The Iron Shield and Bronze Shield currently in service in the empire are intra-dimensional aircraft. Although they are considered to fly in environments such as vacuum or void, they are not long enough to last because the limited hull space cannot accommodate more complex equipment. This is naturally satisfactory. could not meet the growing needs of the empire.

Therefore, the empire has designed ships with void flight capabilities a long time ago and has begun to build them. Especially after obtaining materials that void creatures can resist void erosion, the new void alloy casting has greatly improved the construction speed. Now it has It is nearly completed, but it cannot be built on a large scale without actual combat and testing.

Now that the conditions are ready, the empire decided to start a void voyage for testing.

The new void spaceship is named Silver Shield, 150 meters long and 30 meters high. It has three twin 200mm heavy cannons on the top, four twin 88mm rapid-fire cannons on both sides and bottom, and torpedoes. There are three missile launch ports on the left and right. Due to the use of special materials, they can still exert sufficient power even in the near-vacuum void.

But the point of the Silver Shield is not that. Just being strong in the void is of no use.

For example, the power core of the Silver Shield, in addition to using traditional magic power, also uses a newly developed psychic engine. As long as it is within the scope of the subspace, it has unlimited energy. As the subspace continues to expand, this The advantages will only grow.

In addition, the power core is also infused with a small amount of origin, which will continue to flow within the hull with energy, preventing the spacecraft from being corroded by the void while also protecting the internal living environment from being affected by the void.

These are the important factors that support the Silver Shield's flight in the void.

But after all this, the cost of building the entire spaceship has been so high that it makes the empire feel a little numb.

First of all, although the empire suffered greatly when the main world was destroyed, and the mountains themselves are rich in various rare resources, there is really no shortage of resources.

But with the development of the empire, the consumption and demand for resources are endless, and it is impossible for the empire to hollow out the Northern Stars, so there is a sense of crisis.

However, it was this sense of crisis that prompted the empire to increase investment in void spaceships, because only by obtaining resources from the outside world could this problem be truly solved.

Although it is a trial voyage, various preparations cannot be sloppy. Various materials are filled into the cabin, weapons and ammunition are sufficient, crew members equipped with powered exoskeletons are in place, and Warhammer soldiers with life-support systems added to the powered armor also carry their own equipment. Board the ship.

Shu Liya put on a captain's uniform, holding the captain's hat in one hand and placing the other on the hilt of the sword at her waist, looking very heroic.

Looking up and looking out the window, the bright silver Silver Shield was parked not far away, like a proud unicorn or a proud knight in shining armor, waiting for her to conquer. This gave Shu Liya the urge to try after a long absence. .

As a student of Owen, after giving up the opportunity to become a god, Shu Liya naturally received the same benefit, which was the subspace seed.

Every subspace seed is an unformed divinity, with priesthood and authority. The extent to which it can grow depends entirely on itself.

This is the reason why Shu Liya chose this path. However, no one has traveled this path before and there is no reference for it. As a result, she can only rely on herself to keep trying. Therefore, she never refuses anything new, such as when the new void spaceship Silver Captain of the Shield.

After getting ready, Shu Liya boarded the ship and followed the passage to the bridge. She was followed by the first mate, gunner and other deputies who were also novices, as well as the most important navigator.

Each navigator is a carefully selected psyker, the kind who can sense the position of the northern stars no matter where they are. In this way, even if they are lost in the void, they can still find their way home and stay alive. The compass is the most important person next to the captain.

Following the metal passage to the end, the adamantine steel gate blocked the way, and at the same time, loaded bolters popped out from every corner of the passage.

Shu Li had no reaction to this and calmly entered the captain's password to verify her identity.

The heavy and solid adamantium steel door opened automatically after Shu Liya verified her identity, revealing a bridge full of sophisticated equipment and full of technology, and the bolters that popped up around it were slowly retracted.

The bridge serves as the control center of the entire ship. Most functions are integrated here, but the highest authority is on the command platform, controlled by the captain.

Shu Liya sat on the command chair with the highest integrated authority, and her deep psychic energy automatically connected the ship's intelligent core and power core through special lines, activating them.

A suspended machine like a ship's rudder fell from the top of the bridge, with a crystal ball as big as a human head in the middle. At this moment, countless rune data were constantly refreshed, and then an operation interface was projected in front of Shu Liya, allowing her to immediately Having a clear understanding of the condition of the entire ship is at the heart of the Silver Shield's artificial intelligence.

Shu Liya is able to spread her powerful psychic energy to the entire Silver Shield through her intelligence core and power core. She knows it as well as she senses her own body, and can even influence and control the ship.

But ordinary captains definitely can't do this, at least not so easily, so artificial intelligence is used to assist.

At the same time, Shu Liya's powerful psychic ability is also the reason why she was chosen as the trial captain, because if any problem occurs, she can detect and respond in time.

With the system self-inspection completed, all personnel at all levels, Shu Liya pressed the button to ignite the engine with anticipation.

Powerful energy surged in the power core, activating the ship's anti-gravity runes. Under the influence of the runes' power, the Silver Shield spacecraft slowly rose away from the gravity of the northern stars. As the tail flame lengthened, the slender The hull passed through the plane barrier and officially entered the void.

The void is not a vacuum, it is more deadly. Because the void has the ability to decompose all things, even the plane has a lifespan. When the origin cannot be maintained, it will collapse and eventually dissipate in the void. Therefore, every living thing in the void will contain a certain amount of the origin. The Silver Shield must also be injected with the source to reduce the influence of the void.

Facts have proved that the Empire's design is still very reliable. The interior of the cabin has not changed due to changes in the external environment. It still maintains a comfortable temperature, fresh air circulates, and the gravity remains unchanged, allowing people to move freely.

After confirming that the hull was operating stably, the crew members who secured themselves were busy doing various inspections, including every inch of the ship from wiring and pipes to weapons and equipment.

You must know that they are in the void now, and it is okay to be close to the Northern Stars. The Bronze Shield can barely fly in the void to rescue them, but once they are far away from the empire and problems arise, it will really make the sky and the earth unable to respond. So no one dares to be careless.

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