Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 538 I still have skills that I haven’t used yet.

In addition to spells, there are more detailed divisions in the magic network, which reminded Owen unconsciously of the game.

First the main god, then the game, this world is becoming more and more incomprehensible, Owen said with a sigh.

As a time traveler, Owen is actually very proud. Even though he acts low-key and has a very strict style, as a time traveler, he always has a feeling of being superior to everyone, even gods.

But after coming into contact with the Divine Network, even if it didn't last long, the cost of self-confidence has been reduced a lot.

The Divine Network also connects countless planes and possesses countless resources, knowledge and lives. Even the gods are their workers. This makes it difficult for Owen, who still needs to accumulate progress points to redeem, to have any sense of superiority.

Even if he wants to reach the scale of the Divine Network, even if he cheats, it will take at least a thousand years to start. If it is not capped, it may be a ten thousand year project.

The problem is that he might be tired of living by then. After all, for humans, tens of thousands of years is too long.

Therefore, Owen decided not to think too highly of himself. He initially positioned the Divine Network and those powerful gods as enemies, which was really overestimating his capabilities.

And he was never a destroyer or a conqueror, he was just a time traveler who wanted to enjoy a leisurely life without being bullied.

No matter what he faces in the future, it is absolutely right to strengthen himself first, so Owen gives up thinking about these things and turns to studying everything he inherited from his predecessor, so as to become familiar with this new vast world as soon as possible.

Although it is only a mortal's power, Owen does not dislike it, and has even planned not to carry out additional enhancements, and just rely on these to take risks.

In fact, Owen knows very well that these are what he lacks, because he upgraded too quickly and has never experienced any decent battles. Therefore, he has so many shortcomings that he doesn't know where to start. The time-travel provided by Shenwang is just the right one. His path of trials.

Using the function of the Divine Net to digitize body attributes does not cost much faith crystal anyway.

Name: Andrew (Owen), Race: Human, Age: 16, Occupation: Mage Apprentice, Level: Level 2, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Magic Value: 16/16, Attribute Points: 2.

Attributes: Intelligence 8, Strength 4, Agility 6, Charisma 10.

Talent: Affinity, it is easier for you to win the favor of strangers.

Spells: Blade Protection/Zero Level, Mage's Hand/Zero Level.

Equipment: Obsolete one-handed ax/ordinary, skinned log shield/ordinary.

Good guy, this is my return to the Novice Village. Although the attributes were ugly, it brought back Owen's earlier memories, so his expression became a little nostalgic until he missed the point.

The sudden weightlessness made Owen unable to react at all. When his whole body was shaken and he felt his body being pierced in many places, it was already too late. The severe pain made him unable to do anything. He could only lie there twitching and feeling random. With the loss of blood, the body is slowly getting colder.

When he was dying, Owen's consciousness slowly left his body wrapped in the divine net that shaped his soul, which also allowed his perspective to rise to see what had just happened.

Looking up and seeing the sky above the mouth of a well, Owen suddenly realized that he had fallen into a trap, and the strange cries coming from far and near felt very familiar to him.

It's the Goblin?! Owen wanted to die for a moment. He fell into the Goblin's trap. There was no stupider way to die than this.

Next, he will be carried back by the goblins soon, and then turned into food without any waste, just like countless new adventurers.

Thinking of ending up like this, Irving decisively decided to renew his subscription and purchase resurrection coins.

Resurrection is not as complicated as imagined. Just repair the body, put in the soul, and then restart. This is not difficult for the Divine Network, which has many powers, not to mention that the resurrected people are ordinary mortals, so they only charge for watching in Owen For a small fee, he felt a forceful tug, and when he opened his eyes again, he was revived on the spot.

Shenwang was very considerate in letting Owen stay standing, instead of trying to pull himself out as soon as he opened his eyes.

When he lowered his head and saw the soil soaked with blood at the bottom of the pit, as well as the sharpened wooden thorns inserted there, Owen frowned suddenly.

It hurts to look at it. Owen, who was really not hurt much, recalled the feeling just now, and said with a somewhat ugly expression, because the feeling of death was no longer real, but really dead.

The goblin's voice was getting closer and closer, and Owen, who was afraid of being stuck underneath, hurriedly dug a hole in the pit wall with his axe, and climbed out of the hole at the risk of being pierced again.

Fortunately, he had a young body and was strong enough to climb out in time, but the number of goblins that came was a bit too many, almost a dozen.

Although the prey crawled out of the trap, the goblins who had the advantage in numbers still had enough courage. They dispersed skillfully and then surrounded them.

Blade protection. Owen activated the spell without hesitation. Fortunately, as a paying user of the Divine Network, he was not restricted by the Magic Network and could activate the spell protection with just one sentence.

The defensive power of the blade protection is not very high, it is probably equivalent to an extra piece of light leather armor, but it is better than nothing. Besides, the goblins don't have any decent weapons, and then Owen is pinned down by a group of goblins. Below, amidst the stench of body odor, he watched helplessly as the goblin pierced his eyes with sharpened bone spurs, stirred his brain, and had the weapons in his hands taken away.

The feeling of soul leaving the body emerged again, but the divine network waiting for renewal deliberately slowed down his death process.

Owen wanted to curse, but didn't know who to scold.

This is completely different from what he thought, okay! ! !

According to Owen's vision, he would take advantage of the speed brought by his height and long legs, like flying a kite, first distance himself, and then chop down the short and thin goblins one by one to achieve the final victory.

But seven or eight goblins would pounce on him from all directions like predatory spiders, leaving him in a panic and not knowing how to fight back, especially since these bastard goblins targeted weak points and were attacked from above and below. Owen was literally stabbed to death.

Since the target was killed, some of the goblins were cutting branches to make brackets to take away the prey, and some were repairing traps. No one was guarding the body at all.

Owen, who quietly renewed his resurrection, gritted his teeth and picked up a stone, rounded it, aimed it at the back of the head of a goblin who was facing away from him, and with a muffled bang, the brains were squeezed out.

But these goblins are too smart, and such a little movement attracts the attention of all the goblins.

When he saw the dead prey getting up again, he was stunned for a moment, so Owen, who was filled with hatred, took the opportunity to smash another one to death, and then he was piled to death again.

This time, Owen ignored it and stretched out his hands to strangle a goblin's neck. Before he was stabbed to death, he squeezed the goblin's neck with all his strength. Then he spit out blood bubbles and showed an ugly smile.

Owen was speechless as he felt the process of soul leaving the body slowing down again.

He has no shortage of crystals of faith, but he can't waste them like this.

But Owen was unwilling to give in. As a time traveler, he didn't think he would die so carelessly. He still had skills that he had not yet used.

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