The Barbarian Kingdom dares to let the four families of the undead, evil energy, flesh and blood, and demons work together in the country. Naturally, it has its own confidence, and that is the tyrant god.

As early as a hundred years ago, the barbarian kingdom came under the influence of this god. It was also from that time that the barbarian kingdom, which was originally just a group to survive, began to go down the road of tyranny and never return.

Whether it is external militarism or internal cruel rule, or even in-depth cooperation with the Four Evil Families, there is actually the shadow of this tyrant god behind it.

This god has no interest in the development of farming, and the peace and prosperity of the country is a joke to the tyrant god.

Tyranny, power, oppression, war, massacre, fear, these are the favorite entertainment programs of this god.

In the beginning, this tyrant god did not have much influence on the barbarian kingdom. It was just a thrifty barbarian king who picked up the god's lost sacred artifact, the iron crown. Not to mention the divine power, even the belief in it was dissipated. If there are few, the influence will naturally be small.

But the barbarian kings were all big, muscled men with empty heads. They wore iron crowns all the year round, and gradually they were influenced by the power of faith within them. In other words, they were brainwashed.

Although he did not have faith in that god, he managed the people more and more roughly and forcefully. This was undoubtedly in line with the tyrant god's priesthood and appetite, and there was a natural connection.

No one noticed anything wrong with the transformation process of the barbarian kings in the past dynasties, because the barbarians themselves had this temper, and they worshiped force and the strong temperament from top to bottom.

Moreover, the king's strength gradually twisted the originally scattered barbarian tribal kingdoms into a rope, becoming stronger and stronger, and launched the first southern expedition against the empire. This increased the power of the barbarian king to the point where it was uncontrollable. From then on No one can check and balance anymore, and this also attracted the attention of the tyrant god. From then on, the development of the barbarian kingdom was completely out of control.

Nowadays, such a cruel rule within the barbarian kingdom has not been overthrown. In addition to the barbarian king being the most powerful, the attention of the tyrant god and the arrival of the tyrant's concubine are the key.

The tyrant's concubine is a god of the tyrant god. Although she cannot come in person, she found a shortcut to come to the main world as a demigod, which became the source of the barbarian king's confidence. The four families could only toss in the abyss of the four gods. But he didn’t dare to openly intervene in the barbarian kingdom.

At this time, Owen was stunned. The other party's actions were similar to stripping off his clothes on the street and then sticking a finger in. It was not very harmful, but extremely insulting. He was so angry that he couldn't wait to do it himself. The female demigod with rings all over her body was caught and taught a lesson.

However, the opponent was a demigod, and he happened to be stuck somewhere. He could neither initiate a real divine battle, nor could he defeat him in his normal incarnation, which made Owen a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Joan of Arc was at the scene, and Charles was not far away, so he held his nerve and endured the other person's fingers while trying to see what the situation was.

What a bunch of trash! Kim's contemptuous eyes deeply pierced the fragile hearts of all the evil professionals present, so they lowered their heads deeply and became a complete mess.

This is no ordinary demigod. As a god of tyrants, in addition to being beautiful and sexy, he must also be perverted and capable of fighting. They had other ideas at the beginning, but as a result, their scope of activities was limited to the Four Gods Abyss.

It's not because they are honest enough, but because they really can't beat them.

And forget it if you can't beat them, this person's punishment is really hard for them to accept. It is said that every person who walks out of the punishment room has gained more than three to five pounds, and they are imitating a crab to walk while staring at their crotch.

From then on, whenever I saw something in the shape of a ring, I would tremble. Even the evil ratman who was not a human had a row of rings on his tail after he came out, just like a screwdriver with big gold rings. So in addition to his special hobby Yes, most evil professionals are too scared to face this person.

But I unexpectedly met a saint, and I will exempt you from the punishment this time. Kim stared at Joan with a salivating greedy expression, and said to the evil professionals like giving alms, which immediately made them sigh in relief. , and then a continuous stream of flattery was delivered.

For the gods, things that can be defined as precious are very rare and almost do not exist in the material world, and believers are regarded as consumables. What the goddess of morning light has done to the Elf Kingdom is what the gods have done to the elven kingdom. The true views and uses of believers, even fanatical believers, are just more useful tools for gods, not to mention cherished, with the exception of saints.

Saints have gone beyond the scope of believers, and their soul essence has been sublimated, infinitely close to the gods of faith. Although they are not gods, they are in some places more precious than belonging to gods.

Another reason is that one saint can hang the life of a god. Even if the Kingdom of God is damaged and all believers are lost, as long as the saint is still there, the god will not completely fall and will eventually have a chance to make a comeback.

At the same time, every living saint can withstand the divine power of gods to the greatest extent, which is the perfect carrier of divine descent.

Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult for saints to appear, and there are no rules. Some gods spend thousands of years cultivating them but ultimately achieve nothing. Some gods inexplicably gain more saints before they become gods.

Moreover, the saints cannot take anything by force, because the faith of the saints has been so strong that even the gods they believe in cannot be shaken, let alone other gods. It can be said that killing the saints is far better than changing the saints. Faith is easier.

Although it cannot change the faith of a saint, it does not reduce its value at all. Even as a collection, it is a temptation that every god cannot resist.

I'll capture you and offer it to the tyrant god, and he will forgive me. Kim licked her lips excitedly, then casually took off a piece of gold jewelry from her body and turned it into a heavy and huge golden weapon.

This golden weapon is not just a show-off. The seemingly effortless way it is wielded cannot conceal its heavy nature, not to mention that it is shrouded in divine glory. It is obvious that the opponent has a vocation related to gold.

Kim couldn't wait to walk towards Joan of Arc. What was rare was that she could still maintain an elegant posture. She saw her slender and strong legs walking forward alternately, with her toes touching the ground every time. Therefore, the shaking of her wide hips caused waves in her chest. Together with the plump twisting behind her and the jingling gold jewelry all over her body, she has a wild and seductive beauty.

Joan of Arc immediately sensed the other party's true nature, but even facing a demigod, she still couldn't feel the slightest fear.

The Templars are also fearless, even if they also feel that the opponent is extraordinary, this will only speed up their attack, because they will not allow the enemy to get close to the Saint, which is their duty.

Joan of Arc frowned, because she knew that the Templar Knight would probably not be a match for a demigod, but she was the commander now, not a knight charging into the battle. Standing here could play a far greater role than if she charged forward. , not to mention that if she really takes action, it will not be a distrust and insult to the Templars, which is much more serious than letting the Templars face death.

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