Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 54 Demon King’s Arms Series

After sorting out the impact of this incident, Owen had no good solution. Even the emperor could not restrain the greed of the nobles, so what could he do? Apart from accelerating the development of the territory and strengthening the construction of the army, there was almost no other way.

Of course, this is only on the surface. In fact, Owen has other plans in private. After all, he is a cheating man and he has inherited the name Hydra.

Although Hydra is a small BOSS that provides training for the protagonist in various stories, it must be said that the vitality of Hydra is indeed tenacious. Even the protagonist is difficult to kill with one blow. Marvel's Hydra is even more powerful. Gou Dao has played to the extreme. No matter how many superheroes and justice organizations he encounters, he can always jump out from a corner to show his presence.

And Irving is not without his trump card. If he is really anxious, if he throws away a tube of T-Virus and runs away, then the flood will be huge, and the worst he can do is wait for decades to come out to clean up the mess.

However, unless he is desperate, Owen will definitely not be so extreme. No one knows what terrifying changes the technological T-virus will have in this magical world.

But whether he will do this in the end, even Irving himself is not sure. Maybe not in the previous life, but in this life.

Does he have so many concerns in this world?

Owen couldn't even figure out what was inside him. Now he was like a balloon that was constantly sulking. He desperately wanted to release the internal pressure, and there was no better way to release it than a woman.

Dale behind him had a rosy face and a faint smile, as if watching a naughty little guy go out, but Owen who came out of the greenhouse had a troubled face. For the first time, he had the urge not to do it for strength but to strengthen something. , because it was so embarrassing. If he hadn't retained the dignity of a middle-aged man, he would have collapsed from shame.

Owen, who was a little embarrassed to see others, went directly to the secret room of the dungeon and was busy sorting out a pile of manuscripts left behind by his study of puppetry.

It has to be said that the sage state is indeed conducive to men's calm thinking. By sorting out the manuscripts, Owen found that over the past year and more, through continuous self-study, he has achieved good results in puppetry. I dare not say that he is proficient, but at least he knows To get a general idea, it is like knowing that in addition to the steering wheel and accelerator, a car also has a chassis, engine, clutch, air conditioning, fuel supply, lubrication system, etc. If it is an exam, you should start at least thirty minutes.

After looking through the manuscript of the imitation plan, which still had a lot of flaws, Irving was quite self-aware. With this ability, it was better not to think about imitating. It was just a waste of time and energy. It seemed that he had to continue to accumulate, but this was still in line with him. intellectual attributes.

Fortunately, through continuous reading and learning to manage territory, his intelligence and political attributes have increased by three points, and he can see some hope for the future.

Putting the imitation plan aside, Irving planned to revise it and then put it away. In this way, he would continue to learn and revise, and restart the puppet imitation plan when he was confident.

Although the puppet imitation plan was put on hold again, Owen got a lot of inspiration from it. The synthesis of the Demon Sheep Armor previously gave him a lot of inspiration, reminding him of Iron Man's suit.

The Demon Sheep Armor gives the wearer greater strength and explosive power, while the Demon Sheep Sword bestows the user with superb swordsmanship and skills. Together, the two can directly turn an ordinary person into an elite warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles.

And this is only the primary Demon King's Arms. Above this, there are intermediate, advanced and real Demon King levels, and each level of Demon King's Arms can be strengthened three times.

If the advanced demon king's weapons are strengthened three times, their power will definitely be no worse than the steel suit, at least not worse than the previous nano series.

The only problem is that using the power of the Demon King's Arms is not free. In addition to consuming the magic power of the equipment itself, it also consumes a lot of physical strength on the user. If one's own strength is insufficient, not only will the ability of the Demon King's Arms be unable to be used, but it is also easy to become a Three seconds man.

Of course, you can choose to let the Demon King's Arms swallow monsters to make up for this consumption, and you can get a considerable increase. The problem is that if you use it like this for a long time, even the Demon King's aura cannot completely resist the erosion of the Demon King's Arms on the user.

Don't forget, this thing is called Demon King's Arms. It is a demonized equipment made by contaminating the hero's equipment with monsters. It is not a good thing.

Even so, the Demon King's weapons are still an important basis for Owen's future magical version of the steel suit, so he has not given up researching changes in this area.

However, due to the continuous setbacks of the puppet imitation plan, Owen learned patience from it, so he did not rush to the high-level Demon King Arms. Instead, he chose the junior Demon King Arms as a try, and then improved it step by step, and finally created a magical version. Steel suit.

The primary demon king's armament does not consume much progress value. It is a hero's equipment worth five progress points and a free summoned monster. He can afford to waste it, and the finished product will not break. Even if it is used by ordinary people, there are certain hidden dangers. In a crisis It can also be used for emergencies.

As the first synthesized Magic Sheep series, it was obviously successful, so this time Owen focused on Viper and planned to create a Viper series.

It is also a fusion of monster and brave armor. The snake armor is obviously not as thick as the devil sheep armor. It is an ultra-light scale armor that looks like directly peeled off snake skin. Therefore, it wears very close to the body and perfectly accentuates the figure.

He lowered his head and looked at the lump below. He originally thought it was a standard model, but now he suddenly lost a little bit of confidence, so he immediately took off the tight-fitting scale armor that a man would wear and a beauty would wear.

Despite this, Owen still feels the benefits of this set of scale armor.

After wearing it, the body will become more flexible, as if the joints all over the body have become silky smooth. Although it does not increase strength and defense, it can greatly enhance flexibility and instant explosive power, just like the moment when a poisonous snake is preparing to attack its prey.

The second work is the venomous snake soft sword. When it is stabbed continuously, it will make a snake hissing sound and contains highly poisonous. However, in addition to releasing snake venom, the soft sword can also achieve the purpose of detoxification by absorbing toxins.

Because snakes are not easy to ride, they are not suitable for the enhancement of mounts, and are not suitable for synthesis of hammers, cloaks, etc. However, they are well integrated with staffs and runes. Owen synthesized a snake staff and a poisonous snake amulet. , the former can summon and drive poisonous snakes, and the latter can increase the power of curses.

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