"Why don't you always learn lessons?" Irving looked at the still noisy Bolsharo and shook his head expressionlessly. As for the four old faces, he was not surprised. They came from the same place as him. One of the four evil gods from the main plane has a lot of roles, but they are always around in the corners. Now he is so depressed that he can't even seize the house. One weakling plus four weaklings makes him unable to pay more attention to him. Not interested in.

Right now, Irving is comprehending the laws of change, and he has drawn an unparalleled conclusion from it, that is, his guess is right.

Each material realm is an independent and closed small pond. Although it is not large, it has its own ecological environment.

However, all the lives inside are limited to this small world from beginning to end. Only those who break the upper limit can transcend and enter a wider world, obtain richer nutrients, and grow faster.

But Owen doesn't believe that there is no danger in this. Catfish can dominate in small ponds, but in large rivers or even the sea, they may only be qualified as bait.

Breaking restrictions represents freedom. If you are free, he is also free. Then it depends on who has the bigger fist. You can refer to the laws of the dark forest. Anyway, Irving does not think that those who can break through the blockade will have the ideological realm to work together for development.

"Die!" Bolsharo suppressed his confused consciousness and focused on his most hated opponent, trying to strengthen his belief and completely control his body by defeating his opponent.

The roar of the quintet interrupted Owen's thinking, which made him a little unhappy, so he didn't plan to hold back this time.

Among the clones, Demon Owen is the strongest in body and life. If you don't look at his creations, he can be called the incarnation of life. Therefore, he can withstand more and stronger spiritual energy, and can even easily crush a person with spiritual energy. The main plane, so faced with the breakthrough and violent Bolsharo, he was still able to deal with it and restrained it easily.

This time, there was no Abyss Mother watching. Owen planned to completely solve this little trouble, but the powerful space fluctuations outside the world surprised him.

Outside the world is a void-like environment. At this moment, a large area of ​​​​void is distorted, and the area is large enough to cover several main planes. What is this teleportation? !

Regardless of what is coming, give the other party a meeting gift first. Irving does not hesitate to throw the Bolsaro, which is roaring fivefold, like a sandbag.

As the distorted space shattered, a behemoth appeared not far from the hole in the shell of the world. It immediately attracted the attention of all the gods and demons present. It felt like a group of little mice peering through the mouse hole at the overlord. Dragon, everything they relied on was meaningless.

"What on earth is this?! What have we done again?" A god with less pollution suddenly understood the significance of the existence of the World Shell, but it was too late. The moment the hole appeared, the information belonging to the main material world It spread out at a speed that was already incomprehensible, just in time to attract the nearby world destroyer.

Every world destroyer originates from a transcendent world. While constantly devouring and perfecting itself, it also becomes the destroyer and devourer of the world.

It no longer matters what the original body of this world destroyer was. Now it is just a huge planet.

The appearance of the planet once again confirmed Owen's guess, proving that the laws of the outside world are more complete and have a higher upper limit, which is enough to upgrade a flat, low-quality plane into a more complete planet.

However, this is not a normal planet, because the entire planet is made of brass. Under the huge and thick shell like a continental plate, there are extremely complex gears and mechanical structures, and the metal ring surrounding the planet is even more complex. Changing form all the time.

If Owen were to describe it, it would be Unicron in Transformers.

Although he knew that there might be huge dangers hidden outside the world, it gave him such a big surprise. To be honest, Owen was moved.

"How long has it been since my heart beat so fast?" While countless gods and demons were shocked by each other's existence, Owen held his chest and let out an incomprehensible sigh.

The biggest problem with Owen is that he has never given up his identity as a human being. This allows him to maintain the bottom line, but it also lays hidden dangers, because people are not born as a long-lived race. For them, human life is a matter of anxiety. And short-lived.

Later, Owen became a god and his life was almost eternal. However, his rapid improvement in strength also left him with a lack of time accumulation and he was still not used to it.

Once he became the master of subspace, it was completely too late, because Owen's thinking was forced to continue to improve with the expansion of subspace, and he couldn't stop even if he wanted to.

The improvement of the height of thinking is not the most fatal.

After the material world restarted, Owen put the empire and some of the things he cared about into the subspace. It was like storing beloved toys in a secret base, or like carefully caring for a glass box for raising ants. But as time goes by, , no matter how much enthusiasm and memories there are, they will become weak.

No matter how happy something is, it will fade away if repeated a hundred times. It will become boring after a thousand or ten thousand times. After countless times, only indifference will remain.

As a clone of the original body, the situation of the demon Owen is not that serious, but it is not much better. The endless bloody battles in the abyss have made him numb. This extremely powerful body is more like a shell, and the heart beats faster than an atomic clock. To be precise, it represents the extent to which his mood is stable or lacking.

But now, facing the unknown and a powerful enemy, his heart was once again full of vitality.

"Original body, our decision is right. Only the unknown has the motivation and reason to continue living!" Owen said with a faint smile and began to awaken the energy of this body, because there is still a battle waiting in front of him. Looking at him.

When the gods and demons were panicking and Owen was excited, the Brass Planet did not stop. It was like a skilled eater, approaching the delicious food and then opening its mouth.

The gears and complex mechanical structures scattered throughout the brass planet allow the outer armor like continental plates to unfold, revealing a terrifying internal structure like a crusher. To it, the ordinary plane is like a biscuit thrown into the mouth of an ogre. Obviously the Shell of the World can't stop it for long.

"Everyone, a new war has begun. What are you waiting for?" Owen, who was gradually awakening the power in his body at this moment, immediately attracted the attention of all the demons and gods present with just one indifferent sentence, and his words also attracted everyone's attention. Gods and demons understand that war is inevitable.

They are not mortals. The wails and curses originating from the world that linger on this brass planet are simply shocking. Therefore, they no longer dare to take chances. No matter what their previous status was, they are now the guardians of the world.

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