Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 658 The Pink Abyss and the Ork Demon

If Owen's guess is true, then this will be an alternative multiverse, and his Goldfinger dad may not be able to save his life in such a vast world.

You must know that the system progress value has reached 90%, and the rewards given to him are still limited to the single universe. Therefore, he is not sure whether he can obtain multiverse level rewards after the progress value reaches 100%.

So whether to stay in a warm and comfortable well and be a happy little frog, or risk being eaten and become an eagle that spreads its wings and soars high.

Owen didn't know what to choose next. His ambition couldn't support such a big world view. With a space that belonged to him alone, an empire that he had built with his own hands, and a god system that was getting stronger, he seemed to have nothing to be dissatisfied with.

The only problem is that he seems to be able to live for a long time. In this case, even if he hides and cannot get out, sooner or later he will face the problem of unknown beings coming to his door.

As a near-immortal, it is almost 100% certain that he will face this kind of thing.

Although it is possible that the crisis will never come until the day he wants to die, it is possible that it will happen to him in the next moment.

Owen, who is accustomed to planning ahead, plans to make some preparations, such as guiding him out of the main material world to help him explore the endless world and the unknown.

For this plan, he decided to start from the abyss. Whoever makes it the longest will be the first to touch the shell. In addition, let the devil go out and launch an endless expedition. It sounds quite interesting.

The demon Owen with a heavy mission descended into the empty abyss, and he was suddenly at a loss.

Intelligent life has just been born, and sins have not yet fallen into hell. How could original sin give birth to demons?

To put it simply, the current abyss is still pink and tender.

At this moment, a pair of big feet stepped on the abyss of new life. Thinking about it for a while, he would have to sit down. The devil Owen felt that he was almost becoming a source of pollution.

But no matter how pink it is, it will turn dark one day. It's better to let him do it first. At least he is gentler and his movements are lighter.

Thinking of this, Owen took out his big mushroom and began to develop the abyss by growing mushrooms.

The mushroom in his hand was fat and plump, and Owen kept hitting it against the abyss. Every collision and rebound would spread billions of spores, tainting the pure and simple abyss.

Mushrooms full of vitality began to be born in the abyss, and special lives were also bred under the mushrooms. When the time was right, little green demons jumped out of the earth with strange screams, and they were able to fight for their own safety without any guidance. They have mastered the fighting skills, and they will fight each other in unison, and it will not end until only one little green devil is left standing.

Even if his mouth is full of teeth, even if he is missing arms and legs, as long as he is still standing, this little green devil will get the title of boss and become the boss of these little devils hatched from mushrooms.

After the fight, there was a dinner party, and the mushrooms on the floor and the little green devil that couldn't move were for food.

After eating and drinking, all injuries miraculously recovered. Then, under the leadership of their respective bosses, many green demon boys howled and launched an attack on the gangs led by other bosses, causing the chaos to gradually expand and slowly spread across the abyss. , until the biggest boss is determined.

Demon Owen was not surprised by this scene. Instead, he thought it was normal because he added some Orc elements to the flesh and blood of the Garden Demon.

The Garden Demon itself is half plant and half creature, and is very compatible with the Orcs, so the fusion went smoothly, giving the new green demon some of the characteristics of the Orcs.

However, Owen didn't dare to add too much. After all, the controllability of Orcs is almost zero. It's not that they are disobedient, but that their weird brain circuits don't necessarily work in the way you understand.

Irving admitted that he was gambling. Fortunately, he had good luck. The new Ork Demons were generally okay. At least where he pointed to charge, they were really charging, and they were not blindly thinking.

But it won't work if we get more detailed. The brain circuits of these Ork demons seem to be twisting all the time, and Tzeentch scratches his head even when he comes, so don't expect them to be able to execute more complex commands.

Now Demon Owen is mainly guiding the growth and evolution of these Ork demons, trying to guide the incredible power of thinking.

The psychic powers in the Warhammer universe are already incredible, and the orcs' power of thinking is even more bizarre. I won't even talk about the basic methods. I think it's just fine. It's comparable to the synthesis in Minecraft. I've omitted everything except the result. .

Owen now has many powers, especially psychic powers, so the possibility of regaining my Xunsi power is very high.

Of course, there is also the risk of losing control, but because he has to face unknown threats, Owen urgently needs to master some super-standard powers, so he needs to take risks.

As time goes by, the development of the main material world becomes faster and faster. The first races have developed civilization and beliefs, and then formed their own distinctive social forms, and sins were born as a result.

Keep walking towards the end of the abyss, followed by countless Orc demons who were fighting and breaking their teeth. Owen, who was carrying a soup pot and banging mushrooms to release more modified spores, suddenly raised his head and looked at the hell that was gradually becoming heavier. He shook his head without any emotion. What, because that's the price of wisdom.

Wisdom brings not only evolution and development, but also greed and sin. Even noble elves will inevitably fall into hell because of this, let alone humans.

With a huge number of races, a changeable and greedy nature, humans are the main force filling hell and abyss.

It's a pity that although Owen considers himself a human being, he can't stop humans who are good at committing suicide. Even if he strictly guards against it, there will always be weird people who successfully get into the loopholes and achieve the achievement of committing suicide, so he simply ignores them. After all, they are all dead. You can also wait for the restart.

As sins fell into hell, the devil of hell came into being, and then came the devil's employees who worked hard and never complained.

The devils cruelly and efficiently deal with the sinful souls who have fallen into hell. Just like an excellent sorter, they put the sin-stained souls into different layers of hell, and then take the initiative to help each other eliminate their sins regardless of whether the other party is willing or not. And there are no fees.

Although the process was a little more painful and took a little longer, it was all for their own good. Only when they truly realized their mistakes and became clean-hearted could they leave hell and start a new life.

If you don’t look at the process, it would not be an exaggeration to give Hell an award for good people and good deeds.

It is a pity that not many people can deeply understand the help that the devil brings to them. When faced with the torture of the devil, the vast majority of sinful souls either desperately beg for mercy or curse loudly until they become numb under the endless torture and finally become blank. Only then was he able to escape from hell.

But this method is inefficient and troublesome, and the devil is also very tired of it, but there is no way. The person who falls into hell is not full of sins. If we hope that they will repent from the heart and wake up, it is better to increase the intensity of torture. Turn them into idiots quickly.

However, although this crude method can help the sinful soul escape from hell, the sin in the soul will not disappear and will slowly accumulate to the bottom of hell. Eventually, the quantitative change will lead to a qualitative change, becoming original sin and falling into the abyss, turning into a demon.

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