Only a few ancient gods knew about the invasion that was too long ago to be explored. However, ordinary gods had no way of contacting those ancient gods who had long since left their faith. Only a few records have been handed down, among which things about evil energy accounted for a large part. Proportionally, it was obvious that evil energy had caused enough misery, otherwise it would not have left such a strong mark in history.

Evil energy is a special power that is different from divine power and magic. The specific source is unknown. Compared with gods that rely on faith, evil energy is more efficient. It can be enhanced by devouring life, souls and even matter, and the upper limit is unknown.

It is said that there was a wave of evil energy that affected half of the void. However, how the wave was resolved and the price paid for it are unknown. We only know that there is still a small amount of evil energy remaining in various parts of the void, although most of it is It is sealed, but due to the characteristics of evil energy, the so-called seal is better than nothing, and it will be corrupted by evil energy sooner or later.

It is precisely because she is aware of the existence of evil energy that the noble goddess has such a strange attitude towards rebuilding the empire, because it is only a matter of time before a world contaminated by evil energy is completely swallowed up, unless the main world is willing to risk destruction and directly divide this world. Only part of them have a certain chance of escaping the end of evil energy annihilating the world, and there is only a certain chance. There is a high probability that they will be swallowed up by evil energy in the long struggle and turn into an evil energy flame in the void.

This makes the noble goddess afraid to invest too much. After all, once she steps forward to rebuild the empire, she will definitely be tied to the chariot of the new empire. When the time comes, she will bear the brunt of the invasion of evil energy. No matter whether she fails or the empire is destroyed, , had a huge impact on her.

A head-on confrontation may lead to her being contaminated by evil energy. If she allows the empire to be swallowed up by evil energy without hesitation, then she will undoubtedly be derelict in her duties as the patron saint of the nobility. At that time, it may even shake her foundation as a deity, that is, her priesthood. .

This is the reason why the noble goddess clearly has the conditions and strength to rebuild the empire, but she still remains indifferent.

Of course, the latter ones were analyzed for Owen by a think tank led by Maya. Whether they are true or not is currently uncertain. Maybe the noble goddess has a deeper plan.

There is no way, Owen, who is also a god, is a real novice. It is difficult to guess the true thoughts of an experienced god and he cannot provide effective ideas, but the probability of this guess is very high.

As for why the noble goddess did not leave the main world early despite knowing that there was danger, it was of course because it was profitable.

First of all, the accumulation of thousands of years before has given the noble goddess a deep foundation of faith in the main world. Almost all noble lords are her potential believers. Although the faith power provided is not pure enough, it is better than a steady stream, and it has huge power in the secular world. influence.

Secondly, although the secret realm backflow brings a lot of trouble, it promotes the advancement of the main world in advance. This is also the reason why strong people stuck in the legendary stage can feel the path to becoming a god, because the world limit has been increased and there are additional sources. and laws, naturally want to give birth to more guardians, that is, demigods and gods, so they give guidance.

These are rare treasures for noble goddesses. If they encounter the same divinity, they will undoubtedly become valuable nutrients for their own growth after harvesting. Even if they do not match their own attributes, they can be exchanged with other gods through the divine net. Knowledge of divinity is hard currency among gods.

Therefore, in the face of such temptation, even if the noble goddess knows that there are huge risks in the future, she will not choose to leave easily, but she will not take action easily. The safest way is not to do anything.

Owen had a headache about this, because he didn't move and she didn't move either, which made it impossible to play.

However, Owen was not unprepared at all, but it was just that the progress value that he originally wanted to use for his own use now seemed to have to be given to An Qi first. After all, only by standing in a similar position can some planning work.

Just like Owen, Angel, who has four points of divinity, also has shortcomings that are difficult to make up for. Now this part is made up for by Owen's newly exchanged artifact, the Ghost King's cloak.

The Ghost King's Cloak is composed of three treasures: the Undead Amulet, the Vampire Cloak, and the Death Boots. It has a strong amplifying effect on spiritualism, which can be transformed into reality into undead magic.

But this is still not the most suitable for An Qi. It can only be said to barely elevate her to the level of a god.

Name: Angel, priesthood: blood of resurrection, divinity: 4+3, divine power: weak divine power, alignment: lawful evil.

Divine spells: strange dagger, resurrection of the dead, blood feast.

Artifact: Ghost King's Cloak +1 Blood +2 Death/Primary Artifact.

Although Angel has seven points of total divinity, the basis is three points of blood divinity and two points of death divinity. This is because the three points of blood divinity are derived from vampires and can be combined with death. Otherwise, Even if she reaches five points of divinity, she cannot become a god.

And this kind of trickery becomes more and more difficult the further you go, otherwise the lower gods would be able to compete with the upper gods with a bunch of semi-artifacts.

In fact, this is not possible. Gods can have multiple artifacts, but they can only be bound to one or two at most, and they must conform to their own divinity and vocation.

Although Angel's foundation for becoming a god is unstable, he has finally crossed that line and has the confidence to participate. Therefore, in addition to dividing an area in the Eternal Night Kingdom in the upper level of the authority space for Angel as the kingdom of God, Irving also included the underground world. I left all the matters to her and escaped smoothly, which is gratifying.

Owen did this not to escape, but because the underground world is not only complicated, but also full of chaos, conspiracy and killing. For him who is more straightforward, it is really a headache, but for Angel, who was born as a devil, it is completely a college student. Transferred to elementary school, it's a situation where every hand is full of killing, so why not do it.

Compared with the convenience of Owen's avatar, although it is difficult for Angel to travel to the main world after becoming a god, this does not prevent her from influencing the evil war started by the evil ratmen.

Most devils only start in the material world with hazy dreams and inaudible phantom sounds. Only by cleverly luring mortals to reveal their spiritual flaws can they gain a little influence on the material world by luring them into signing a soul contract, and this The impact will continue to weaken over time.

Even so, there are countless intelligent creatures seduced and corrupted by the devil, as well as the countries and even the world that have been destroyed as a result. It can be seen that the devil's whispers are not inferior to the devil's indiscriminate killings, and are even more efficient than the devil.

Therefore, although Angel is not as convenient as Owen in walking in the main world, she can still easily control the battle situation through the believers and arrangements she has placed before. It can be seen that Owen is quite self-aware when he chooses to leave the affairs of the underground world to her.

Under An Qi's ingenious arrangement, she accidentally overheard a few rumors and a corner of a burned secret letter. After obtaining some clues through these, the many demons and evil spirits who spliced ​​together the evil rat-man's ambitions were a little restless.

They sat back and watched the Fel Ratmen swallow up the lower city. That was because the value was too low and it would not take long to recover. But if the Fel Ratmen wanted to swallow the entire Mithril City, they would have exceeded their bottom line, so even if No matter how much you worry about evil energy, you will still show your fangs.

But more often than not, they pass on the news to the drow matrons, with the same calculation as Owen, which shows that these evil gods and demons who like blood sacrifices are not all fools.

But what they did more than them was An Qi, because she also leaked the news to the evil ratman, with the intention of forcing the two sides to fight fiercely.

Because to Owen, neither Mithril City nor the Evil Rat Men are good people, so it is in the best interest of the master that both sides suffer losses or even die together.

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