Under the order of the first mate, although they knew that the other party was not the enemy, the well-trained crew members immediately returned to the combat position, carrying ammunition and making preparations. Although the machine guns and cannons were not raised, it was very rude. It's pointed at other people's faces, but it's also loaded and ready to be activated at any time.

Judging from these performances, although Holy Shield has many internal conflicts, its personnel are still well trained.

However, the speed and flexibility of the fighter jets were still an eye-opener for them, especially the number. If they were to swarm them, the Silver Shield would probably suffer considerable losses although it would not crash.

What frightens the first officer the most is that because no magic is involved in construction, this means that these simple-looking aircraft can be mass-produced.

Because of its special expansion method, Holy Shield is able to absorb a large amount of funds and talents from the outside world. After all, no one wants to miss out on joining a department that can exercise power across regions in the name of justice. Therefore, it is not enough to describe it as being as rich as the enemy.

Even so, the number of magic ships in the entire Holy Shield has just exceeded 100, and most of them are copper shield and iron shield class ships. This combination is not because they cannot afford to build them.

So once you encounter this kind of aircraft that does not require magic and can be mass-produced, it is impossible to fight the consumption.

Fortunately, we are not enemies. The first mate didn't even believe what he said, because he was very aware of the current expansionism and authoritarianism within the Holy Shield. It can be said that it was only a matter of time before conflicts with various stations occurred.

When he thought about facing the overwhelming number of aircraft in his lifetime, the first officer felt that he should retire early.

After they left the no-fly zone in Beicheng, these fighter jets also returned, letting the combatants who were waiting for them heave a sigh of relief.

Even though Holy Shield has built many magic ships, they don't have much experience in air combat. Occasionally they encounter ones that can fly. Facing the magic ships with strong ships and sharp cannons, they can only escape, so the magic ships have always been regarded as ground-attack weapons. Attack aerial platform.

But it's different now. Dozens of flexible and fast aircraft are not only equipped with machine guns, but also carry bombs. If they really fight, if they hit the keel, they may not even be able to leave a whole corpse. After all, defensive barriers are not omnipotent. .

While the people on the ship expressed fear, Jonathan knew that this was just the tip of the iceberg shown in the territory. Not even him, not even Commander Harvey knew how deep the water was here.

But this is fine. Only by not knowing the details can those senior officials who have become arrogant learn to be in awe and not dare to take action easily.

The front is about to reach the destination, lower the altitude and start slowing down. Jonathan kept giving orders, and these orders were immediately passed to all parts of the Silver Shield, and through cooperation, the speed of this behemoth was slowed down.

Compared with the Aegis, which has not yet been clarified, and the Golden Shield, which was built by Legend, the Silver Shield, although very cost-effective, also has many flaws, such as the lack of enchantments and the lack of precision components, resulting in the failure of the entire spacecraft. The operation is cumbersome and the response is slow.

This requires that the spacecraft commander must have rich experience and predict and issue orders in advance. Just like a giant ship on the sea, issues such as inertia must be taken into consideration, especially for spacecrafts. Air currents in the air and ground bulges can cause damage to the spacecraft or even cause damage to the spacecraft. crashed.

Fortunately, the Northland is vast, and the place where they base their base is carefully selected. There is no need to consider too many issues. The Silver Shield docks smoothly at the dock built in advance. This will also be the place for daily maintenance of the spacecraft. The place.

Because the magic spacecraft is shaped like a sailboat, it cannot be docked directly on the ground. Some people want to design it with a flat bottom, but it is not easy to say, and the hull will bump violently due to airflow problems. After all, the powerful flying bricks are not suitable for use in the atmosphere. , even blessing magic is not a long-term solution.

For these reasons, the magic spacecraft has always retained the shape of a sailboat. Therefore, when it is docked for maintenance, it must be located on a specially designed dock, otherwise it will be a joke if it overturns.

After it came to a stop, the crew did not stop. They shut down the functions that did not need to be turned on to save mana and carried out maintenance. After all, this was a new ship and it was still in the running-in period. No one dared to be careless.

One side of the cabin suddenly lowered to form a solid wooden ladder. Jonathan, wearing a gorgeous branch uniform, led the capable members down the dock to meet the garrison who had been waiting there.

Chief Jonathan, I am the commander of the 103rd Reserve Corps. Welcome you. Tuva, with a red face, led a group of soldiers in a tank to greet their arrival. If there was a smile on his face, , maybe the words are more credible, and now they are more like some kind of silent warning. Therefore, the faces of many members behind Jonathan became unsightly, but the old employees did not react to this, and instead focused on the appearance of those soldiers. In terms of appearance and equipment, this is the performance of a veteran.

The 103rd Reserve Corps is stationed not far from SHIELD's Northland branch. It is a well-equipped veteran regiment that has participated in battles with the Noble Alliance, the Border Town Alliance, and the Barbarian Kingdom.

Arranging such a corps here is nominally to cooperate with the Holy Shield North Branch, but in fact it understands everything.

Members of the Holy Shield are actually not unfamiliar with receiving such treatment, because there are even more extreme ones.

There is no way, the hand of the Holy Shield has been stretched too long. Nowadays, except for the five southern countries that belong to the elves and dwarves, there is more than one branch in other places. It also has cross-regional capabilities to fight against any organization defined as evil. Their rights with criminals also make them subject to great suspicion and exclusion.

But the rulers need the existence of the Holy Shield, because with the help of this platform, they can also interfere with other forces and achieve many ulterior purposes. Therefore, no matter how unpopular they are, the Holy Shield still grows and grows.

After a simple handover, Jonathan ordered the first mate to stay on the ship to maintain vigilance, and then led the personnel into the branch.

Although he was given a warning upon meeting, the treatment that the territory should provide in other places was not discounted at all.

The branch station prepared for them by the territory is not an old-fashioned castle. Apart from defense, it is not suitable for living at all. Therefore, it uses a reinforced concrete building, which is stronger and more durable. With internal pipelines, it is also very convenient to use. At least there's a flush toilet and no need to stick your butt out on the patio.

Thinking of this, many female members showed satisfied smiles, especially after seeing the double dormitory with its own bathroom and toilet, their favorability improved a lot.

The living conditions of the magic spaceship modeled after the Aegis are not bad. Even the Silver Shield, which pursues cost-effectiveness, has not reduced much. After all, if there are more people, more comprehensive considerations must be taken to increase comfort appropriately.

Therefore, the locally prepared station has become a nightmare for many Holy Shield members, especially when going to the toilet. Many people have had the experience of raising their buttocks on the second floor balcony.

It's okay for men, but it's almost like a public execution for women, even if they have lived like this before, but after joining the Holy Shield, their habits have long since changed.

The most satisfying thing for the female members is that there is also a nice garden with many beautiful and exotic plants.

In contrast, the male members are more concerned about the training ground and food in the building. After all, working out and supplementing protein are very important. The male does not want to have toned and shiny muscles.

In this regard, they would like to praise the olive oil placed in the bathroom. They just don't know where to buy it. There is no other meaning. It is just convenient to replenish it. This thing is quick to use.

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