Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 620 The working skills of the God of Order

Now Owen knew why the other party was called Silver Flash. It was the first time for him to see the Lord who could run on the divine web. It was quite outrageous. It felt like running a horse in a tunnel.

The whole body of the silver flash exuded a unique silver brilliance, leading Owen to run wildly on the originally invisible divine network channel, leaving only a long silver tail flame, like a silver meteor crossing the void. It was very impressive, but it just wouldn't let him The ride made Owen feel a little regretful.

As for the reason why Silver Shine is not allowed to be ridden, it is because Silver Flash is a male. For the sake of dignity, only women who are pure in body and mind can ride it. It is very determined about this.

As they are both male, Owen still agrees with it, because he is the same, but he is not that picky, just beautiful.

On the way, Owen also asked why he didn't go inside the Divine Network. After all, it was faster and safer.

Silver Flash's answer was that it was mainly to facilitate finding the damaged areas of the Divine Network and to observe the outside world, so it was more convenient to be outside.

There is a damaged area here, and it seems that a void creature has gotten in. Silver Flash stopped and used divine power to repair the damaged area. While telling Owen the key points of the repair, he notified the area's personnel responsible for cleaning up the internal intrusions of the Divine Network. The God of Order then continued to patrol with Owen, without delaying for a moment, because the area it was responsible for was too large and could not be delayed for too long.

When passing through some planes, the silver flash told him that the plane was invaded by orcs, that plane had become food for demons, and that it was also polluted and destroyed. Different situations have different responses. This is something that the God of Order must master. work skills.

For example, when the orcs invade, because the orc gods are arrogant and unreasonable, there is no need to negotiate. Just mobilize the troops and start fighting. Whoever wins has the final say.

Although the orc gods are unreasonable, they will not interfere with a fair fight. That is to say, as long as the gods do not intervene, it does not matter whether you win or lose, because in the eyes of the orc gods, if you lose, you will die. No one cares about you.

Therefore, the God of Order cannot take action personally and needs to mobilize troops to encircle and suppress those green disasters. Otherwise, he will inevitably be surrounded by a bunch of big green guys with explosive hammers.

As for the source of troops, although the God of Order is very good at training the army, it is definitely not enough to rely on his own followers. Once or twice is nothing, but too many times, no matter how rich the family background is, it will not be able to handle it. Therefore, in addition to recruiting people from the Divine Network, go to Deception from other planes is their common method.

The conventional method is to find the prophet or the person in power of the plane, use prophecies and dreams to inject the ferocious appearance of the orc into the other person's mind, and then wear a mysterious veil as the Riddler to lure the other person into curiosity, and finally Reveal the identity of your own deity and gain trust.

After all, if a god comes down to earth and says that your plane is being targeted by evil, it will be too late if you don't rise up to resist, etc., would you believe it?

In most cases, they can successfully trick a group of thugs who bring their own dry food, beat them to death, and finally go back with full honors.

The god of order solved the problem, the helper gained glory, and everyone was happy.

It doesn't matter if you are rejected. The generous God of Order will not punish those ignorant mortals for this. They will just mark them. When disaster strikes, no God of Order will take action. After all, you were the one who refused first.

Moreover, the God of Order really did not lie or deceive, because the life habit of the orcs is to occupy a plane and survive desperately. When the population is overpopulated, they will immigrate and invade the surrounding planes, just like locusts, constantly devouring and expanding, so if they are left alone, , the scene mentioned by the God of Order will really happen.

In addition, there are those invaded by dark elves, those invaded by illithids, and those invaded by void creatures, all of which are considered the same category.

The worst thing is to be targeted by demons. Once the gate of the abyss is opened, almost the entire plane will be hopeless. The best way is to destroy it directly and let all the matter, origin, and soul that have not been swallowed by the abyss dissolve into the void. instead of waiting to be swallowed up by the abyss.

It seems that the god of order acts as the destroyer. In fact, if the plane is actively destroyed, the matter and origin can still remain in the material world and be re-gestated one day, but once swallowed by the abyss, there will be no return.

The above situations can be solved in a short time, but the most time-consuming and energy-consuming thing is to remove the pollution and repair it.

It is easy to rebuild if it is smashed, but it is difficult to restore it completely, let alone control the pollution.

There are many sources of pollution, such as the Ancient God, the Abyss, the Evil God, the Void, etc. They are all diverse. Even the Lord God of Order dare not say that he has seen all situations, and any one of them can give the God of Order a huge headache.

Repairing is not easy either. Damage to the source, ecological destruction, species extinction, etc. all require identifying the causes and slowly repairing them.

Even if the repair is completed, immigrants need to be immigrated to rejuvenate it, so the whole process often takes hundreds of years, which consumes a lot of time and energy. It is the most annoying job for most gods of order, because the return rate is too low.

Killing the chaotic evil gods can directly obtain rewards from the divine network. Although the repair and cleanup work is more rewarding, it is obvious that the time and energy consumed are not worth the gain.

But someone has to do these things. Order Greenland is a well-known governance faction. They are not very strong, but their reputation in the order camp is not low, because they do what others are not willing to do.

After taking Owen on tour for several years, Silver Flash officially stated that he was qualified to work alone, and at the same time generously divided a large area for him from the area he was responsible for.

After expressing his full sincerity and care for his descendants, Silver Flash ran away, as if he was afraid that he would regret it, leaving Owen dumbfounded.

It's no wonder, because of its fast running speed and special ability to adapt to the void, the area originally assigned to Silver Flash was at the level of the Lord God of Order. As a result, it worked all year round, and the artifact horseshoes were worn away. It had long been fed up, so Whenever I find an opportunity, I will crazily reduce the burden on myself.

The area assigned to Owen by Silver Flash was originally quite prosperous, with a large number of planes that gave birth to intelligent races. Unfortunately, it was tortured once by a group of evil gods and an ancient god was released. Even if the matter was resolved, a lot of mess was left.

Of course, the silver flash didn't trick him, because at least one-fifth of the area was not damaged, but actually received a wave of bonuses.

The void only decomposes matter, not swallows it, so the matter does not disappear, but is transferred to other places, waiting to give birth to a new plane.

Before the new plane appears, a large amount of material and origin will be absorbed by the surviving plane. Even if it cannot be promoted, it will be greatly nourished, and it will enter a golden period of development, which will be manifested by good weather, peaceful country and people, a large increase in population, and endless emergence of geniuses, etc. .

Therefore, Owen can spread his faith, train troops, collect talents, and build a strong logistics base in these planes. This is a huge benefit.

However, it is not easy to take advantage of these benefits. The first is the issue of missionary work.

I don't know what's going on in this world. Even if no one teaches them, those savages will still develop the most basic totem worship, which will naturally evolve into faith, and eventually gods will be born.

If the level of the plane is high enough and the origin is relatively strong, the gods will evolve into gods.

Therefore, if Owen wants to preach and reap these benefits, it will definitely not be that easy. It might turn into a large-scale conflict and a war between gods.

So the territory is good, but trying to eat it is a big problem.

Just like eating Pipi shrimps, if you want to avoid hurting your hands, you have to master the eating techniques.

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