The synthesized Demon Goat Armor is much more powerful than the Demon Goat Armor.

It does not refer to the strength of the armor, but to the internal increase.

The Demon Sheep Armor is just a simple armor. The increase is more like some kind of blessing magic. The higher its own attributes, the better it performs.

The Demon Goat Armor is different. It looks like a living thing inside, with green blood vessels and blood-red muscle bundles all over it. There are also gland-like organs that are constantly squirming, and a kind of transparent and colorless mucus is secreted from the inside. The helmet The blood-red eyes revealed an evil will.

Damn it, this thing is alive!

Owen could feel the demon goat's armor's desire for flesh and blood, not to mention that using this armor was like crawling into the abdomen of some creature. Even if there was no smell, he would not try to use it.

In addition, the external shape of the Demon Goat Armor also looks too evil.

If the Demon Sheep Armor still has a strong sheep style, it is somewhat similar to the black-painted Aries Golden Saint Cloth, especially the huge horns spanning the shoulders.

Then the Demon Goat Armor can only be said to be purely demonic. Not only is it sharp and angular, it also exudes an evil aura. It is the kind that a righteous character will definitely cut twice before crushing the bones and ashes.

Thinking about himself wearing a demon goat armor and leading a group of monsters under his command, and then showing off the dungeon, no one believed him even if he said he was not a dark force.

Now it's settled. When facing adventurers, he is the noble lord Guang Zhengwei. When facing the invasion of evil forces, he is the evil and ferocious dungeon devil. Who dares to compete with him for territory!

Owen is quite satisfied with the Demon Goat Armor as long as he doesn't wear it, but the name is not nice, so he subtracted one word and called the new series the Demon Series.

Although the Demon Man series is far stronger than the Demon Sheep series, the evil atmosphere is too strong. Unless he plans to appear as a negative image in the future, otherwise it is best not to use it. Besides, it is too disgusting.

So after building a set of Demon Swords, Owen chose to seal them on the third floor of the dungeon, and then find ways to strengthen the basic Demon Sheep series.

The first is the material. The special thing about the hero equipment as the main body of the synthesis is not its hardness, so in terms of defense, it is only equivalent to sophisticated plate armor.

If it were an ordinary world, this strength would be enough, but unfortunately this world is not ordinary, so it must be strengthened.

The enhancement of brave equipment is very simple, just fuse equipment of the same type, and it can be fused up to three times.

In fact, each fusion is the main material required for the next stage of the synthesis of the Demon King's weapons, and the third time must be the fusion of the brave heart, that is, up to three pieces of brave equipment and one brave heart can be fused together, which is the upper limit of the game. , which is also the upper limit of the synthesis furnace.

Owen had never redeemed the Heart of the Brave before, because the Heart of the Brave, worth twenty progress points, was not cheap. In addition, he didn’t know what the Heart of the Brave was for, so he never redeemed it.

This time he planned to strengthen the Demon Sheep Armor to its limit. A brave heart was essential. At the same time, he also wanted to see where the limit of the synthesis furnace was.

In fact, the limit of the synthesis furnace is not as difficult to touch as imagined. As a product of twenty-point progress value exchange, the powerful functions of the synthesis furnace are more aimed at the brave equipment and monsters from the same game. Even so, if you want to break the limit, you still have to This special substance, the Heart of the Brave, is needed for enlightenment.

In addition, although the synthesis furnace also has magical effects on ordinary substances, the upper limit is not as high as imagined. This obviously limits Owen's future performance, but for the upper limit of the progress value he currently has, the synthesis furnace is still It's enough.

The two newly exchanged brave armors were combined with the original Demon Sheep Armor. The formed Demon Sheep Armor became very thick, and it felt like it had evolved from plate armor to power armor.

In fact, it doesn't feel wrong, because Owen really borrowed some of the puppet's structure and used it in the new Demon Sheep Armor. As long as the intelligent core and energy core are added, this thing can move on its own.

But it is not easy to achieve this step. Owen only unexpectedly discovered that mental power can cooperate with the synthesis furnace to perform more detailed operations before repeatedly fusing the Demon King's weapons.

It is not easy to influence the synthesis inside the synthesis furnace through mental power, not to mention that he has to persist until the synthesis is completed.

Part of his mental energy, which serves as the mold or framework, will be lost during this process, causing him to be mentally depressed for several days before he can recover.

But the good thing is that this part of the mental power has not disappeared, but has been integrated into the synthetic items, giving him a high affinity for the synthetic items. Otherwise, the Demon Armor would not only be disgusting, but also quite dangerous.

Later, during Owen's continuous research, he mastered the ability to shape the puppet mechanism through the synthesis furnace, and used it on the enhanced version of the Demon Sheep Armor.

Of course, Owen's current mental strength cannot directly synthesize more complex structures, such as mechanical spines. Therefore, on this basis, he successively integrated mechanical spines, intelligent cores, energy cores, magnet mushrooms, etc., and finally integrated The blood-red Hero’s Heart Gem.

It was also at this time that Owen understood the role of the Hero's Heart, which was similar to a simplified version of the Philosopher's Stone. It could completely integrate all items and functions, and at the same time, to a certain extent, prevent the user from being affected by the emotional impact of the Demon King's weapon. This is the reason why the strengthening of the Demon King's weapons requires a brave heart in the end, and it is also the key to why the Demon King's armor looks so evil.

Although possessing the Demon King's aura, Owen will not be contaminated by the demonization of the Demon King's weapons, but as a demonic object full of negative energy, the negative impact on his mental and emotional state is still unavoidable.

The mood is definitely different when you go out for a spring outing in sunny weather and when you walk in the mud on a rainy day. You can adjust yourself in a short period of time, but over time, you can't even think about not being depressed.

Fortunately, due to the continuous strengthening process of the Demon Sheep Armor, the proportion of monsters has been reduced, and the color of the final Demon Sheep Armor has turned into a low-key and luxurious metallic gray, which looks much more pleasing to the eye.

In addition to the color, other aspects have also changed, such as the height increasing to two meters and the weight exceeding half a ton.

To be honest, without the support of the exoskeleton frame of the puppet structure, wearing this thing would be really fatal. If the helmet strap is crooked, the neck will be broken.

But with the exoskeleton frame, coupled with the fused mechanical spine, intelligent core, and energy core, the Demon Sheep Armor still has the ability to act autonomously even without the wearer. Once worn, it is even more powerful.

This is not the real ability of the Demon Sheep Armor, its internal structure is what even amazed Owen.

Compared with the disgusting and uncomfortable biological tissues inside the Demon Man Armor, although there are similar biological tissues inside the Demon Sheep Armor, they do not appear disgusting.

Countless tough fibers form rubber-like muscle bundles, criss-crossing the armor's internal space. They don't look like living things, but more like biochemical synthetic materials, with good anti-collision and shock-absorbing effects.

And this is only the most basic function. When Irving actually wore it, he personally felt the function of this layer of biological tissue.

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