results in a few years, and 80% of it relies on the system. The third level relies on Maya. As for why there is an extra level, it is because it was offset by him.

In fact, Irving also had a headache for himself. He was already quite old before time travel, but because he didn't seek advancement and had a muddle-headed temperament, he didn't make any progress at all. To put it bluntly, he was a waste of time.

If you don’t study or work hard, you will still be a scumbag if you live to be a hundred years old. The so-called life experience is useless.

This is not that he belittles himself. Although Owen has many shortcomings, he has two advantages. One is that he is self-aware, and the other is that he leaves things he cannot handle to others. This is also the excuse and reason why he does not make progress.

The problem is that he was able to get by in his last life, but in this life he has traveled to a magical world. Unless he goes to the deep mountains and old forests and relies on the system to exchange supplies to eat and wait until death, otherwise with the development of his territory, it is impossible for him to avoid trouble, let alone Escape from danger.

Moreover, he was able to keep a low profile at the beginning, but as his strength grew, being too low-key would be detrimental to the rapid development of the territory, which conflicted with his principle of low-key.

For example, now, if there is no outside population in the territory, and he only uses the progress value to redeem it from the system, the size will be in any year or month.

How could it be possible to break the border blockade and introduce large-scale populations without attracting attention?

In addition, talent is also an issue. With the population's observance of rules and obedience to orders after the system transformation, management is not very difficult now. Even so, one army, one civilian and one businessman, these three aspects alone have left Irving scratching his head. , not to mention that as the territory expands, the demand for talents will become higher and higher.

Although Irving can directly redeem through the system, it is not cost-effective and there are still risks. Firstly, the talents he can like are not cheap. Secondly, the more talents he has, the more distinctive their personalities are.

The problem is that these talents are not from this world. Ordinary soldiers are nothing. They are almost the same no matter which world they are in. Especially in the cold weapon era, soldiers are a bunch of illiterate people. No one is interested in a bunch of rude soldiers who cannot read or write, let alone Forget about going to the soldiers to get information.

But talent often means receiving elite education, and elite education is often only enjoyed by a few people. To put it simply, the circle is so big, even if you have never seen it, you have heard of it, and if one or two suddenly appear, you can cover it up. , there is no way to cover it up if it appears in a pile.

Of course, the solution is also very simple, as long as the territory is large enough.

A huge territory and a huge population can breed enough talents and cover up many things at the same time. Therefore, it is not impossible to exchange talents in the system, but it is not possible now. Unless he has the ability to cover up these things, Owen will not take risks easily. Blindly exchange talents.

What's more, Maya and Ciel are good examples. Real-life talents can also be used without taking up a lot of progress points.

In addition to talent, Irving also felt that his approach of hitting here and there with a hammer and a stick was no longer suitable for the territory's future development because the supply of progress value was insufficient.

The system is indeed powerful. There are hundreds of games in it, all of which are his cheats. There are old games from ancient times such as Tank Battle and Little Bee, as well as classic games such as Warhammer, Warcraft, and Diablo. No matter what kind of game it is, Under the influence of the system, the background of what was originally just a painting was also perfected and became an independent world.

Theoretically, as long as the progress value is enough, Owen can use the progress value to exchange for anything in the game, including but not limited to equipment, units, treasures, buildings, etc. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has mastered a multiverse, and his future is even more incredible. Limited quantity.

The problem is that virtue is not matched. Irving is like an ant falling into a granary. He is dazzled by the rice grains in front of him, let alone effectively digesting and planning the wealth.

This causes Irving to do things in a haphazard manner, often coming up with one thing at a time.

Don't tell him that I can have sex with you. Those who can become big bosses are either those who have worked hard from the bottom step by step, or are the second generation who have received the education of elite aristocrats. Their vision and abilities cannot be changed through time travel.

If you dig deeper into the background of the world's richest people, you will know that there are truly capable people who are self-made, but they are definitely not as many as imagined.

Just like those who become rich by winning a lottery, very few people can use money to make money and successfully enter the ranks of the rich. Most of them squander all their wealth in a short period of time and then live in an unacceptable reality. Living a worse life than before.

Owen is not much better. The system has given him the ability to be willful, but no one has been able to control and teach him. As a result, he has the ability to control himself now. At least he only has two women now.

However, I had a weak foundation in the past, and it was just meat on the plate regardless of what I was doing. Not now, the iron mines in the buffalo collar, the ruins of the magic horn tree forest, the goblin town, the wooden village on the outskirts of the forest, and the territory and the castle. From the underground city that was stopped at the beginning to the present, and finally the underground tunnel that has remained in the plan, these things are too scattered, and the resources on hand are not used rationally and effectively at all.

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