The Little Bird anti-aircraft missile is loaded in an eight-unit rotatable missile nest. Each shot is one meter and a half long, with a thick calf and a range of up to 10,000 meters. As an alchemy missile, the Little Bird also has the function of automatic direction change and tracking. Although because of The relationship between multiple reversing nozzles affects the range and speed, but it is still a first-class good thing in this world.

Following the ignition, dozens of Little Bird anti-aircraft missiles flew out of the nest with harsh bird calls and various slightly messy arcs, each tracking the fearful flying dragons that were constantly lowering their altitude. These flying dragons were frightened to death on the spot. After pulling it, thick things were thrown down in Beicheng, which made the soldiers who witnessed this scene feel very sick. However, even if they emptied their intestines, these slightly bloated fear flying dragons would not be as light as swallows, so it didn't take long for them to fall. Being approached.

I don't know if it was instinct or someone controlling it from behind. After realizing that it couldn't hide, the fearful flying dragon that was the closest took the initiative to approach the missile while frantically having diarrhea and flapping its wings.

Although the Bird anti-aircraft missile is advanced, it has not been tested much. Therefore, after discovering that the target is approaching, they will not consider the issue of attack saturation at all, and rush forward one after another. Therefore, in the end, only a dozen fear flying dragons were shot down. For this reason, Beicheng exhausted All anti-aircraft missiles.

There is no way, this thing is expensive, and it has just been finalized and has not yet completed mass production, so the quantity is not large. After all, even Irving did not expect to encounter the problem of air raids in this world so soon. In fact, even the air defense battalion suffered from these problems. The weapon can be laid flat to hit infantry, otherwise there would not be so many made.

Therefore, I could only watch helplessly as the dozens of surviving fear dragons broke through the fire net and opened their mouths towards the bustling streets of Beicheng, revealing the evil flames deep in their throats.

The thick breath of evil flames was like correction fluid, completely erasing several streets in the blink of an eye. Not to mention the houses, even the ground was corroded by evil energy, and many civilians hiding in cellars were transformed by the evil energy that had penetrated. It was ashes, leaving only thick ashes of evil energy.

This is not bad. They were not killed directly. Many of them turned into monsters due to evil pollution. If everyone hadn't hid, there would have been greater chaos and casualties.

Not to mention other losses, just the number of people killed and injured in this wave of air raids made Maya's brows jump, not to mention that these pollutants had to be cleaned up afterwards, otherwise they might be contaminated just by getting close.

Thinking of this, Maya quickly contacted Joan of Arc and asked the other party to purify those pollutants as soon as possible according to the situation to avoid causing more casualties.

In fact, Joan of Arc was already ready to fight before Maya informed her.

With Jeanne d'Arc's heroic spirit level vision and extraordinary sixth sense, she had long realized that something was wrong. Those fear flying dragons were not excreting, but were dropping something special. So she immediately ran to the nearest place and found a pile of The thing tore open the thick outer membrane like a casing and emerged from the inside. It turned out to be a flesh-and-blood warrior covered in bone armor.

In fact, these are the Chaos Warriors created by the Four Gods Abyss with the evil energy of flesh and blood, and the Dread Dragon is not only a flying unit, but also a role responsible for air transportation.

After briefly testing the strength of the Chaos Warriors, Joan of Arc looked solemn and immediately returned to the temple. While summoning the Templar Knights, she also informed Maya of the incident.

You really came prepared. Maya put down the news about the movement of the barbarian army outside the city, knowing that she was in trouble.

Now the army cannot be used at all. Although there are many city defense troops, the opponent they face this time is not something that ordinary armies can deal with, because heavy weapons cannot be used in the city. If you want to deal with evil flesh and blood monsters with just firearms, it is simply impossible. Reality, now we can only watch Joan of Arc.

After using up all its breath, the returning fear flying dragon did not choose to climb up again, but hovered at a low altitude. This way it could avoid being concentrated by anti-aircraft guns and increase the area of ​​damage to the city. However, these flying dragons were like eating a bad stomach. , still pulling continuously, making people feel extremely disgusting. Only those who know the inside story know that this is no longer a question of whether it is disgusting or not.

Fortunately, this time was enough for the air force base outside the city to respond.

In fact, the moment the air defense siren sounded, the entire air force base was already in action.

The pilot who was always on call grabbed his flight hat and ran towards the hangar, while the ground staff were like crazy, loading ammunition into the aircraft as fast as possible and doing final inspections, so that they could get out of the aircraft not long after the air attack. take off.

Fifty armed helicopters parked in the open space were struggling to turn their propellers under the control of the pilots. The machine gunners responsible for shooting were busy warming up the six-barreled machine guns, and the thick ammunition belts were ready to be fired.

Fifty propeller-driven monoplane fighters on the side began to taxi on the runway as soon as they rolled out of the hangar. The hanging bombs showed that this mission was not light. This time, the newly established Air Force would launch a joint attack.

Although today's armed helicopters do not use the original steam engines, their power is still not high. It is not easy to lift such a large metal frame, let alone have high maneuverability. Therefore, they did not pursue it when they came over Beicheng. Instead of trying to occupy the height, they spread out in an arc like a pack of wolves hunting. Then the shooter in the passenger seat pulled the trigger. As the shells were thrown, the roaring six-barreled heavy machine gun began to shoot at the fear flying dragon.

The roaring armed helicopters and the stinging pain from the tongues of fire on their bodies immediately attracted the attention of the fearful flying dragons. These giant beasts in the air flapped their wings vigorously and twisted their bodies, rushing towards them despite the firepower. Perhaps because they pulled too much, they were so fast. Much faster.

Although the defense of the Dread Wyvern is not very high, it is very fleshy. Therefore, the shooter of the armed helicopter quickly discovered that the six-barreled machine gun was not lethal enough, so he immediately changed the shooting target to the wings that were as conspicuous as the sails of the Dread Wyvern. As expected, there was no It didn't take long for several fear flying dragons to fall to the ground because their wings were smashed.

Unfortunately, these are only a few, and the flight of the fear flying dragons does not rely entirely on its wings. Therefore, more fear flying dragons rely on their size advantages to keep approaching, forcing the armed helicopters to disperse.

But the purpose of the armed helicopter had been achieved. The Dread Dragon, which had attracted all the attention, did not notice the fighter jet that quietly took advantage of the altitude and began to dive.

In fact, through the air defense battalion, the territorial air force already knew that firearms were of little use against the Dread Dragon, and that clumsy armed helicopters could hardly pose an effective threat, so they came up with a risky plan.

Among the fifty fighter jets loaded with bombs, the serious-looking pilots turned on the power without hesitation, pushed the control stick and began to dive, without even thinking about losing control or whether they could pull the plane up before falling. They only knew that if they didn't Shooting down these fearful flying dragons, the entire North City and even the armies outside the city will be allowed to destroy them. Therefore, sparks appear in the air. The fighter planes that successfully dropped the bombs were lucky enough to complete the promotion, but more of them chose to die together because they wanted to use Bombs are not safe to deal with flying fear dragons.

The few remaining fear flying dragons were forced to flee. Finally, there were no more enemies in the sky above North City. However, the trauma they suffered and the various troubles left had just begun, because Maya had already seen the fear flying dragon's intact head. The flesh began to dissolve, revealing a skull engraved with teleportation runes.

When the teleportation light began to glow, Maya knew it wasn't over yet.

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