I thought that the next step would be a step-by-step development, but Irving received a series of bad news after the spring started.

First of all, Collens hurriedly returned from Mara Town and did not bring back any serfs, only horses and livestock. Moreover, in the next three years, Mara Town was unable to provide more livestock because they were already booked. These were given because they were advanced last year. The reservation was made, and with the elite soldiers and horses brought by Collens, Viscount Marat did not dare to go back on his word, so he reluctantly gave it, but it will be gone next year unless more money is added.

Faced with Viscount Marat's apologetic but disgusting face, Corens was not angry. Instead, he pretended to be curious and talked to the other person, as if he didn't care about the inability to buy serfs and livestock. The appearance made Viscount Marat a little confused.

But no one in business likes to make enemies, let alone the other party's strength is not weak, so Viscount Marat did not hide the reason why he did this.

Of course, Currens would not believe everything that Viscount Marat said, so he found a few businessmen from the south to confirm that Viscount Marat was not lying.

According to the information Collens obtained from Viscount Marat and passing merchants, this was because most of the serfs were intercepted before they left the empire's borders, and the rest were captured by the Northland along the way as soon as they entered the Northland. After the land lords divided it up, there was not a lot of surplus coming to the depths of the North like before.

As for livestock, it is also a hot commodity now. Viscount Marat really didn't raise the price because there are many people who sell it worse than him.

Hearing this, Owen slapped his head. How could he have forgotten that the Second Northland Development Regiment also needed a large number of manpower to open up wasteland and cultivate land, and the cheapest labor force was undoubtedly serfs.

As for the Northland lords who also took action, it was obvious that they had felt the threat posed by the Second Northland Pioneer Regiment. The more serfs they captured, the fewer manpower the other party had. This was a fight for survival, and there was no room for mercy.

This is a trap for Owen. The original cheap serfs are gone. If the population growth depends entirely on the exchange of progress values ​​​​from the system, it will obviously be a heavy burden for him, and it is also the least cost-effective method.

Moreover, the territory’s animal husbandry has just started, and it is another troublesome thing to be unable to be self-sufficient in a short period of time.

To make matters worse, there are more bandits in the north. Some are bandits and some are not bandits, but they are all doing bandits' jobs now, causing the merchants from the south to hire more guards. As a result, In order to ensure sufficient profits, the prices of all commodities have been increased.

Go to Maya to withdraw a sum of gold and silver, and you immediately go to the border of the empire to find out more information. Irving ignored his headache and immediately said to Collens seriously.

Everything now was obtained by Corens from Viscount Marat and the merchants. No one knows how much water there is, so it is necessary to go deep into the empire's borders to get first-hand information, so as to make accurate judgments.

Sir! Corens knew that his opportunity to show off had come, and immediately nodded and said, even though he had just come back and hadn't even returned home.

Corens knew very well that just buying and selling serfs and livestock, no matter how hard it was, was just hard work. Only crisis could bring success, so not only was he not afraid, but he was looking forward to it.

After recuperating for a day, Corens put on the noble clothes given by the lord, mounted a beautiful white horse, and headed to the border of the empire under the escort of cavalry.

In order to ensure speed, in addition to the cavalry, there were only three carriages carrying supplies. There were no infantry to slow down the speed, and there were no stops at any transfer stations in the middle.

But there are four mysterious passengers on the carriage. They are short in stature, shrouded in cloaks, move quietly, and never communicate with others.

Corensi felt a chill in his heart, because when he saw these four mysterious people, the only thing he could think of were dead soldiers and assassins.

Obviously, the Hydera family is far more mysterious than he imagined. Death warriors and assassins are not just those who are willing to sacrifice their lives. This represents the heritage of a noble family, so Corens is even more motivated.

After Corens set off, Owen was discussing the matter with Maya, because no matter how bad news Corens brought, it was just the beginning, and the subsequent impact had not yet fully spread, but it could already be seen what would happen next. The situation is not good.

The best part of the entire Northland is near the empire's border. They will not give up these interests. Only losers who can't get involved will set their sights on the distance. And these people will not cause harm to the territory. They are just small troubles at most. .

So the territory is as predicted by the master. It still has at least one or two years to develop. Moreover, the master's previous worries are necessary. Adventurers and dark forces are indeed objects that need to be vigilant. They are too difficult to guard against.

Maya agreed with Owen's idea, which gave him a lot of confidence. It seemed that he had learned a lot from the development of the territory over the years.

But even Maya doesn't have any good ideas for what happens next. Their only advantage is that their territory is almost independent of the empire, so unless they send a large army to suppress the territory, this is their home field.

Now it depends on whether they can resist the harassment from the outside world and develop their territory as soon as possible.

If it weren't for Owen's mystery, Maya would have no hope for this. The best way is to choose a party to join and get rewards with the efforts of several generations. This is also the choice of most small nobles.

Owen, who didn't know that he was the hope of the territory, rubbed his brows, put all previous plans on hold, and re-planned the use of the next progress value.

Thanks to the super farmland in the Devil's Horn Forest, the territory is not short of food or fuel for iron-making, but it is short of meat.

Among the purchased livestock, cattle will be domesticated into farm cattle, and horses will be transformed into war horses. Only sheep can be eaten. However, in order to continue to expand breeding, even sheep cannot be slaughtered too much. They can only provide food for the upper class of the territory, such as him and his maid. , the Teutonic Knights, and the Currens.

The chickens, ducks and geese redeemed from the system reproduce very quickly, but it still takes time to form a large scale, and will eventually be distributed to farmers to raise individually.

So the only reliable source of meat right now is fishing.

Owen remembered that he had only been to the pier in the territory twice, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He didn't know how efficient the fishing was.

Thinking of this, Owen went out and got on his horse, accompanied by Charles, who had been guarding him all the time, and came to the river together.

The location of the castle is very good. The river is wide, so the water is gentle, suitable for water diversion. Even in places with higher terrain, waterwheels have been set up, allowing more and more land to be irrigated in the territory. This year will obviously be another year. A good harvest year.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to continue to expand the scale of production, because without cheap serfs, even Owen could not bear the consumption of a large amount of progress points, so he was very tired of the arrival of the Second Northland Pioneer Regiment.

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