Owen was doing handicrafts. He used silver thread to carefully sew runes on a pair of high-end deerskin gloves, and inlaid small pieces of crystals as stable nodes to guide the infusion of magic power. It was similar to transcribing scrolls, but the spells must be mastered. You must have a clear understanding of the structure, and you must have good craftsmanship, otherwise you may risk breaking your fingers if you make a slight mistake.

In fact, what he is making is a semi-finished enchanted equipment with no place to store energy, so it cannot be activated independently. It needs to be infused with magic power in person. This greatly limits the range of users, because there are always only a few casters, and the gloves are inscribed with The spells are of little use in the hands of the mage, and the scope of use is once again reduced.

However, Owen ingeniously reduced the release distance and instead enhanced the spell intensity. Therefore, after activation, his hands will be covered with a layer of enhanced magic power, making his hands stronger and more powerful.

If he could only squeeze eggs before, now he can make durians burst into juice.

This is just the beginning. Irving plans to engrave the sword protection spell on the light leather armor, reduce the defensive area, strengthen the basic structure, and then connect it with the mage gloves. By then, it will be a magical version of a simplified exoskeleton. .

As long as the supply of magic power continues, Owen's upper body will have the strength of a professional warrior.

Although it is better to just add points to strength, this is just the beginning. In theory, he can combine as many spells as there are, and even create a magical version of power armor.

This is just a pure mage route. During his time in Sea Breeze Town, he has gained a lot of knowledge, such as goblin technology, dwarf machinery and dwarf guns, all of which are unique.

If all are absorbed, it can greatly enhance the territory's basic technology foundation and provide more inspiration for the integration of magic and technology.

But the most important thing for Irving now is to obtain a stable real estate, rather than living in a hotel room all day long and listening to the intermittent sound of card playing next door. This is almost like adding fuel to the fire for the angry young man.

It just so happened that he was a bit mysophobic and had no intention of sharing the same toilet with others.

As for craft work, he didn't even have any materials, so he had no choice but to use a foot and a half of parchment to write a simple daily essay to comfort his young and turbulent heart.

But this also made Owen full of motivation. He would copy books during the day and scrolls at night. He would also do odd jobs when he had nothing to do. Then he calculated that it would only take him three years to buy a house in Haifeng Town. This efficiency burdened him in his previous life. He was filled with emotion after having had a mortgage for decades.

The problem is that he can't wait that long, so he goes looking for a haunted house.

It's a pity that this thing is a hot commodity. After all, Haifeng Town is not a remote mountain village. There are not many legal professions, but they can't be called rare. Not to mention that there is a temple here. As long as the profit is enough, no haunted house can exist.

With great difficulty, Owen found a wooden house that had slipped through the net, located at the foot of a mountain a few miles outside the town.

The place was originally built by lumberjacks, but was abandoned after it was destroyed by a group of kobolds. The town of Sea Breeze didn't know how to remember it, so it became the property of the town. However, undead people were found inside, causing it to become a ruin. Negative equity in hand.

It’s not that there isn’t someone in town to solve the problem, but it’s a matter of cost.

The labor and commissions spent exceeded the value of the wooden house itself, and it did not affect the town, so it was naturally shelved indefinitely.

The town clerk only remembered this place when he saw Owen rummaging through the haunted house.

For only ten silver coins, the land within a hundred steps of this wooden house will be yours. It's very cost-effective. The clerk tried hard to promote this wooden house that had problems left over from history, and Owen was really moved.

Ten silver coins was obviously a bit expensive for a wooden house, let alone one that was several miles away from town and located at the foot of a mountain.

There is not much land that can be cultivated, and there are threats from kobolds and bandits. Even penniless poor people are unwilling to go there.

But one hundred steps is more than one hundred meters. It is very cost-effective to get such a piece of private land for ten silver coins. If it were larger, it would be comparable to a smaller knight's fief.

The most important thing is that this is recognized by Seawind Town, so Owen has the right to kill anyone except the nobles within this range. Even the knights cannot trespass without the order of the lord.

This is not to say that the rights of the homeowners are superior to those of the knights, but to maintain the authority of the lord, and everyone knows this.

Besides, can ordinary people stop a knight from intruding? Just kill the homeowner and the violation is no longer a violation.

Just like there would be no case without the victim.

But Owen is a spellcaster. Even if he is just an apprentice, no knight is willing to offend him easily. He also has the ability to protect himself, so this place is very attractive to him.

After completing the formalities, Owen collected the land deed and headed alone to the forest cabin five miles away from Sea Breeze Town.

The terrain here is slightly rugged, so it has not been reclaimed as farmland. The nearest farmland is three miles away. It is very secluded, which is very suitable for Owen who needs a quiet environment.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, there is a ten-meter long house on a relatively flat terrain, and there are two wooden sheds in the large fenced yard.

Because it was built by lumberjacks, the materials used are very solid. Even if it is not maintained for a long time, it will still remain intact. The ground in the yard has also been solidified and hardened.

The next step is the wilderness survival project. Owen put on his gloves. After activating the enchantment, an invisible force field covered his upper body, making him as strong as an ox. He picked up the shovel he brought and shoveled the ground inside the longhouse. Remove it to a depth of half a foot, then fill it with new loess and lay it down with wooden boards when conditions permit.

The main reason why Irving spent so much time on the house was that the hygienic habits of a group of lumberjacks were very poor. They ate, drank, and pooped in the house, and the smell had penetrated into the soil. No matter how much cleaning was done, it would be useless.

After all this work, there was nothing left to do, because apart from a fire pit, there was only a row of wooden beds made of logs, which were lined up in a row on the floor. They didn't even have bed legs, and there was no place to clean them at all.

The only good thing is that the loggers used a special kind of wood that can repel snakes and insects. Presumably they don't want to find some cute little animals on them every morning, so there are no small animals in the house that need to be driven away.

After spreading the animal skins he brought and lighting the fire to disperse the moisture, Owen finally had an environment where he could study quietly.

The sword protection and mage's hand skills he had learned in his previous life, and after copying scrolls during this period, Owen had mastered deeply, so he decided to start learning new spells, and this was why he chose a quiet environment.

However, Owen had forgotten that in addition to the remoteness, there were also the existence of the undead. He didn't remember until he heard the sound of cracking bones coming from outside the door.

Carrying a one-handed ax and a log shield, Owen walked out of the longhouse and frowned when he saw three skeleton soldiers wandering outside.

Skeleton soldiers are not naturally undead. In other words, unless they are on a large-scale battlefield, there will be no skeleton soldiers at all without the summons of the necromancer.

Fortunately, these skeleton soldiers have obviously lost their command, otherwise they would not be wandering around, otherwise Owen would have to consider how to deal with the necromancer.

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