You're doing well, but the ceremony hasn't started yet, so don't relax too early. Now follow me and read without making a single mistake, otherwise no one can save you. Enya didn't leave Jinx any more time, because the whole The processes are carefully designed.

The fatigue of the long journey, the fear brought by Devil's Valley, and the pain caused by the preparation of the ceremony. These are just small appetizers used to warm up the appetizer, because the real pain is yet to come, so it needs to be passed through. These processes numb the body and mind, otherwise if you start the ritual directly, the chances of dying from pain or going crazy are too high. This is the experience of getting your life back.

The threat of death cheered up Jinx before she could take a breath, and then she sang in praise of a demon lord named the Lord of the Garden.

She didn't know who the other party was, and why she called her a name that was not demonic at all. Now Jinx had no extra energy to support her curiosity. She almost instinctively completed the ritual according to Enya's teachings, and this was exactly what happened. It is the state required for the ceremony.

Demons are never kind beings. No matter how you come into contact with demons, you will inevitably be affected by their chaotic and bloodthirsty nature, so the seeds of failure are often sown before you even begin.

So there are these processes, using fatigue and pain to make the newcomers give up thinking and complete the ceremony in an almost instinctive way.

It's just that the demon blood ritual that Enya prepared for Jinx was not a commonly used one. Its danger was indescribable in terms of a near-death experience, but she didn't say it.

The original demon warlocks were descendants of humans who made deals with demons. Because demons took action, the success rate of blood fusion was higher.

Later, the so-called demon blood ritual was more like trading or stealing, and the success rate of fusion plummeted.

In order to increase the success rate of fusion, rituals generally do not choose demons that are too strong. Even if they are extremely talented, they will only choose high-level demons at most.

A demon-blood ritual like Jinx's, which targets a demon lord, is clearly seeking death and has no chance of succeeding.

But it doesn't matter to Enya whether it succeeds or not. Her move is just a temptation, a temptation at the cost of Jinx's life and soul.

In the garden thousands of miles away, Owen was suddenly stunned because he felt a pure soul praying to him for the seeds of power, which made him very curious.

Because the summoning authority was increased by the Abyss, there were not many rituals to pray to Owen for power to summon demons during this period. However, after feeling the sinful soul and evil purpose, he was no longer interested at all, and usually just threw it to Separate demons to deal with, as for the results, who cares about that.

And now, for the first time, he felt the prayers of a pure soul addressed to him, without any evil purpose, and it was difficult not to interest him.

But he didn't think about it for too long, because it was just a trivial thing for Owen, so he picked off a petal from a flower next to him, dropped a drop of soup into it, and then gave it as a reward.

At this time, Enya was very nervous. She opened all the partitions and aura-blocking restrictions in the sacrifice room, because this time she provoked a demon lord. Even though she was not directly facing him, she still did not dare to be careless at all. Otherwise, a single look may cause serious damage to her.

This is the flaw of demon warlocks. As half-human and half-demon, they are also affected by the demonic rank. Although they are not comfortable obeying orders unconditionally, it is very simple to activate the demonic power in their bodies to cause serious damage. .

Jinx's current behavior is like a lowly commoner asking for a favor from the supreme king. To the strict class, this move will be regarded as an offense to the royal power, and will only usher in the king's soldiers and gallows, rather than mercy. reward.

Not to mention that the demon lords who can be compared to kings are all top tyrants, so Jinx’s fate can be imagined.

But the demon Lord of the Garden is special, at least as far as Enya knows, it is very special, but she does not dare to test it with her own life, so Jinx, who is as pure as a small white flower, becomes her hand. tester.

When a huge petal appeared in the sky above the altar, Enya held her breath. She witnessed a ball of slime-like green gel falling from the petals like dewdrops, and quickly integrated into Jinx's body. , while healing the wound, her body also grew rapidly, making her look at least two or three years older than before.

The petals that completed the mission were not wasted, and the fragrant liquid was also integrated into Jinx's body. From now on, she can be a little fairy whose farts are fragrant.

Sure enough, my guess was right. The characteristic of the Lord of the Garden is kindness. Even after witnessing what just happened, Enya still said in a tone of disbelief.

Each demon lord has a unique and distinctive characteristic, such as the charm of bathing in fire, the stench of the rancid cloud, and the characteristic of the Lord of the Garden is kindness. It cannot be said that they are incompatible with each other, and it can only be said that it is completely impossible to put them together. The vocabulary of demons, especially this demon among demons, a demon lord who is the embodiment of fear.

No wonder the Lord of the Garden always has problems with his rituals. It's because he didn't find the right characteristics! Enya said to herself excitedly.

To make a sacrifice to an existence at the level of a demon lord is not just to offer flesh, blood and soul. Unless the amount is large enough, you have to find the right trick.

Just like giving something away, money is a good thing. As long as there is enough, there is no one that cannot be defeated. The problem is the cost, so use limited money to buy things that the other party is more interested in. Spend 200,000 yuan on it. The effect of 10,000 has become a problem that demon warlocks must consider and study.

As for the newly emerged Lord of the Garden, just by his name, he knew he was not vicious enough, so not many people studied him, let alone thought about kindness, a trait that has absolutely nothing to do with demons.

Coincidentally, Enya was in a period of boredom with life and was no longer interested in simple killing, so she studied this unique master of the garden.

After repeated research, Enya came to a bold conclusion, but it was too unbelievable and difficult for the demon warlocks to realize, so she chose Jinx, and now her suspicion has been confirmed.

A benevolent demon. Enya smiled, because she found her future path, and she also knew very well the benefits of monopolizing a demon lord.

But if the other person's characteristics are really kind, she may not be qualified. She still knows what kind of person she is, and it has nothing to do with kindness anyway.

Thinking of this, Enya's eyes fell on Jinx who was sleeping. Maybe it was time for her to have a real apprentice.

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