Taking a deep breath, Old One-Eye blew the first rat whistle he made himself. The rat men, who had completely fallen into group frenzy, rushed towards the tall city wall without hesitation, grabbed the cracks in the bricks with their sharp claws, and used His flexible body clung to the city wall, and he climbed up quickly and flexibly. The speed was astonishing, as if the city wall was pulling up a thick curtain from bottom to top.

It's a pity that although the ratmen are a kind of furry, they are not cute at all. The drow guards and gray dwarf heavy infantry standing on the city wall will not show mercy for this.

The drow guards wearing black armor now raised their well-made repeating crossbows, and quickly and agilely fired the poisoned crossbow arrows accurately into the rat man's forehead, while the gray dwarf heavy infantry who looked like iron cans also quickly He waved the battle ax in his hand and split open the heads of the rat men that popped out from the city wall, letting the blood and brains bloom in front of his eyes.

But it was useless. There was no heavy fire coverage, and the defensive advantage was lost. Facing the tens of thousands of ratmen, the so-called city defense was a joke.

Of course, this ability is definitely not the only one in the upper city, and even if she is watching a show, the drow matron will not allow these dirty ratmen to roam around in the upper city, so she is preparing to activate the disinfecting barrier in the upper city. But would Old One-Eye be unprepared?

Following Old One-Eye's sneer, violent explosions occurred in the upper city and middle city. The ominous green flames and dust rising into the sky enveloped a large area of ​​Mithril City, causing countless residents to fall into panic.

Although there are not many places where there are explosions in the upper city, not even in the core area, area blocks are cleverly created at various nodes. At least until the evil energy within the explosion range dissipates, any unlucky guy who dares to pass through the explosion area will be Contaminated by evil energy, whether it becomes part of the evil energy or buries the seeds of evil energy depends on whether it can survive it.

The most deadly thing is that these evil energy bombs also polluted nearby pipelines, and a large amount of green fluorescent water poured into the middle and lower cities. Even parts of the upper city were polluted.

Fel energy is really useful, Old One-Eye said in a low voice. Unfortunately, it never made up its mind to embrace the evil energy. The betrayal of the evil rat-man at this moment made it completely abandon the idea of ​​taking refuge in the evil energy. But this time Doesn't mean it won't use evil energy.

All the evil energy obtained from the evil rat-men was made by Old One-Eye into evil energy bombs, which were buried at key nodes through secret secret passages. Once exploded, it would be enough to pollute half of Mithril City, which was enough to shake the secret power. The foundation of Silver City.

Originally it was just a trump card used to threaten mutual destruction. Old One-Eye really didn't plan to use it, but it doesn't matter now. Let those superior guys taste the anger it has accumulated for decades.

The green fluorescent dust produced by the evil energy bomb polluted a large area, and many of them were mixed into vital waterways. It is conceivable how many areas will be polluted in the future, and this made the drow matron who was watching the show no longer sit still. He couldn't stand it anymore, and his face was very ugly.

The drow matron is actually no stranger to evil energy, but compared to other forces, she obviously doesn't take it to heart because they are all focused on finding excitement to fill the void. Who cares how big the threat of evil energy is.

But when the drow matriarch present realized the consequences of evil energy spreading in Mithril City, she suddenly became smart.

Being able to become a drow matron and secure this position is not just a matter of birth. In fact, every drow matron is proficient in assassination, poison, conspiracy, politics, lies, and betrayal. They are the best among thousands of drow. That has nothing to do with stupidity.

It's just that the long-term rule and indulgence have made them relax. From the inside out, from the body to the mind, they are too addicted to playing with power and enjoyment, resulting in not only slow response to external threats, but also committing fatal crimes. Mistake, that is carelessness, which is the reason for the current passive situation.

But it doesn't matter. As the seven matrons who control the Mithril City Council, they know very well what kind of foundation Mithril City has. Although evil energy is difficult to deal with, it is not invincible.

This carnival is over. The tallest and plump drow matron in the hall stood up, looked down at the guests around her with her tall figure, and said coldly, as if she was not the one who had just used eight tauren slaves alone. Same.

The other six drow matrons stood up and left, and as soon as these seven left, the remaining guests ran away regardless of whether they were dressed or not. After all, everything that happened in Mithral City was projected, and they saw everything clearly. Chu, the sooner you leave at this time, the better you can recover your losses, so who can care about the clothes? Even if you were doing push-ups or receiving seeds just now, you are still running out in a hurry.

At this time, General Zhuoer, who had been waiting outside the hall, had his head chopped off. He was accused of being unfavorable in the battle and delaying the military situation.

Everyone knew that he was wronged, but it didn't matter. It wasn't their heads that were chopped off anyway. As long as the Drow Mistress could vent her anger and not take it out on them, it wouldn't be a problem for a few more to die.

Entering the Mithril Hall, sitting on the high-back chairs that represent power, the seven drow matrons took a Mithril key from their necks one after another, and then inserted it on the high table in front of them. Suddenly, the scene of the entire Mithril City was revealed. In front of them, there were also the first and second floors of the Rat's Nest, and only the third floor shrouded in evil energy was still invisible.

Damn ratmen, they dare to hollow out Mithril City! An angry drow matron slapped the table hard, and then found that the sudden vibration caused the toy she had forgotten in a corner to fall down, but she was He quietly kicked him into the corner, and then continued to slam the table hard to express his anger, but no one cared.

Each drow matron will show a characteristic, such as irritable, greedy, insidious, etc., but everyone knows that this is not the true character of the drow matron, but a disguise, specially given to them Trap prepared by the enemy.

However, overly realistic disguises will always make some unlucky people fall into the hands of these drow matrons. Over time, the seven drow matrons have become accustomed to this routine, and they will show it at any time to enrich their own personalities.

However, everyone here was a thousand-year-old fox, so no one paid any attention to her. Instead, they began to vote on whether to use the hidden strength of Mithril City to solve this rat-man craze.

The angry drow matron maintained her previous expression, but voted in favor without any slowness. Then she took the opportunity to pick up the toy that fell on the ground with her toes and secretly hid it in her hand. She found that she couldn't hide it because the size of the toy was a bit too big. So I had to put it back where it was and wait for the end of the meeting.

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