Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 540: Even though you’ve already moved bricks, you’re still being ostracized by your peers

The owner of the Old Walnut Grocery Store, who looked like a shriveled walnut, drooped his eyelids. He just raised his head and glanced at Owen, and instantly judged the other person's spending power. He pointed to the place where a lot of old things were piled up and stopped talking to him. Instead, he continued to repair the complex mechanical creation that resembled a clock in his hand.

Clothes, protective gear, weapons, and sundries were piled together. It could be seen that the origins of these things were quite complex. Some were eager to sell them for money, some were taken from dead people, and some were simply stolen.

Owen didn't care where these things came from, he was looking for clothes first.

Fortunately, these clothes had been simply cleaned. Although they were not new, they did not have much odor. Irving chose two sets of clothes and boots that fit better. He also bought a dagger, a one-handed axe, and a log shield to wear himself. Arming himself again cost him a full ten silver coins.

But there is nothing to be dissatisfied with. If you replace it with a new one, the price will be increased by at least 50%. Without a stable source of income, Irving would not dare to spend so much money in one go.

A new-looking Owen came to the Lamb's Tavern, placed four copper coins on the table, and received a glass of inferior ale, a bowl of salted beans, half a short sausage and a piece of hard bread like a tile, and then refused the other party's recommended tripe. Wrap meat.

This is a unique delicacy in which heart, lungs, kidneys and minced meat are stuffed into the stomach of a sheep. It is served with raw onions and boiled apples. It is said to be the signature dish of the tavern.

In his previous life, Owen liked to eat offal, such as roasted kidneys, haggis soup, duck intestines and so on.

But he still couldn't accept this kind of delicacy that was comparable to the nine-story waist tower made of boiled nine kinds of kidneys and molded skin jelly, even if the maid hinted that eating this thing would be good for that kind of thing.

What a joke, a great young man like him still needs this thing. Owen despises middle-aged men who order this signature dish.

It's a pity that the people sitting here today are all rotten drunkards in the town. They got one or two copper coins from nowhere, ordered a glass of low-quality ale mixed with an unknown amount of water, and ordered a bowl of boiled beans in salt water. Just sips and sips. You can hang out for a whole day by sipping it, and when it gets dark, you will stagger and pretend to be full of food and drink, and walk to your doghouse while drinking like crazy.

Owen couldn't believe what these people were bragging about. After half a glass of ale, they had created the world.

As for the bartender, he did have some decent information, but he didn't know what kind of information he needed for a while, so he gave up and booked a guest room to rest after simply filling his stomach.

The limited guest room, which is larger than the toilet, barely contains a single bed and a narrow table. There is also a urinal in the corner. Judging from the decaying and yellowing walls and the lingering smell, the marksmanship of the previous guests has been very good. No, I can’t press the gun, and I don’t know if it will leak downstairs.

Irving didn't pay attention to the environment here. He opened the window to ventilate, and then lifted the linen sheets. The bundles of straw underneath were very dry, and exuded a faint smell of sunshine and rice. There was no moisture to breed a bunch of bedbugs, and it was not secreted by the human body. The grease penetrates, which is something to be thankful for.

Lying on the bed, he relaxed and fell asleep unconsciously. Owen felt very magical about this, because he was just a spiritual consciousness of the main body. It could be said that it was a small program separated from the main system, but the soul was shaped by the divine network. He was completed, and even after his body was taken away, there was still no abnormality, just like a real living person.

The tiredness of his body left him no time to think, and he soon fell into a deep sleep.

I don't know how long it took, but judging from the intensity of the sun, it was almost noon, if not noon. After rubbing his eyes, Owen got up from the bed.

Oops, my body actually feels a little sore. It seems that hand-to-hand combat is still too much for a mage apprentice. Owen twisted his body clockwise with his hands on his hips. After feeling that his condition was improving, he took a long breath and decided to add some strength. .

As a mage, his highest attribute is charm, but he is not a warlock yet, so this point is obviously wasted.

Although he wanted to add points to strength or agility, Owen rationally added points to intelligence and found a job moving bricks.

I originally wanted to find an easy job copying books, but there was none here.

Books are rare to begin with, and the opportunities to copy them are even rarer. Even if they are available, they cannot fall on him, an outsider.

In order not to live in vain, Owen had no choice but to find a job moving bricks.

The job of moving bricks is not difficult. The construction time in Xiaolin Town is not short. There will always be some dilapidated houses. Their task is to demolish and rebuild the dilapidated houses. As for whether the owner is willing to pay, the house will be returned if he is not willing. It's owned by everyone in the town, so this job is very hated. Many people can't bear the pressure and run away, so they recruit foreigners like Owen.

Demolition, moving bricks, and building walls, he barely worked for two days. Not only was he exhausted and sweating, but the money he earned was not enough to eat. He was also ostracized and suppressed by his colleagues because he was a foreigner!

Owen was so angry that he decisively chose to give up. He no longer had to suffer the comments and ostracism from those people behind his back, as well as the small stones that would be thrown on him if he wasn't careful.

Without a job, Irving became more and more difficult, so the silver coins in his hand were really useless.

As for using the remaining money as capital to do some business, there is no point in doing it if he makes less money, and he can't keep a business that makes a lot of money.

When the law was relatively sound, there were still acquisitions and mergers. In the feudal era, people would pay attention to how to deal with big businessmen. If a person from a lower-class background like him came up with a way to make money, the best result would be to work for big businessmen and nobles. If you work hard, if you are not lucky enough, you will die immediately.

Only then did Owen realize that what he lacked was not job opportunities or lack of ability, but lack of strength and status.

If an ordinary time traveler either arouses fighting spirit or sinks, no matter what kind, he will choose some less glorious methods and more extreme actions, which is called being forced.

Fortunately, Owen was just here to experience life. Under the meticulous care of the system's father, the main body really didn't suffer much other than fighting against himself.

Even if he wants to make up for it now, he is not truly starting from scratch, at least he has enough resurrection coins.

As a god who controls millions of people in the North, he really doesn't lack the power of faith. At least there is no pressure at all to pay for the resurrection of a mortal.

After realizing this, Owen decided to become an adventurer. This was the last struggle for him and for most people who were unwilling to accept an ordinary fate.

As long as there are people who are unwilling to be ordinary and as long as there is a strict class, the special group of adventurers will not disappear. Owen even suspects that there is a god of adventurers whose authority is controlled by the divine network. Otherwise, they would be everywhere. Adventurers are comparable to the fourth natural disaster.

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