Facing the huge threat posed by the Destroyer of Worlds, Owen took a deep breath for a long time. Even if he didn't take in any air, he still experienced a feeling of being alive, which made him very excited and happy.

It is definitely not possible to passively wait for the brass planet to eat the shell of the world. Owen, who is already familiar with the changes in the laws, releases the Rainbow Bridge and transports all the gods and demons, including the strong men of various races in the main material world, just like the Avengers gathering. It's like going to a decisive battle with Thanos, but this time it's not a superhero, but a group of unlucky guys who succeeded in seeking death and implicated their own world.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Porsaro being held down and beaten by a bull.

This is a mechanical tauren as tall as a mountain. The whole body is shining with powerful divine power fluctuations, making the adamantine body indestructible and indestructible. It can be beaten by the powerful Bolsharo with five faces. He was mostly flattened, and he was taking turns recovering from being beaten.

If it weren't for the fact that the Adamantine Mechanical Minotaur had only two hands and was similar to a puppet, its movement pattern was very rigid, and the Five Faces wouldn't even have time to recover.

Even so, Porsharo, who had been so arrogant just now, was as weak as a dead dog. He could only shake his tail every time he was punched to prove that he was still alive, and at the same time endure the crazy curses of four invading consciousnesses on him. After all, If it hadn't thoughtlessly challenged Owen, it wouldn't have been thrown here, let alone beaten by a cow.

As soon as he saw his opponent, the morale boosted by Owen was lost and disappeared with a pop.

It's true that they are gods and demons, but that doesn't mean they can ignore the hardest substance in the material world, fine gold.

In fact, if fine gold is enchanted, it can hurt the gods, but it will not cause death.

However, this refers to weapons. A mountain as tall as a mountain has powerful divine power attached to it. There is no need to cut it at all. It will never be reincarnated with just one finger.

That is to say, Bolsharo, as the most beloved cub of the abyss consciousness, not only has strength that has exceeded the upper limit of the demon prince, but also has a strong source of the abyss. Otherwise, it would not be able to withstand the seizure of the four evil gods.

Even though it was so powerful, Bolsharo was still beaten like a dead dog. How powerful this adamantine mechanical tauren was was beyond the imagination of all the gods and demons. They couldn't defeat it anyway.

"The Adamantine Mechanical Minotaur is haunted by Bolsharo. Let's not waste time to find the core of this place. Only by destroying the core can we save our world." The chicken soup provided by Owen has the right benefits, which all gods and demons agree on. They nodded, and then dispersed with expressions of despair.

In fact, they have now recovered from Owen's chicken soup. They know that it is impossible to resist, even if their world is destroyed, because they can't see any hope at all, so the best way now is to find With the power to transcend the world, even if the world is destroyed, they still have hope of survival.

Owen didn't care about the betrayal of these gods and demons, because he didn't expect the other party to work honestly. He still happily led his Ork demons to start the parade, and at the same time communicated with the body and infused the Ork demons with spirit. can awaken their true potential.

After many years of training by Owen in the abyss, the Ork Demon is no longer as simple as the first generation, and already has greater potential.

It's just that this powerful potential couldn't be used before, so it was sealed away. Now it only needs one force as the key to unlock it, and that is spiritual energy.

With the infusion of spiritual energy, the potential is opened. The first ability the Ork Demon masters is to demolish homes, and it is an extremely efficient demolition of homes.

The Brass Planet has swallowed up countless worlds, and its quality has reached a very terrifying level. Therefore, the overall strength and durability are absolutely incredible. However, in the eyes or hands of the Ork Demon, it can be disassembled and reassembled. toys.

It doesn't matter if one or two people think so. As more and more Ork demons believe this, there will be more and more places where the brass planet can be dismantled and used for something, and this move also activates the brass planet. The planet's defense mechanism, a large number of brass tauren rushed out from various places, the number was like a torrent of steel.

But this was great for the Orc demons. They picked up the crude metal weapons they had just made and rushed forward to fight with the brass tauren.

"Weapons don't work." An Ork demon threw away the twisted weapon in his hand angrily and ran back.

Instead of escaping, it plans to make bigger, harder, and more powerful weapons, and more and more Ork demons are making this decision. There are even divisions of labor dedicated to making weapons, transporting them, and fighting.

This is very unbelievable for the chaotic and disorderly demon, but in a very short period of time, it all happened so naturally.

At the same time, the weapons of the Ork Demon have also changed very quickly, which should now be said to be equipment.

It only took a few hours to go from a simple iron knife to a sturdy geared battle axe. After discovering that the brass tauren were more durable, in addition to upgrading the weapons, I also learned to fix iron plates on the body to act as armor. , although it was nailed directly, I have to say that the potential of the Ork Demon made Owen very satisfied, so he was not in a hurry to advance, but found a suitable place and began to try to corrupt the planet with spiritual energy.

Owen didn't know what the identity of this brass planet was, but he knew that the opponent's evolution was in the wrong direction.

Constantly devouring the world, constantly increasing its own quality and origin, and automatically creating various puppets and golems to act as an immune system. This astral-level creation is almost invincible. Unless its core can be directly destroyed, it can only compete with this metal The planet is hardened.

However, the overly large body caused devastating oppression on the original consciousness, so Owen did not feel much sense of resistance from this brass planet, and even lacked instinct, and some were just mechanized procedures.

Maybe it's because the damage caused is not enough to awaken the true consciousness. It is similar to Owen's body. He is tired of the same time and fell into a deep sleep with his woman a long time ago. As for why he brought his woman with him , Firstly, he is afraid that he will forget them, and secondly, he is afraid that they will forget him. Time is really terrible.

After that, all the gods of the empire fell into deep sleep. Only Owen's two clones maintained their awareness of the outside world. The clones had no human rights.

Now the hardships have finally come to an end. The unknown, exploration, enemies, battles, and the excitement that comes one after another make Demon Owen feel like he is alive again.

As Owen sat down, powerful spiritual energy was released and began to corrode the brass planet.

After being connected to the outside world, the subspace that had been calm for a long time began to boil again. This time, the subspace began to expand crazily towards the unknown outside world. The resulting wave of chaotic spiritual energy was extremely strong and beyond the control of the main body, so Demon Owen I plan to share some of it with the main body and use it to corrupt this planet.

"It's my first time to use subspace chaotic spiritual energy to corrode a planet. Let me see how far I can go." At this moment, Demon Owen smiled like a demon, and like an innocent and curious child. Don't care about the consequences you cause.

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