Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 78 The second floor of the ruins

As the well-equipped Goblin mobile armored units fought consecutive battles, the second floor of the ruins filled with monsters gradually opened up to Owen. After all, as long as these monsters found a way to target them, it was not difficult to deal with them. Instead, he gained a lot of usefulness. s material.

The body fluids of the black gum worm are obviously very useful. Even without any processing, they are also excellent combustion accelerants and bomb materials.

The back skin of the black-backed ratman is a good leather armor material. Although Owen can't accept it, the goblins don't dislike it.

The thorn spider's carapace is an even better thing. Not only is it high in strength, it's also very tough. It's much lighter than metal. With a little modification, it can become a good material.

It was because of these gains that Owen decided not to kill all these monsters.

As it gained more and more advantages, the second floor of the ruins was finally cleaned up.

Because of Owen's attention, the Goblin Commandos were very cautious in the process of cleaning up monsters. Most of the time, they attracted the monsters out and then surrounded them. Therefore, they did not cause serious damage to the second floor of the ruins, but time itself is the best. Buried One, too many things have been erased, and no one knows how much can be preserved.

Wearing a power armor shrouded in golden light, wearing a full-coverage helmet, and carrying a war hammer, Owen found that he was nervous in vain, because everything here had long been decayed and was lifeless, let alone dangerous.

However, Owen was not careless, otherwise he would not have kept the Teutonic warriors and Ciel away from here.

Neither the Teutonic warriors nor Charcoe have special bloodlines. Who knows what will happen to them after they are induced to mutate.

Owen dared to come in, firstly because he was surrounded by cannon fodder, and secondly because he had power armor blessed by divine power, so his safety was guaranteed.

Lanterns were hung around by the Goblin Assault Soldiers, allowing Owen to gradually see the environment here clearly.

The current place is probably only part of the second floor of the ruins. It was expanded based on the underground cave, so the space is not small, almost as big as two gymnasiums.

This place should have been a place similar to a greenhouse before, because the ground is covered with a thick layer of soil and there are man-made hills. Obviously these should not appear in the cave, but the originally lush vegetation has long been turned into dust, and there are scattered and unseen hills. The intact broken bones still barely prove that some creatures originally lived here.

But I don’t know what happened. This place has long been abandoned and everything turned into dust.

If it were just like this, it would not cause a change, so the source of the change was not found. Therefore, Owen immediately ordered the Goblin Commandos to spread out to look for the abnormality.

In fact, it was not difficult. The Goblin Commandos quickly discovered an anomaly in the center of the entire space. A piece of diamond-shaped green jade as tall as a person was inserted diagonally on the ground. The appearance makes it difficult to ignore.

Judging from the earth that was turned over when it landed, it was obvious that this green jadeite was supposed to be suspended in the air. After losing its buoyancy, it fell down and was inserted into the earth.

The stalactites scattered on the side and the obvious cracks on the green jade made Owen guess how all this happened.

When the goblin demolished the second floor of the ruins, he accidentally caused the stalactite to break off, and it happened to hit the green jadeite, causing the internal energy that could cause biological mutation to leak out, which caused all this.

Although it is just Owen's guess, unless someone is deliberately raising suspicions, his guess should be true.

I knew it was just a false alarm, but Irving's attention to this ruins had increased a lot. After all, just a greenhouse-like place used to guide the mutated green jade caused such a big movement, so what was hidden in the entire ruins? How amazing is the secret?

No one can estimate it, not even Owen, so the best way is to take the entire ruins into his own hands.

Next, Owen found a huge crystal ball at the top of the cave, which was about the same circumference as the Eight Immortals Table. It was very amazing.

And it seems to be a lighting device used to provide the light needed for the growth of animals and plants here, because there are similar energy supply lines around it.

These discoveries made the little pride that arose in Owen's heart due to his improved strength once again suppressed without a trace.

The green jade that causes the mutation of animals and plants can also be said to be a natural mineral with special radiation. The crystal ball and energy supply device that can imitate the release of sunlight are undoubtedly not something that a backward civilization can create, even if it uses magical means.

Maybe magic and technology are no different after they develop to a certain extent. Owen said with some emotion that this world is really unfriendly to time travelers, because you don't know how deep the water in this world is. Maybe you just go out with confidence. If there is a wave, he will step on the air and fall into the ditch.

Sure enough, it is right to choose to develop slowly in the North. As long as there is enough time, I can build an indestructible shelter. Owen murmured to himself, which made him more and more convinced that his decision was right. Yes, as long as he is stubborn enough, the wind and rain from the outside world cannot affect him.

Too much has been erased by time here, but the things that remain are still of precious value, so Owen asked the goblins to carefully search for and disassemble anything of value. As for the green jade that caused the mutation, he planned to take it away himself.

In exchange for a lead box as thick as a coffin, Owen asked the goblin to control the puppet to put the green jade in. Who knows whether the green jade was smashed or dropped, or whether the internal structure changed due to excessive release of energy. It actually shattered, leaving only a fist-sized core.

When the green jadeite shattered, a much weaker wave was released again. The brightness of the golden light displayed by Owen's power armor increased for a moment and then recovered again. Apparently, it was not affected in any way. The blessing of the sacred power was far better than he imagined. However, the eyes of the surrounding goblins became more alert, and they obviously gained a lot of benefits.

Although it was shattered, Owen was sure that the mutation was caused by the green jade, so he took away all the fragments without letting go.

After the goblin dug three feet into the ground to search, some buried places were gradually unearthed, including a passage deep into the ruins.

Owen didn't plan to go deep into the ruins. He still followed his original plan to go in and dismantle as much as possible so that everything would be exposed to the sun.

However, through these things, Owen found that this was indeed a place for cultivating plants and organisms as he thought, because he had seen many things in the greenhouse, but it was more focused on cultivating special organisms, and some The instrument was so strange that he could not figure out its use.

Next, he discovered several spaces similar to storage rooms, but there were only a few utensils left in them, which were of no value. Only a huge bronze book caught his attention.

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