Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 557 Rebuilding the North Shield Branch

Old John carefully placed a palm-sized wooden sculpture of a black cat in a wooden box. To avoid being damaged, he even stuffed it with some straw.

Like Old John, there are many people who receive black cat wood carvings from nuns, because according to the holy scriptures, this is the messenger of the cat goddess. Worshiping it will prevent the food at home from being harmed by rats. At the same time, after the death of a family member, it will also He will turn into a messenger and guide the dead to the Kingdom of Eternal Night to enjoy eternal tranquility. Therefore, although he is not as lofty as other gods, it is more in line with the needs of people like Old John.

After selling crops, buying salt, repairing farm tools, and pulling a piece of cloth for his eldest daughter, Old John immediately found the cleanest and brightest place when he returned home, placed the black cat statue there, and then took his family with him Start praying.

Because he firmly believed in the words of the holy book, his initial faith soon condensed into the black cat statue. The mice in the house were like crazy, trying to escape even if they hit their heads and bleed.

Such a magical scene proved more and more that the black cat statue was real, and his faith became more and more pious.

This scene happened in thousands of households in the territory. The gathering of faith shocked the cat goddess. But at the beginning, it already exceeded her faith in the original plane. She was so happy that her tail waggled uncontrollably.

Faith is like salary to gods. Without a stable source, serious anxiety will arise. With a stable and high salary, even a goddess as arrogant as a cat will have to wag her tail.

For the Cat Goddess, it is a major event that affects future life, but for the territory, it is just a small matter, and not every place in the territory is so peaceful.

With the north city as the dividing line, the pioneering towns in the south are developing very well. The developed transportation, commerce and agriculture make the entire area full of vitality and the happiness index is high.

But the north is different. The war that year caused a delay of half a year in this area before resuming production. The venom left by the barbarian kingdom and evil professionals has not been cleaned up yet, and there are even signs of spreading. For this reason, Maya has to Do not take more severe measures to prevent it from spreading to other areas and causing greater losses.

First of all, all areas in the north are strictly divided and managed. Unless they hold a special pass, residents are strictly prohibited from leaving the areas designated by their residences. Violators will be whipped in the lightest form and subject to hard labor in the worst case.

For this reason, reserve corps were stationed at various traffic arteries, patrolling day and night every day, and there were even military dogs and cavalry. All that was needed was barbed wire and trenches.

In addition, belief tests are conducted regularly in each residential area, and one can only believe in the gods specified in the holy scriptures. Once they deviate from their beliefs, not only will the person involved be imprisoned and examined, but their family and interpersonal relationships will also be strictly investigated. In serious cases, the entire Small towns will be closed.

Smuggling and hiding illegal items, worshiping evil gods, and offering sacrifices are serious crimes that can be directly hanged. There is no implication at all, and all those involved are executed on the spot.

Even with such strict management, it still cannot eliminate various problems in the Northern Territory.

In fact, if most of the population in Beicheng had not been transformed by the system, the problems in the northern part of the territory would have spread to the southern region.

Maya, who was very troubled by this, had to choose to put the entire northern region under semi-military management, and the corps stationed everywhere maintained a state of combat readiness all year round to prevent the worst case scenario from happening.

However, the army should not be used if it can be done. After all, most residents are still peaceful civilians. Once they are too forced, large-scale panic will easily occur. Therefore, the territory needs more professional personnel who can go deep into the people and be proficient in investigation, tracking, and arrest. , torture, and try to reduce the scope of the impact.

However, there are not enough Battle Sisters in charge of this aspect, and they also need to guard the northern city to prevent the abnormality from spreading to the south. The root members are now mainly focusing on the hinterland of the former empire, so Maya plans to reorganize the Holy Shield to allow this long-established organization to play a more powerful role. It has many functions, and this was the original purpose of creating the Holy Shield.

As the mobile headquarters of the Holy Shield, the Aegis magic ship will not stay in one place for a long time. Instead, it will turn on stealth mode and patrol various branches all year round. While strengthening management, it will also eliminate the possibility of corruption and self-reliance. Of course, It's only possible because everyone knows it's impossible.

The difference from the past is that the Aegis is no longer a lonely ship, but forms a twelve-ship aerial fleet, which is powerful enough to completely destroy a city in a short period of time.

It is this strength that gives Holy Shield its transcendent status among various countries and major forces.

Today, the Aegis is still cruising at high altitudes on non-fixed routes under the protection of frigates, but it seems extremely busy inside. After all, this is the aerial headquarters of the Aegis, with hundreds of civilian staff alone.

As the top person in charge of Holy Shield, Headquarters Chief Harvey has a very busy workday. He needs to review thousands of pieces of information and make hundreds of decisions every day. For this reason, he has a huge group of secretaries to organize information and affairs for him. It is convenient for him to read and make decisions quickly, and he can give timely answers when he asks.

Today the chief secretary came to report on the work with long legs and a very professional posture. As soon as he came in, he closed the door first, then activated the secret lock to make the place a secret room. Then he grabbed a stick-like object and broke it hard. Next to the door One branch of the hanger suddenly drooped.

As soon as Harvey saw this posture, he knew that something was inevitable today, because ordinary intelligence would not have the final step, so with a serious expression, he used the prosthetic eye in the eyepatch to activate several restrictions that only he was qualified to open, and completely sealed the office.

Hi, Hydera! The chief secretary shouted to Harvey with a serious expression. After receiving a response, he handed him the information he had collected personally.

Rebuild the Northland Aegis branch? Harvey was stunned. The Holy Shield has a branch in the North, but it is only in name. In fact, it is all under the control of the territory, and there is no need for the increasingly complicated internal situation. Divine Shield intervenes.

However, after carefully reading the information, Harvey frowned. He did not expect that the situation in the northern part of the territory was so complicated. No wonder he had to mobilize the power of the Holy Shield. But this time, if he wanted to use all his own people, he still needed think about it.

Harvey has always maintained close ties with the territory, and from the day he began to attract outside people and funds, he quietly poached corners.

Harvey knew very well that after the expansion of external recruitment, the Holy Shield would no longer be pure, so he secretly used the territorial personnel he brought as the backbone to quietly develop a secret society within the Holy Shield, called Hydra, as a way to regain control in the future. The foundation of the Holy Shield's power.

At the same time, Harvey has also built three-digit secret bases and a larger number of safe houses in various places over the years, some of which are handed over to Root, and the rest are used by the Hydra members he developed within SHIELD. Every year A large amount of information will be sent back to the territory, including many young wizards and warlocks, providing sufficient students for the territory's magic academy.

This time he received an order from the territory to form a Holy Shield branch in the north of the territory, so he knew he would face a huge challenge.

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