Now the empire's energy is focused on improving the tithe, because gold and silver cannot be used as a standard for unified taxation. After all, some planes are rich in mineral resources and are easy to mine, while some planes are rare in gold and silver and difficult to mine. The effort is not proportional to the harvest. Therefore, More detailed planning is needed, such as setting a standard for how much minerals should be paid as taxes for mineral-rich areas, and how much grains should be paid as taxes for grain-producing areas.

At the same time, this standard must not only put a certain amount of pressure on the plane governors, but also be within their capabilities. Otherwise, it will only lead to reckless exploitation, which the empire cannot tolerate.

Regarding the gradual implementation of the tithe, the governor of the plane has very mixed feelings. Although the tax on the sixth and seventh levels is nothing compared to the kingdom, the exploitation of the bottom layer has reached a limit and cannot be increased. Therefore, this part is to It is divided from the overall interests of the ruling class, which means that all classes that receive benefits will get less.

This is worthwhile for the plane governor, but it only gives out a small part of the benefits. Compared with the rights obtained, it is too cheap.

But the ruling class will definitely be dissatisfied because they have not obtained more rights, so even if they don't pay much, they are greedy by nature and are unwilling, so they instinctively unite to force the plane governor to make compromises, just like they passed in the past This method limited the power of the king.

The problem is that the situation now is different from before. The king is more like the recognized leader. Although he is the most powerful, once his brothers unite, the eldest brother has to bow his head and apologize and make compromises.

But now is the era of planes. The position and power of the governor are given by the empire, and there is no need to look at the faces of those people. Even if the plane governor needs to rely on these people to complete his rule over the bottom, there is no need to make compromises.

So soon a wise governor of the plane took the lead in raising the butcher's knife and making a new distribution of benefits.

The meat on the table has not changed, but because part of it needs to be cut off and handed over, the meat eaters have to miss one or two bites, so they are all dissatisfied.

The solution is simple, kill a few people who eat meat and scold their mothers, and the remaining people will not only eat less, but more.

It just tastes scary, the meat is stained with the same kind of blood.

Killing people can't solve the problem, but it can solve the people who created the problem. This smart governor of the Oran plane found the right way.

Moreover, with fewer people eating meat, the remaining meat can be boiled into more soup to satisfy the needs of the middle and grassroots people who have little appetite. This will actually strengthen the control of the unified political power by the plane governor.

After the plane governor solves the problems of division of flesh and centralization of power, he will face a new problem, military service.

The tithe also includes military service. In theory, one out of ten young men needs to perform military service for the empire. This greatly affects the army and production of the plane. After all, whether it is soldiers or farmers, the main force is young men. This thing is terrible. It's not grain, it's just a crop.

Fortunately, the empire was not just about exploitation. It provided advanced weapons and tools, which greatly increased combat effectiveness and productivity, so that the overall strength of the plane not only did not decrease, but also increased a lot.

At the same time, the upgrading of weapons and tools also gave the plane governor the ability to intervene and even reorganize the army and local areas. In addition, all the power of the plane governor came from the empire, so he paid close attention to the implementation of military service, and soon it was A large number of young men were sent to the imperial military base.

The imperial military bases on all planes have considered these issues when they were first built, so they are large enough to accommodate these young men and meet their living and training needs.

It's just that compared to the empire's high-quality soldiers, these conscripts are like monkeys with missing brain stems. They can only use rough methods, and this is what the army is good at.

Driven away by imperial soldiers, these young men with blank faces were forced to shave their heads, take off their old clothes and burn them, shower them with insect repellent, and finally undergo physical examinations and tests.

Those who fail will be classified as labor service, and those who pass will be classified as military service, and then uniforms will be distributed for training.

Imperial veterans who serve as instructors will conduct rigorous physical training for new recruits, followed by even more stringent discipline and faith training.

In the presence of guns and cannons, the combat effectiveness requirements of individual soldiers are greatly weakened. Instead of taking the trouble to make them develop into professionals, it is better to let them learn how to become a loyal soldier and then use the guns in their hands to kill the empire. of enemies.

This training method does not require high requirements for combat skills, but it does require high physical fitness and discipline, so it requires repeated brainwashing.

Fortunately, the vast majority of those sent here are from the bottom. They lack knowledge and are short-sighted and cannot hold higher positions, but their empty brains are also easier to stuff with things that the empire wants them to know, such as loyalty.

Strict training taught them discipline, and a rich diet taught them gratitude. Soon, the Empire's Astra Militarum gradually took shape.

After a year of basic training, the Astra Militarum, equipped with helmets, breastplates, rifles and engineer shovels, knowing how to build trench fortifications, and capable of infantry and artillery coordination, began to be mobilized and sent to the contaminated plane.

Among the eight medium-sized planes under Owen's jurisdiction, three medium-sized planes have not yet been conquered. Because the pollution is too serious, it cannot be solved by a simple void spaceship and fixed-point beheading on the Rainbow Bridge. It must be cleaned more comprehensively and meticulously. This requires a lot of manpower.

The empire has a large population, but people who have received a good education since childhood need to take on more complex positions, such as workers and officers.

The strength of the empire relies heavily on a complex and complete industrial system. This cannot be maintained by tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Especially with the establishment of the Void Fleet, the demand for high-quality personnel is even higher. After all, a slight mistake will be a disaster. disaster.

It takes twenty years for such a high-quality population to grow, during which time they need to receive at least ten years of basic education.

This is also the reason why the empire includes military service in the tithe, in order to obtain a large number of cheap cannon fodder.

In the Oran plane, in the imperial military base, one hundred thousand Astra Militarum troops wearing helmets, armor, carrying rifles, equipped with backpacks, bullet belts, bayonets and engineer shovels are nervously waiting for the first teleportation in their lives. And the first war.

But no one is afraid. They are the Imperial Astra Militarum. Their mission is to open up territories for the Empire and sacrifice their lives for the Emperor.

As a huge beam of light flashed, one hundred thousand Astra Militarum troops were transported to the pollution plane No. 1. The race here was dominated by humans. There once was a powerful kingdom. Unfortunately, in the face of monsters from the darkness, after fierce resistance Finally, they failed.

Although they did not give up resistance, there were fewer and fewer large-scale counterattacks, and they gradually turned into underground covert activities.

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