From a purely physical point of view, the three- to four-meter-tall Garden Demon is taller and stronger than the War Demon, and has more advantages. However, the War Demon is not surprised but happy. They like this kind of tough opponent best, so they don't even bother to think about it. Thinking about it, it was all about the muscles. He raised his fist and struck forward. Without any hesitation, he faced him head-on. A fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

The blood of the three-meter-tall war demon was boiling, and the muscles all over his body were swollen, like a well-oiled muscleman. In the roar of excitement, he waved his big fists with great force, which was more powerful than an air hammer.

Although the Garden Demon is not as experienced as the War Demon, it also lacks explosive power and flexibility. It looks very bulky. When the War Demon's iron fist hit it, its face was full of peach blossoms, and blood and broken teeth spurted out more than ten meters away, but the Lord gave them The thick soup is rich in nutrients and also contains T syrup, which makes them taller and stronger while also gaining strong vitality and self-healing ability. No matter how heavy the fist of the war demon is, it cannot be completely knocked down and it will bring back blood. The triangular meat mountain of the halo made the Garden Demon become more and more courageous, so the two sides fell into a stalemate.

As soon as the War Demon stepped into the garden, Owen, as the owner of the garden, sensed it. However, his focus was not on the War Demon, nor on the few frantic War Demons who were eager to try. Instead, he knew that trouble had already begun.

You are a guest when you come in. Although the guests are a bit grumpy, we have to be patient enough to persuade them to stay and join our big family. Owen, whose body size has expanded again, is more than 20 meters tall just sitting there. He spoke calmly to the gardener demon who became irritable because of the enemy invasion.

Great Master of the Garden, we will patiently persuade them to stay. The gardener demon, who was five to six meters tall and with his fat body hanging down to his knees, stood in front of Owen like a baby and said obediently.

Then go ahead and come over for soup later. This time it's a new flavor. Owen nodded and watched the gardener demon leave who was happy to hear that there was soup.

With the addition of the Gardener Demon, the battle escalated. The Mad War Demon, who didn't bother to compete with the War Demon, took a fancy to the oversized and extremely durable Gardener Demon. He swung his axe, rushed forward, and was killed by the Gardener Demon. A slap on the ground and rubbing.

Unlike the Garden Demon who was simply strengthened by the T virus, the Gardener Demon has completed a transformation and can fully exert the capabilities of the G virus. Therefore, facing a violent opponent like the Berserker Demon, the Gardener Demon's instincts have undergone tremendous changes and become bloated. His body turned into solid muscles in a very short period of time, and a limp mountain of flesh turned into a violent King Kong. He slapped the charging Mad War Demon to the ground with one blow, even if his palm was almost split in half by a battle axe. It doesn't matter.

The Gardener Demon's sense of pain is very weak, and its self-healing ability is extremely strong. Even if it is cut into pieces, it is difficult to kill it completely, let alone just cutting off its hand. Even the injury is a catalyst for its evolution. Therefore, he pushed the Mad War Demon to the ground with his explosive hammer without any pause, and in a blink of an eye, he was deeply immersed in the soft garden mud. This made it more difficult for the opponent to break free because he lacked a place to draw strength.

However, just by hearing the name, you can tell that the Mad War Demon is not a good person. Underneath its swollen muscles are unimaginably thick bones. The horns on its head protect its head like a battle helmet, and it has extraordinary resistance to various injuries. Therefore, the heavy blow from the Gardener Demon did not make it unconscious, but completely angered it.

Two huge hearts juxtaposed were beating rapidly. As blood filled the blood vessels and muscles, violent power burst out from the body of the mad warrior demon. An ax completely chopped off the hand that the gardener demon had slapped down again. A huge amount of Green blood spurted out, drenching the Demon of War, which only made it more excited. It almost disemboweled the Gardener Demon by swinging its axe.

However, this small amount of damage is nothing to the Gardener Demon. Instead, it stimulates the rapid evolution of the body. The dimensions of the body have shrunk a lot, the muscle fibers have become tighter, and the resistance to damage has increased significantly. The Crazy Fighter Demon must use greater strength. Only then can the ax be cut in.

The Berserker Demon, whose anger and power continues to surge, is very powerful. If you give it enough time, it can even fight to the death with the legendary warrior. But facing the Gardener Demon, which can continue to heal and evolve as long as it cannot be killed, it feels disgusting. Not to mention it was poisoned.

Even a demon wouldn't be able to get over it if he was doused with G-Virus blood. However, the single-minded Mad War Demon didn't notice this at all, and instead felt that his condition was getting better and better.

Owen didn't pay too much attention to this battle. When he came to his senses, the swamp beside him was already soaked with many tightly tied War Demons and Mad War Demons, just like the hairy crabs taking a bath in Yangden Lake. Similar.

They are those rude guests, but they will soon become a family. Therefore, the garden devil and the gardener devil who were beaten and injured were not angry. Instead, they soaked in the swamp together, using the vitality-rich nutrients and richness of the swamp. viruses to speed up recovery from injuries.

Owen was very satisfied and specially filled a large bowl of soup for them so that these cute little guys could drink full.

Owen is very interested in the War Demon and the War Mad Demon, because this kind of demon is very consistent with his way of transforming the Ultramarines. Not only is he born with two hearts, his musculoskeletal and internal organs are far beyond the limits of human beings, but he also has super immunity and endurance. And self-healing, if all kinds of viruses are not strengthened by divine power, they will not be able to do anything to each other.

But this also means that with only a simple transformation, he will obtain a group of warriors more powerful than the Thunder Warriors.

When Owen was taming new pets, the Rotting Cloud had gradually lost control of the Abyss because it had lost too much power.

Losing a large number of demons is nothing. As long as it devours the surrounding life, the abyss will continue to give birth to more demons.

The problem is that due to the mistake of the Rotting Cloud, the origin of the Abyss was damaged, even if it was not much. Maybe the Abyss with more consciousness would choose to forgive it, but the consciousness of the Abyss is not complete, it is just the power of the abyss. The pollution created in the main world is therefore more instinctive, so the reaction is very simple, that is, support whoever allows it to grow, and clean up whoever allows it to be damaged.

Unfortunately, the rancid cloud caused damage to the origin of the Abyss. Even if it is not the culprit, it is better not to dream about expecting the Abyss to understand and forgive it.

What's worse is that because the Land of the Abyss is incomplete, the Rotting Cloud has never been able to become a true demon lord, and its control over the Land of the Abyss is not strong. Therefore, after being targeted by the Land of the Abyss, its control over the Land of the Abyss has never been the same. The original six levels of madness were reduced to three.

This loss is too great. Even if it controls the sixth floor, even if it is not a real demon lord, the Rotting Cloud does not have to worry about its position, but now, it is about to face more and more dangerous challenges.

It was at this time that Owen noticed that there was some kind of power blessing his body. After carefully sensing it, he discovered that it turned out to be an abyss.

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