Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 555 If you want to pet the cat, you have to work harder

The Cat Goddess is busy building a cat car. After receiving the news, Owen's body is also busy making preparations to welcome it. At the same time, it has to be wary of the reaction of the noble goddess.

This goddess Owen has never been able to see through it. Many of her actions have been strange, and she is obviously planning something or being wary of something.

At the same time, this goddess is also an important prey targeted by the tyrant god, so no matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful.

Although the Divine Power Cable Car is not as fast as the inside of the Divine Network, under the urging of the Divine Power, it still travels through the void like a meteor and reaches Owen's world in a relatively short period of time.

Before arriving at the coordinates, the Cat Goddess deliberately slowed down her speed in order to observe. Cats are very careful.

When the cat goddess saw the plane not far away, she was very surprised.

Although there are countless planes in the material world, most of them are small planes that can accommodate a population of around 100,000 at most, because the ecosystem can only sustain this number.

And this is quite a lot, many planes with poor resources cannot even breed intelligent creatures.

Therefore, a world like the one where Owen's body is located, which can give birth to over 100 million intelligent creatures, is called the main plane, which shows how precious it is.

One main plane alone can support a not too powerful pantheon, so the Cat Goddess really believes that the other party has a pantheon.

The cat goddess who arrived at the plane wall collected the remaining divine power cable cars while waiting for Owen's arrival.

Without the help of the other party, she would not even be able to enter the plane to spread her faith, and even her spiritual consciousness would not be able to enter, because the plane consciousness of the main world is already very powerful, and it is not something that a low-level god like her can provoke.

Owen had been waiting for a long time, but when she saw him wrapped in shadows and entangled with death, the cat goddess almost exploded and her tail became thicker.

Fortunately, the Cat Goddess soon sensed the tranquility of the night in the other person, coupled with his handsome face and peaceful temperament, she calmed down after knowing that he was not an evil god, at least he did not trick the cat into killing him.

Seeing the true form of the Cat Goddess for the first time, Owen looked up and down.

The black-skinned lady with cat ears and long legs can be summed up in one sentence. She is a little colder, and even her tail is raised high. I am afraid it will be a bit difficult for Owen to fulfill his dream of sucking cats.

Owen stood in front of the gate of the Kingdom of God. He did not go out, but waited for the cat goddess to make the final decision.

The Kingdom of God can be said to be the most powerful weapon of the gods. If a god of the same level dares to enter the opponent's Kingdom of God, it cannot be said that he has no power to fight back. He can only say that he cannot run away, so it depends on whether the cat goddess can trust Owen. .

Perhaps moved by Owen's peaceful aura, the Cat Goddess finally decided to take a risk. Otherwise, spending such a high price to come here would be in vain. She has no money to go back.

After setting foot in the Kingdom of Eternal Night, the cat goddess was very curious about the undead here, because she had never seen such peaceful, leisurely, and lazy undead, and her heart was relieved.

What a real moon. The cat goddess looked up at the moon in the sky and said curiously.

The sun, moon and starry sky in the plane are actually just projections. Even if they can play a role, the essence is just the effect of the projection affecting the origin of the plane. Where the real starry sky is, I am afraid only those powerful gods know.

However, out of habit, some gods would also imitate the sun, moon and stars in their own kingdoms, but this was the first time she had seen such imitations.

Your Majesty the God King, is this a new companion? The Moon Princess, who had stripped away the power of nightmares, descended from the sky. Her graceful figure and elegant posture immediately attracted the attention of the Cat Goddess, and she also understood why. The moon here is so real, it turns out there is an extremely rare moon god.

Owen, who didn't know what to say, happily handed over the reception task to Moon Princess, and then left.

They are both goddesses, although one is a cat and the other is a horse, they have a lot in common.

This is the Kingdom of Eternal Night, one of the three kingdoms of His Majesty the God King. It is located on the golden canopy. Below is the Kingdom of Light. Although it is too bright, it is very beautiful. The bottom is the Kingdom of Purgatory. It is best not to go there if nothing happens. At this point, the disdain in Princess Moon's eyes was clearly visible, and she was obviously very impressed. However, she had forgotten the cat's curiosity. Sooner or later, she would go down for a walk.

Since it is a divine system, are there other gods? The Cat Goddess asked tentatively, and she was very curious. Although the Moon Princess was obviously stronger, she respectfully called her the God King.

There are three more goddesses. When they are free, I will take you to visit them. Now find a place you like. Moon Princess said, and then took her to the Kingdom of Light.

At this time, the Cat Goddess was lost in thought. With her, there were a total of six gods, five of which were goddesses. This god king was having a lot of fun.

However, the gods are high above, and it is normal for them to do anything when no one is controlling them. The cat goddess has long been used to it, not to mention that this god king is quite in line with her taste. Thinking of this, she stuck out her pink tongue. Licking your lips, the cat's eyes staring at the prey flashed away, and you really thought you were the only one enjoying the cat.

The Kingdom of Light is the closest to reality and nature. In the boundless forest, exquisite buildings belonging to elves can be seen everywhere. Elves, dwarves, Pegasus, and griffons live freely here.

It's a good place to bask in the sun. Although the cat goddess is called a night hunter, she also likes to bask in the warm sunshine. Although the light is a bit stronger, she can accept it, so she nodded.

Have you decided to build a divine kingdom there? Princess Moon asked gently after hearing this.

I'm still in the Kingdom of Eternal Night, but can I still come here? Because of her priesthood, the Kingdom of Eternal Night was more suitable for the cat goddess, but she agreed that she was a little reluctant to see the sunshine here, so she asked.

His Majesty the God King divided the three kingdoms only because of different responsibilities and functions, and does not restrict free movement. Therefore, there are also insomniac elves who go to the Kingdom of Eternal Night to sleep, and skeletons will come here to dry their bones. Princess Moon explained, and informed several Cat-friendly pathways, such as walking down the golden branches.

The Cat Goddess was even more satisfied, and now she only needed to inform the God King to get permission.

At this time, Owen was considering the position of the Cat Goddess in the Kingdom of God. It would be too wasteful to simply let her serve as the guardian of the barn. It happened that the other party had the priesthood of the dark night, so he let her serve as the messenger of death.

The cat goddess is very satisfied with Owen's arrangement. After all, it involves the power of death. This is undoubtedly a qualitative change for her who only has the barn and mouse-catching priesthood.

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