Owen took the zombie girl and sneaked into the third floor quietly, and was shocked to find that this place had become the realm of evil energy.

It had only been a long time, and the efficiency of the evil rat men must have been too high. Owen took a deep breath and thought. Only the zombie girl, who was already overwhelmed by the complex terrain of the rat nest, felt nothing and just wanted to vomit.

In the large cave, the pipes fixed on the wall flowed with light green fluorescent water. It was unknown what it was used for. The seemingly inconspicuous wall lamp actually emits a very penetrating evil energy. , obviously living here will be exposed to the radiation of evil energy all the time, and the immortal will be corroded into monsters by evil energy.

Not only was the environment harsh, but there were also well-equipped fel ratmen patrolling back and forth. Owen had to carefully hide in places where the fel lights could not shine, because he did not expect that fel energy had such a great impact on other energies, resulting in The power of the shadow has been greatly weakened, and if it is not hidden carefully, it is likely to be discovered by the fel ratmen.

Before, I could not care about this chess piece that fell casually, but the situation in front of me made the importance of this chess piece rise sharply. Therefore, even if I could easily kill these evil rat men, Owen still held his breath and hid carefully.

Fortunately, many caves have just been excavated and have not had time to be perfected, so the evil energy has not reached the level of omnipresence. If Owen concentrates, he can continue to sneak in by finding places where the evil energy is thin. This is undoubtedly good news.

More and more Fel Ratmen are encountered along the way. In terms of equipment, in addition to the more familiar Fel Archers, there are also melee troops who use simple exoskeletons, carry Fel backpacks, and hold coiled spears. In some caves, Owen also saw Fel creations converted into engineering mechas being busy under construction. It seemed that after leaving the Fel Secret Realm, the Fel Ratmen did not stand still. On the contrary, they evolved at a speed comparable to that of the hang.

Seeing everything in front of him, Owen felt more and more uncomfortable, so he forcibly used the power of his body to use the power of shadow and sneaked towards the place where the evil energy was thickest. He wanted to see how far the evil rat man could do it.

When Owen arrived at the place with the strongest evil energy, he was surprised to find that this place had been built into an industrial area by the evil ratmen. They had actually achieved industrialization!

As soon as you enter, the most eye-catching thing is a huge machine that looks like a meat grinder. Under the rotation of the gears, the poor people in the lower city who are bundled up and thrown on the conveyor belt fall into it like cheap raw materials. In the desperate wailing, the flesh and blood are mixed with each other. The soul is converted into evil energy, which continuously supplies more and more evil energy machines around to create more and stronger evil energy equipment. The residue is made into cans and used as military rations or provided to the rats on the second floor. Humans, transforming them into new fel ratmen.

Owen sucked in a breath as if he had a toothache. The fel technology originally learned from the Goblin Corps was perfected in the hands of gray dwarves and dwarf craftsmen, and began to be updated. Now it not only became more sophisticated, but also differentiated into various model, which made him feel bad.

With the Ratmen's reproductive ability, coupled with the domineering Fel energy, and the leaping Fel energy technology, Owen couldn't even imagine that these Ratmen could achieve that step. At least one Mithril City would definitely not be able to satisfy their appetite.

Owen, who worked hard to sneak around, discovered a mountain of Fel personal equipment in a nearby heavily guarded warehouse, as well as new Fel tanks, and the most eye-catching ones were the many Fel mecha variants. All of these made Owen Feel Mithril City Pills.

Owen, who originally planned to cause havoc, was no longer in the same mood as before. There was no hope and he was waiting to die.

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, Owen first notified the main body, and then made dozens of crystal balls overnight and asked the zombie girl to secretly throw them throughout Mithril City through believers.

What Owen saw and heard in the Rat's Nest, the activated crystal ball was projected onto the most visited place in Mithril City, causing an uproar on the spot.

The residents of the middle city of Mithril City are not the poor people in the lower city who just want to live. They know very well what this means. Their expressions changed drastically on the spot, and they ran out without taking anything, because the originally prosperous Mithril City might soon It will turn into a life-devouring monster.

But the one who reacted fastest was not the Mistress Council of Mithril City, but the old One-Eye sitting in the mouse hole.

Old One-Eye, who was still squatting on the pile of treasures, clutched the crystal ball in his hand, first feeling frightened, then desperate, and finally just mad.

Firstly, Old One-Eye didn't expect that the evil ratman would build an evil empire under the rat's nest without telling it. Secondly, he didn't expect that this matter would be exposed. Thirdly, there was no third. He didn't want to die. Suddenly he blew the rat whistle, summoned his men, mobilized the rat men to form a large army, and launched an attack on the ground.

As the long and low rat whistle echoed in the rat nest, the rat people who had been working day after day suddenly stiffened, as if some switch had been touched. Countless rat people with red eyes came out of the secret passages of the rat nest all over the city. When I got out, it was like the sewage from the sewer poured back onto the road, and was quickly submerged by the gray-black rat tide.

The rat men who have been brainwashed over and over again by Old One-Eye don't care whether they will die. It can be said that even if they die, they will die on the street instead of rotting in the sewers of the rat nest and becoming fertilizer for mushrooms. Therefore, every rat man Without hesitation, he used crude weapons to engage in a fierce battle with the well-equipped guards in the middle city area, and by relying on life-saving and numerical advantages, he gradually approached the city gate of the upper city area.

The guards in the middle city, composed of drow swordsmen and gray dwarf heavy infantry, were first caught off guard, and then were frightened out of their wits after seeing the ratmen trying to attack the gate of the upper city.

Once a ratman breaks through their defenses and enters the upper city, even if they just destroy the flower beds on the roadside, they, as guards, will be made into fertilizer for dereliction of duty.

The guards could not retreat, and Old One-Eye could not retreat even more. Only by controlling the Drow Mother Council could it have a chance of survival. Therefore, the rat whistle that gradually became harsher allowed more rat people to participate in the war, and the rat people They also become more and more crazy under the group effect. Even if their strength is very different, they still try to suffocate the enemy with corpses and suffocate the enemies with blood.

While Old One-Eye was desperately trying, the cunning evil rat-men did not participate. Instead, they temporarily blocked all the passages from the middle city to the lower city, including those secret sewers and secret passages, killing Old One-Eye's army of rat-men. Blocking it in the middle city area and forcing it to fight to the death with Mithril City, this move almost made Old One-Eye angry to death.

But Old One-Eye has already been overwhelmed with care for itself. If it cannot break into the upper city before the Drow Mother Council reacts, the cruelest end will definitely be waiting for it.

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