When Maya realized that this would be a long and difficult cleanup, she made plans to extract the witch hunting brigade from it.

It is obviously a huge waste to keep such an ace force on standby for a long time just to deal with those evil professionals who don't know when they will appear.

But things are not that simple, because ordinary people really can't handle this kind of thing.

Professionals are not cats and dogs. It is difficult to confront guns and artillery head-on, but it is not impossible. Especially when legal professionals are prepared, the amount of casualties they can cause depends on how much preparation time they have and the resources at hand.

In theory, even a mage apprentice, with enough time and resources, can plunge a city into disaster. Therefore, the threat posed by an army of ordinary people to professionals is not high.

The opponent of professionals is always professionals. In this regard, Holy Shield is professional, otherwise it would not be so supported by lords everywhere, because what lords need is stability, not a group of lawless professionals.

But today's Holy Shield is mixed with too many impurities. Although members from the territory are working hard to develop Hydra in private, it is unrealistic and impossible to keep it completely secret.

The territory is already chaotic enough, and if these unstable factors are mixed in, Maya will definitely go crazy, so the Witch Hunt cannot withdraw, at least not completely.

In addition, because the main population of the territory is no longer the system-transformed population, some things must be covered with a layer of reasonableness, at least acceptable, otherwise it will cause serious rejection.

For example, now, witch hunts are hunting evil professionals to eliminate unstable factors, but as time goes by, it is inevitable that some people will connect the misfortunes they encounter with them, even if it is baseless and unreasonable.

But many times what people need is not a reasonable reason, nor to find the real culprit, but a way to vent. For this reason, they will even release the greatest malice in their hearts to innocent people. At worst, they can pretend to be deaf or dumb or apologize afterwards. After all, he It's innocent people.

In this case, continuing to hold witch hunts responsible is not a good option.

The same is true for soldiers and officials, the only exception being religion.

Firstly, religion involves faith, and secondly, religion does not require reasoning, because God is everything.

After realizing this, Maya discussed it with Owen for a long time.

In terms of faith and religion, Owen has never ignored it. When the temple was founded, it was to take advantage of the exclusionary nature of religion to protect the territory from religious intrusions.

However, although the temple was established, due to the particularity of the territory, many issues did not need to be considered too much, such as missionary and pious issues, because at that time, all the territorial residents were systematically transformed and were 100% loyal.

It doesn't work now. The influx of large numbers of immigrants has caused the proportion of the system's transformed population to no longer be advantageous. Therefore, the military, civil affairs, and religion all need to be improved and perfected.

Owen can't get involved in many of these matters, and he doesn't want to waste too much energy on these matters, because he is a god now, and the height he stands on and the things he faces are different from before.

But when it came to religion, he couldn't say anything, so after thinking about it, he decided to learn from it and put a religious coat on the witch hunt, that is, a nun.

Owen decided to rename the Witch Hunters to the Sisters of the Sanctuary, and according to different responsibilities, they were divided into Sisters of Battle, Sisters of Evernight, Sisters of the Holy Grail, Sisters of Oracle, and Sisters of Psalm.

Among them, the Battle Sisters specialize in combat. Owen will ask the research center to develop a set of power armor suitable for them, so that the Sisters can also participate in frontal battles. Because of the additional protection of the Holy Light, the combat effectiveness is not much worse than that of the Thunder Guards.

Sisters of Eternal Night wear a layer of night nun robes outside their black leather clothes. Their duties are the same as before, and their fighting methods are the same. However, after being attached to shadows and death, their stealth capabilities are stronger, their attacks are weirder, and they can guide death. believers heading to the Kingdom of God.

The Sisters of the Holy Grail are not a combat profession. Owen plans to recruit some witches and devout female believers who are good at potions. They will take on the responsibilities of medical treatment, removal of curses, salvation and sealing.

Oracle nuns, this group of nuns appeared because Owen did not intend to waste the witch's talent in prophecy. With his protection, the prophecies will be more accurate and have less backlash. In addition, the oracle nuns will also be responsible for interpretation and follow-up. Record history.

The Sisters of Psalm mainly form a choir. In Owen's vision, their spirit, magic and faith are connected through specific rituals, and they play the role of one plus one greater than two, that is, leapfrogging spells.

Originally, Owen thought that it would be the same as before. He only needed to come up with a framework, and then someone would naturally be responsible for improving it. However, the Sisters were far more complicated than he imagined. It was really difficult for ordinary people to master, let alone perfect, and the witch hunt itself It involves many aspects of the territory. After it was changed to the Sisters, it became even more complicated. Even the bishops of the temple felt that they had no place to intervene. After all, the Sisters were not only involved in the Holy Light Faith.

Owen, who almost scratched his bald head, thought hard and thought of a character, Joan of Arc.

The life of this girl from a peasant family was legendary. Although she died young, it did not damage the high praise of her by future generations.

In Owen's view, this girl has extremely high talents in military, political, religious and other aspects. If she receives a better education, or lives longer and accumulates more experience, what kind of achievements can she achieve in the end? It was hard to predict because she died so young.

She debuted at the age of thirteen or fourteen and died at the age of nineteen. Many people at her age have not yet completed their studies, let alone changed the fate of the country.

It can be said that Joan of Arc was able to achieve astonishing results in just a few years because God was chasing her to feed her. This shows how high her upper limit is.

Thinking of this, Owen became more and more excited and made a decisive decision.

The higher the upper limit of progress value, the harder it is to accumulate, but Owen will not hesitate when it is time to use it, so this legendary girl who was canonized as a saint five hundred years after her death appeared in another world.

Joan of Arc, who comes from the world of heroic spirits, has nothing to say about her appearance and figure, but what impressed Owen the most was her temperament, innocence and tenacity, kindness and determination. This is because she has great love in her heart and she practices it at the cost of her life. people.

Lord. Joan opened her eyes and knelt down on one knee piously facing Owen.

Thanks to the 100% loyalty of the system figures to him, Joan of Arc changed her faith without any hesitation. At the same time, she also showed extraordinary talents in many fields.

When she was a teenager, she already had the ability to change the fate of the country. She was still a mortal Joan of Arc, and the version summoned by Owen from the system was even more extraordinary. She was a reborn heroic spirit, so she was stronger.

Just because of his positioning, this commander prefers a meat-suited commander. In terms of combat, only the Red Lotus Saint who died together can be good at it.

However, Owen summoned her not to be a warrior. After binding her origin to the golden tree so that she could be resurrected here after death, he asked her to familiarize herself with Maya about the operation of the territory and prepare to take over the religion.

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