The subway network that the territory has spent a lot of effort to build has been very complete, connecting all areas of the territory in all directions. Now it has reached full capacity for the first time. The non-stop transportation has made the rails hot. The workers responsible for maintenance keep their eyes open at all times. Dare you be careless? After all, once an accident occurs on the underground railway, it is not easy to restart operation.

Fortunately, the technology is quite mature, and the underground railway is running smoothly. Under the surging power of the locomotive, metal from the Bison Collar, food from the Green Shade City, arms from the ruins, and puppets from the underground city are being continuously transported as strategic reserves. Go to Beicheng and become a war potential.

Today alone, thousands of tons of ammunition have been transported from the industrial area of ​​the underground ruins, and this is only the first batch.

After Maya received it, she immediately allocated these supplies to Howard to save him from nagging in her ears all day.

In addition, the Goblin Corps, which had been waiting for a long time, also arrived in the underground city via the underground railway, fully armed and carrying a large amount of heavy ordnance.

The Goblin Corps was mobilized because weapons and ammunition could be manufactured directly, but soldiers could not.

The territory's military strength is now too scattered. The confrontation with the Border City Alliance has taken up too many troops in the territory. In addition to the main army, it also includes more than 100,000 reserve troops. After all, the defense lines of both sides are too long, and unlike the Border City Alliance, there is a ready-made Xiongguan Border City. Garrison, the territory's garrison must also be built by yourself.

Coupled with a large number of immigrants, more places need to be garrisoned, and not many troops can be mobilized at all.

As for conscription, let alone the combat effectiveness of this kind of conscripts, the biggest hidden danger is simply not converting, so Owen decided to mobilize the goblin regiments that have been tested in wars.

However, the number of goblin regiments is still a bit small. Even if he uses a sub-city quota for the ruins, plus Green Shade City, the total population of goblins is only about 70,000. Excluding workers, old, weak, women and children, the number of soldiers is as high as the sky. About 20,000.

Therefore, Owen plans to mix the Goblin Corps and the high-imitation puppets made by the underground city using the T600 as a template to form a steel army.

In addition, the gargoyles and iron golems that had been sealed away were also activated one after another as consumables in this war to reduce the goblins' battle losses.

Owen's orders also stimulated the two research departments of the underground city and the ruins. A large number of advanced equipment that had not been tested in war since its design and manufacture were taken out and equipped to the Goblin Corps, adding more resources to the victory of this war. Heavy chips.

Because of Owen's strong support, many of the things brought out by the two major scientific research centers made his eyes jump when he saw them, so he definitely couldn't take out all of them. In addition to selecting some equipment for the Goblin Corps, the rest was given to the Thunder Guards. Super aces like the army.

Seeing the growing Goblin Corps, Owen thought about it and decided to upgrade the Goblin Corps to an alien version of the Goblin Astral Army, named the Earth Star Army.

Although the goblin technology is shocking, it is still a conventional force. Super aces such as the Thunder Guards are not included in the calculation. This shows how terrifying the hidden strength of the territory is.

Maya and Howard were amazed by the hidden power used in the territory. It was also at this time that Owen remembered that he seemed to be implementing divided management, so even Maya didn't know everything about the entire territory.

There is no way. Owen was very defensive in the early days. He divided the entire territory into multiple independent areas, each with its own person in charge. Therefore, even Maya, who has the most power in the territory, only controls things on the surface of the territory, such as They are Green City, Magic Academy, underground ruins, dungeons, roots, as well as the temple and the Thunder Guards. She only has partial knowledge and limited permission to mobilize these. She must have Owen's permission to truly command them.

The advantage of doing this is that you don't have to worry about being ignored, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult to use your overall strength.

However, Owen has no intention of changing. He is a god now. Although he does not have to worry about being ignored, he is afraid that he will disappear for decades like before. If anything happens to Maya, the new person will not be able to take over. She must have her abilities, but she has ambitions that she shouldn't have.

It's not because they are afraid that the new people in power will be disloyal, but because ambition and loyalty are not in conflict.

An ambitious leader is not good news for the territory, and it is also not good news for Irving, because what he needs most is stability, not reckless expansion.

Even if it was as huge as an empire, the imperial family's dominance over the empire at its peak was not very good, barely controlling one-third. This did not include the internal struggles within the imperial family.

Therefore, in order to avoid accidents in the future, Irving decided to maintain the practice of having two teams inside and outside the territory, but now he has given the temporary highest authority to Maya, who will have an overview of the overall situation. After all, he cannot personally take command now, and even if he can, he will not This ability.

The territory is preparing for war, and the Barbarian Kingdom is certainly not idle either, but their war preparations are a bit scary.

This starts with the geography and history of the barbarian kingdom.

The barbarian kingdom closer to the north is very barren, with most of the land covered by ice and snow. Only the plains and hills can grow low plants that stick to the ground. In this environment, even if you cultivate carefully, you will not get much harvest, so herding and hunting are also difficult. An important food source for the barbarian kingdom.

Unfortunately, the temperature here is too low, and the higher places are covered with ice and snow all year round. Therefore, there are not many days suitable for farming and hunting throughout the year. Even if the barbarians are born with strong bodies, it will be difficult to make up for it.

It can be said that how many barbarians living here can survive and how many will die all depends on the changes in the weather.

If there is more good weather, more people will survive. If there is more bad weather, a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people need to be dealt with in advance in order to save more food and allow more young and strong people to survive.

Such a cruel living environment makes people in the barbarian kingdom not fear death, and even worship death.

It was also the perennial worship of death that allowed them to accidentally awaken the undead demigod sealed in the Icehelm Mountains.

The undead demigod couldn't break free from the seal, but there was no problem in letting his power penetrate and teach him some knowledge about the undead.

It was with these, coupled with the brave barbarian warriors who were not afraid of death, that the barbarian kingdom signed a contract with the white dragons and frost giants in the mountains to become allies, and formed an alliance to conduct the first southern expedition.

Although that southern expedition did not achieve its final goal, the rich harvest still made the Barbarian Kingdom and its allies never forget it.

In recent years, the Barbarian Kingdom has received a lot of support from the Southern Barbarians' rebels. This has made the Barbarian Kingdom's ambitions increase year by year, and it has become more unscrupulous.

In the early years, skeleton armies were simply formed through blood sacrifices in mass graves, but now the utilization rate is even higher.

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