Owen has never been exposed to faith before, and these have been working on his behalf. Otherwise, even if there is a system, under the huge pressure of faith, he will either be stupid or crazy.

It’s just that this method is too scattered and does not have much effect. What Owen has to do now is to integrate these and form a complete belief network, which can respond to the prayers of believers like a magic network and use it to the maximum extent. The power of faith protects millions of believers.

This sounds like a very huge project. Even if Irving already has all the conditions, it is still not easy to implement it.

First of all, Owen ordered to expand the scale of the temple on the original basis, because the temple is the residence of God, and only the temple can become an important node of the faith network. At the same time, allowing the temple to go to the countryside and integrate with the common people will also facilitate the gathering of more faiths. .

Building temples is not a problem for the territory. Sufficient manpower allows temples in various places to change day by day. The main problem is the recruitment of missionary personnel.

Fortunately, monks as evangelists are one of the military units in the Empire era. They can also be transferred from civilians, and it only takes some time to quickly replenish them.

In fact, there are not many monks in the territory, because the monks are knowledgeable and have certain mysterious powers. After learning, they can master art, construction, technology, medical treatment, medicine, spells and other abilities. They are quite a panacea, so they directly mobilize a group of them. That's it, the missing positions and territories will be replenished automatically.

In contrast, the priest, who is the core of faith propagation, is a bit troublesome, because the priest is a heroic and invincible fifth-level unit, while Owen can only exchange for unit buildings of one to four levels, and units higher than level four can only rely on exchange.

Although Owen's current progress value recovers faster, it still feels insufficient.

Firstly, he needed to exchange knowledge and items from the system for the research of the territory. Secondly, temples in various places needed to exchange holy objects as the core of gathering faith, so Owen's head began to hurt again.

Fortunately, the current situation is relatively stable, and Owen can have the time and energy to improve the territory's belief system.

The Holy Light Cathedral in the North City has been expanding for thirty years. It is the largest temple in the entire territory. Today, it is even more solemn and grand. Teams of priests, monks and Templars escort the sacred objects to various temples. Next Wherever they will be stationed, they will be both guardians of sacred objects and spreaders of faith.

As each sacred relic was implemented, the priest led the monks to hold large-scale sacrificial activities in the local area, gathering the faith of the surrounding people on the sacred relics, and then the holy relics transmitted their faith to the five sacred relics of the same origin.

Owen, who was staying in the Holy Light Cathedral, could sense that the power of faith coming from all over the territory was gathering here, and tried to integrate into his body, but he refused because he, as a mortal, could not bear the power of faith.

When Owen put on the five holy weapons, the power of faith gathered in the Holy Light Cathedral seemed to have found its source, pouring into the five holy objects like a river pouring back. Then Owen opened the authority space and introduced a steady stream of faith power into it. Leave it to the Golden Tree.

The faith generated by millions of believers fell into the space of authority like a violent storm, and was about to form a terrible storm. However, the golden tree stretched its roots and branches and turned into a giant tree that could cover the sky and the sun, withstand all the wind and rain, and then transformed into a huge tree with itself as the core. At the same time, using tree roots as looms and laws as patterns, the imprinted faith weaves threads, spreads through the authority space to the territory, connects the temples throughout the territory, and then uses them as nodes to weave a network. , eventually covering the entire territory and forming a unique realm of belief.

Because it is a start-up, the Faith Network will definitely have some omissions, but the effect is significant.

First, monks and priests as shepherds have mastered the power of the soul and the magic of faith granted by the golden tree. Then, the faith field expanded around the temples in various places can enhance the resistance of believers within the area to abnormalities, especially them. These shepherds, with the blessing of faith, directly have the ability to annihilate evil.

From now on, no matter whether the undead, demons or evil forces are protected by the shepherd, it will be difficult for them to invade the territory, let alone cause damage.

But this is only temporary. Owen can figure out how to create a belief network and realm. The evil forces will also find ways to continuously exploit loopholes, so you can rest assured, but you cannot take it lightly.

Owen, who knew it well, did not stop, but continued to improve the territory's belief system, such as the Cathedral of Holy Light as the core.

As the first and largest temple in the territory, it houses the five sacred objects and the most complete statue of Owen. It is also the core of the faith network of the entire territory. It is no less important than the political and military core, which is the town center.

The Cathedral of the Holy Light is so important that ordinary priests are naturally not enough to preside over it. Therefore, Owen ingeniously integrated holy objects with priests to create the special profession of bishop.

Because of the fusion of the sacred objects and the permission of Owen, the bishop can directly mobilize the power of the five sacred objects and release power beyond legend.

To a certain extent, a bishop is nothing less than the incarnation of God in the human world, or a living saint, so the conditions for formation are naturally very harsh. The newly redeemed priest cannot withstand the powerful faith infused by Owen, and can only be rewarded by the initial system. Ten priests can serve as bishops full-time after decades of faith and training.

Even so, it was enough. After all, converting a bishop required a lot of faith power. Even with thirty years of accumulation, Owen would not dare to squander faith power at will.

It's just a waste to convert all ten priests into bishops. It's not that the bishops are not good, but because the abilities of the bishops are more like priests, and they are suitable for holding ceremonies to develop faith, rather than fighting.

But among the invincible priests, who is not the master who wields the scepter and dares to fight the devil hand-to-hand? It is obviously a waste to all become civil servants, so Owen thought about it and only transferred five bishops, and the remaining five were transferred to judges. officials and established a court of justice.

In Owen's vision, the Tribunal is mainly aimed at the purification of heretics and evil, so more targeted power must be given.

The bishop can draw on the power of the five sacred objects, and the inquisitors of the same level can't be inferior. Owen thought about it, and used the hunting god's sword as the core, integrating the power of the devil he possessed into it, and creating a weapon that still has lethality. The magic sword on top of the five sacred objects was inserted into the root of the golden tree, allowing the judge to use the power of this magic sword.

In addition, Owen also mobilized a group of guards and witch hunters to join the Trial House and become the first batch of God's Punishment Warriors and Sin-hunting Sisters. At the same time, the Tribunal trained a group of judges to serve as a territory to fight against evil. The hunter.

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