Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 47 Imbalanced male-female ratio

Back in the study, Owen took out his notebook and started writing and drawing.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. Owen is not a genius with a photographic memory, and without supervision, he loses track of time, so if he doesn't write down important things, he doesn't know when he will be able to remember them.

The record this time is about the strengthening of Maya. The strengthening of the adventure not only gave him a powerful and durable assistant, but also allowed him to prove some things, but it was not enough to use it on himself. Simply put, Owen's goal was more Big, so he won't lose big because of small.

You still need to wait patiently. Fortunately, my age has the advantage. Owen sighed first, and then said with some luck that he was not yet twenty years old and could afford to wait.

However, although the T-Virus is easy to use, it must not be abused. Irving is very cautious about this. Otherwise, he would not exchange any of the cheap and easy-to-use biochemical monsters such as the Licker Tyrant. He is not afraid of being destroyed by this world. When a mage or wizard finds out, if a magical version of Resident Evil emerges, they will all be doomed.

Don't think that Master Fa is any different from the scientists in his previous life. They are also a bunch of daring bastards who are willing to gamble with the whole world. There is nothing in this world that they dare not study. Even outside the world, they cannot stop their curiosity. Heart, so Owen is sure that once these people discover the T-Virus, there will most likely be big trouble.

Therefore, Owen only used the T-virus as a means of basic strengthening, and then covered it with the blood of the Gorgon to erase the traces of the T-virus. He even did everything in a synthesis furnace and destroyed all traces afterwards.

Although the synthesis furnace is a magical product, it can be used as a creation that can be synthesized at the level of material genes and souls. Although its function is single, it is terrifyingly powerful. A mere virus is nothing. Otherwise, Owen may not dare to redeem T Virus.

The matter came to an end, and Owen wrote a summary in his notebook, waiting for the second experiment.

Now is the critical moment of spring plowing. Even Owen can't abandon everything and run to the secret room of the dungeon without seeing anyone. Therefore, he is also busy under Maya's coercion. Every day, he has to adjust the exchanged materials in the town center based on the reports sent by Maya. From time to time, he would also act as a consumable for the opponent to use up his overly strong energy after strengthening, which made him exhausted, breathless and physically weak. If Dale hadn't improved his skills and had a bowl of nourishing soup every day, Owen would have doubted that he would have died suddenly.

Fortunately, the development of the territory was getting better and better, which finally soothed his injured young heart.

Even though Irving keeps messing up all year round, the development of the territory has not stopped, it is still developing in an orderly manner, and there are traces to follow, which is completely consistent with the results that a lucky and capable lord can achieve.

In particular, the existence of Maya has become the most reasonable explanation.

Maya's origin cannot be hidden from the wise. She is a close associate of a powerful countess in the empire, named Maid, who is actually the chief steward. At her peak, her power was not inferior to that of ordinary counts. Even if she is sent to the remote northern border, she only needs a little Using a little of the power left to her by the countess, she can fly even if the local lord is a pig.

Owen, who doesn't feel like a pig, is working hard to learn how to handle official business because he is unwilling to just act as a ruthless exchange machine.

Fortunately, with the increase in the number of buildings in the territorial system, Owen's exchange pressure was much lessened, but he soon faced more problems.

As the territory develops, the problems it faces are not getting smaller and smaller, but more and more. In the past, it only needed to cultivate land and have enough food. Now, in addition to building small towns, expanding farmland, and building water conservancy, we also need to develop The local economy and maintaining the balance of the number of men and women in the territory were all issues he needed to consider and solve.

There are no big problems with the first three items. With the gift of last year's autumn harvest, the serfs in the territory worked hard. With the increase in the number of farmers, there is really no shortage of manpower to work, especially with the magic horn forest trees. With the wood stored in the village during the winter and the free stone obtained by demolishing the city wall, at least until the materials are exhausted, the construction of the territory will maintain a fairly high speed.

The latter two are a bit troublesome. The population of the Northland is too small, and the freedmen in the territory have just appeared. There is no economy at all. The grocery store built last year is still just a decoration.

As for the imbalance of the male-female ratio, we also need to pay attention to it. As the food in the territory becomes abundant, serfs and farmers who had no hope will definitely start to consider the issue of reproduction. It is human nature to think about what to do when they are full and warm.

The problem is that the male-to-female ratio in the territory is an exaggerated ninety-one, nine men and one woman. This is inappropriate no matter how you divide it, and there are already signs of something bad happening. Owen doesn’t want one of the two oldest professions in mankind to be here. Resurrection, not to mention forming the Holy Legion of Thebes in the territory.

In addition, there are more headaches for Owen. For example, the territory is short of minerals and coal. Currently, he can only use simple repair tools. The boss still relies on his exchange. This is definitely not a long-term solution.

As for minerals, there is an iron ore in the territory of the Buffalo Baron. The reserves are unclear, but the quality is good. He has seen that there are very few impurities and the iron content is at least seven or eight layers. After a little refining, it can be called crude iron. With the buffalo This is evident from the fact that the barony's rough processing methods can produce some inferior weapons and equipment.

The problem is that one of the descendants of the Buffalo Baron has escaped. With his bloodline, there is a high possibility that the Northland barbarians will seek revenge. Therefore, it is not enough to just send miners to mine. There must also be enough troops to protect them.

The number of troops sent to escort was useless, and too many troops were not worth the loss. Therefore, Irving has not sent anyone to mine, but we can no longer delay, and we will take action this year.

As for the coal mines, you can go to the Devil's Horn Forest to look for them. The Devil's Horned Goblins are idle and are being moved by the Demon King.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, Irving decided to focus on spring plowing for now, and asked Currens to take the convoy to Mara Town to exchange for a group of serfs and livestock first, and the rest can be postponed.

It's easy to find Corens. He is also in the center of the town, but he has no specific position now. He has been acting as Maya's deputy, helping to deal with the affairs of the territory, but he is more of an orderly and supervisor, because he is very concerned about the affairs of the territory. He really couldn't get involved. Maya's ability was too strong and her aura was very scary. After all, the Viscount Baron could only obey orders in front of her, let alone a down-and-out noble son, so he would stay there most of the time. The town center awaits Maya's orders.

However, Corens was not reconciled to this, because this was not what he wanted, and with the rapid development of his territory, he became more and more anxious. Finally, the opportunity he had been waiting for came.

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