Maya, Del, Emile, and Bella, these four are all in Owen's first list of gods. The first two are his women, and the last two should not be counted, and the father-in-law and mother-in-law are not included, anyway. They are the closest, so naturally there are benefits to come first, this is human nature.

Wherever there is a list of the first batch, there is a second batch, followed by Vanessa, Samyi, Mabuyi, Shinobu, Howard and other important high-level members of the territory.

Although there seemed to be a man mixed in, because of Howard's hard work and appearance as an old man, Owen still gave him a place. After all, the Kingdom of God also needs an old butler.

What gives Owen the biggest headache is Emily and Brian. The former has no soul and is just a living body, while the latter has transformed himself into a server. It occupies an area of ​​almost half a football field, and the cables can be connected to go around the Northland. Ten laps, so he solved it at the end.

It is easy to handle Maya becoming a god. She has governed the territory for nearly a hundred years and has already gathered countless people's hearts and prestige. Owen only needs to enlighten her.

Emile and Bella's strength has reached its peak, but no matter where they are stuck, it is not difficult to become a god. Only Del needs him to personally inject a sufficient amount of essence to transform, but this is what she deserves.

Del spent many lonely nights with him. Even if he became a god, Owen still misses her.

Maya, goddess of wisdom, divinity 1.

Del, the goddess of spring, divinity 1.

Emile, the goddess of love, divinity 1.

Bella, the goddess of martial arts, divinity 1.

Divinity will naturally not condense the priesthood, so their priesthood is given by the World Tree. Anyway, these few have been staying in the North for a long time, so their strength will not be affected. As for their divinity, only Del’s divinity is given by Owen. Yes, the rest are just one step away from being qualified, and it will not consume much of the source of World Tree.

Very good, update the holy book immediately and let the name of the Northland God System resound throughout the world. Looking at the long name of the god, the high-spirited Owen waved his hand and said to Maya and Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc is responsible for editing the new holy book, and Maya is responsible for large-scale promotion. The two work together very efficiently.

Not long after, the updated holy book caused a sensation in the entire main world, because there were so many gods appearing on it, let alone mortals, even the gods were stunned when they saw it. The most terrifying thing is that this is not False advertising, but real. All priests are recognized by the main world and are true gods who can spread faith.

After confirming this, not to mention those gods, even the noble goddess felt a little weak in the legs and considered the possibility of joining the Northland God System.

In fact, there are not many gods in the material world, and there are many hanging on the divine network. However, most of them are small groups composed of three or five gods. There is not even a high-level god. But the gods with double-digit members are really incredible. Many, even if there is a god king sitting in charge.

In fact, the Northland Gods are certainly not that exaggerated. Most of them are not qualified to become gods and can only be regarded as demigods with priesthood.

But who makes the main world unable to offend the World Tree? The last time I opened the chrysanthemum, I took a deep breath. If it hadn't been for the secret realm's previous pouring and tonic, my vitality was almost severely damaged. So in order to prevent it from happening again, I could only hold my nose and recognize the cover of the World Tree. Chapter's priesthood.

This shock was all-round. Not only gods, but even mortals felt a sense of urgency.

Now mortals already know that gods represent the foundation. The more gods there are, the stronger the protection they receive. Therefore, the Northland is the first to hold various grand sacrifices and select their own main gods.

Because of their tolerance in terms of belief, the residents of the North will choose one god as their main object of belief, and other gods who are useful as secondary objects of belief. Those who are not needed will also worship. What they pursue is a practical and easy-to-follow god. .

The same cannot be said for outside the North. There are only so many mortals. Every time a god appears, it means a loss of faith. Not to mention that so many gods appear at once this time. It is simply too overwhelming and the competition is so fierce that it will explode.

But fierceness is good, which is exactly what Irving wants. After all, if there is no fierceness, there will be no conflict. Without conflict, there will be no war. Without war, how can we annex the other side?

Oh, I'm still too shameless. Owen, who was enjoying Del's massage in the castle, suddenly said between the two mountains of flesh above his head.

If he was shameless, he would dare to lead his group of goddesses to kick out any god's kingdom and start ransacking their homes with a bag of washing powder, so there was no need to create conflicts.

But that's fine. Casting yourself as the villain and forcing everyone to stand against you is not a big deal.

It's better to plan carefully, hit some, isolate some, and win over others.

As long as we accept the transformation of World Tree, everyone will be one family.

In this case, powerful gods do not need to be considered. Owen is willing to incarnate into the subspace in order to be unrestricted. I am afraid that other gods are also like this. The more powerful they are, the less willing they are to be controlled by others. Therefore, the targets to be attracted must be carefully selected, and the weak will be given priority.

Thinking of this, Owen thought of his cheap sister and nominal mother.

Right now, Owen's body is gone, and only a little nostalgia and faint memory of his blood relationship are left. If a few hundred years pass, even this little thing will be taken away by time.

In any case, witches are very suitable as targets for wooing, especially after they reach adulthood, their weak faith soil makes it difficult for them to move forward.

This is not the case in the Northland. Not to mention the population base of 20 million, the population growth rate alone is enough to dwarf the rest.

Although the Northland is barren, after reasonable development and utilization, coupled with scientifically cultivated improved varieties, it is actually not bad.

In particular, there are no excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes, which makes farmers highly motivated.

The internal stable environment has also allowed the birth rate to increase year by year, and it is only a matter of time before the population returns to the peak of the empire.

Of course, this is just a theory. Although the main world is large, there is an upper limit to the amount of intelligent life it can accommodate.

The empire sat back and watched a number of people die every few decades due to civil unrest. This was not because they were cruel, but because they had no choice but to do so.

Everyone knows that the larger the population, the more people can be exploited, but the problem is that it cannot be done.

It was only after Owen became a god that he realized that everything in the main world had a limit, and so did the population.

There is a limit to how many lives each area can accommodate. Once the limit is approached, disasters will surely strike. The purpose of disasters is to reduce the number of local lives and reduce the burden, while also giving back to nature.

Therefore, what Druid calls natural balance and resists the destruction of nature is actually to prevent imbalance from causing greater damage.

That's why the empire tried to open up the Northland in the first place, just to expand the breeding circle and expand the population limit from the side.

Therefore, the Northland naturally has an upper limit. It reaches the border in the south, the mountains in the north, the ice sea in the west, and the forest in the east. The land area is not inferior to that of the empire, but it can accommodate a population of 50 to 60 million at most.

For Owen, this is enough. With a population of 50 to 60 million, even if only one tenth becomes a devout believer, it is enough to support a powerful pantheon.

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