After receiving the war order from the Fel King, the great warlocks of the Fel Empire joined forces to stir up the ubiquitous evil energy in the Shattered Lands, imprinting the king's orders directly into the will of the Fel Ratmen, just like the steel seal of thought.

Although it is inhumane, it is extremely efficient. In the blink of an eye, the terrifying number of Fel Ratmen in the Great Rift Valley suddenly stopped in the middle of their busy work. Like controlled puppets, they began to flow in the direction of the Goblin Corps under the guidance of Fel Energy. Like a black wave, the wave has appeared ten miles away. There are still evil rat-men pouring out in a steady stream in the Great Rift Valley, which shows how many there are.

As regular soldiers, the Fel Energy Archers and the Giant Rat Cavalry rode together on a rat and ran wildly in the same direction. Behind them were a group of Fel Energy Mechas and slow-moving Fel Energy Cannons. These were accumulated by the Fel Energy Empire over the years. All the family wealth that came down is now being spent, just to win this battle and completely obtain the key to open the door.

Such a huge Fel Legion cannot be formed in a short time, nor can the Goblin Corps resist it. Therefore, the only reason why the Goblin Corps has been able to persist for many years is that the Fel Ratmen have never exposed their true strength.

In fact, this is related to the early experience of the evil ratmen. At that time, they were not fully evolved. Therefore, when facing the goblin corps, except for occasionally gaining the upper hand, most of the time they were in a passive state of being beaten. This led to the evil The Ratmen have always lacked confidence. Even if they later established a kingdom and industry belonging to the Ratmen, they still did not dare to put all their efforts. After all, the Ratmen knew very well that except for evil energy, everything in the empire was copied from the goblins.

Later, when the evil ratmen built up enough confidence and achieved several victories, they discovered a fatal problem.

That is, it is easy to defeat the Goblin Corps. The Fel Ratmen have occupied the opponent's position several times, but every time the Goblin Corps chooses to blow up the portal before their complete defeat, causing the Fel Ratmen to just stare but have no choice.

The Fel Energy Secret Realm was punctured twice inside and outside by the caster corps. Without the portal, the Fel Energy Rat Man could not open the space channel at all. If force was used, the Fel Energy Secret Realm might completely collapse. By then, could the Fel Energy Rat Man be able to No one can guarantee whether he will survive.

This is also the reason why the two sides are stuck in a back-and-forth stalemate. Unless the Fel Ratmen can seize the portal before the Goblin Corps destroys the portal, otherwise they will not show their true potential. Every time the defense is switched, the attack is more about using To paralyze the opponent, anyway, the Fel Ratmen never care about the casualties suffered in this process, let alone the equipment lost, because as long as the Fel Secret Realm is not destroyed, their resources and population will be endless, and they have the confidence and Be patient and hold on, and now comes the opportunity they have been waiting for.

The reason why we didn't take action before was because there is only one core of the Goblin Corps, which is the portal. Therefore, once they are in a desperate situation, the Goblin Corps will destroy the portal without hesitation, even if they all die here without any hesitation.

The problem is that there are two cores now, and their king is here. As long as the Goblin Corps doesn't want their king to die here, they can't destroy the portal. This gives the Fel Ratmen a rare opportunity.

There is only one such opportunity, and the evil ratmen have been preparing for this for ten years, so once it breaks out, it will be like a mountain falling apart, and trouble will come.

Something's wrong. Dagu, who was staying in the command center, frowned and whispered.

According to past practice, although the evil ratmen are not afraid of death, they will not die in vain. Generally, if the loss exceeds 50%, they will retreat, and then the surviving veterans will be mixed with new recruits to form the main force of the next attack. in this way.

But the current casualties have exceeded six levels, and the Fel Ratmen still have no intention of retreating. Instead, they continue to send batches of Fel Ratmen to die as if to add fuel to the fire, and the precious Fel Ratmen are left to their own devices. The battle damage was at the foot of the mountain and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

They are stalling for time. Dagu immediately came to this conclusion. The question now is, why?

Dagu had actually noticed the abnormality of the evil rat-men for a long time, so he spent huge amounts of material and manpower to build the entire mountain into a war fortress and made a lot of preparations.

But according to his prediction, it will still be a long time before the evil ratmen break out.

Therefore, there must be something that satisfies the conditions for the evil ratman's action.

It's not hard to guess. Dagu immediately found Owen and informed him of the matter.

After hearing this, Owen fell into deep thought. He didn't like to take risks, but that didn't mean he would shrink from anything he encountered, let alone the fact that he had a trump card in his hand. If he wanted to threaten him, ordinary circumstances would not be enough.

Start the total war mode, and at the same time, I will hand over the command of the Guards to you. Owen turned around and returned to the depths of the command center, handing over the command of the Guards to Dagu.

As for leaving here directly, Owen has not thought about it.

Dagu could guess that the evil rat-man's abnormal behavior was related to him, and Owen could naturally guess it too, let alone Dagu directly telling him the guess.

So as long as he stays here, the Fel Ratmen will target him with their firepower, and he will be the bait.

Another reason that made Owen make such a decision was Dagu's prediction and estimation of the evil rat-man, which chilled his heart and made him decide that he would never let the evil rat-man leave the evil secret realm.

But it is not very realistic to completely eliminate the evil rat people, so Owen plans to use himself as a bait to attract the evil rat people to spend all their wealth to fight an unprecedented war and consume the opponent's vitality as much as possible. In this way, even if it happens In the worst case scenario, it won't be completely out of control.

As soon as Owen's order was given, the entire territory began to take action. No one was idle, and no one could stay away, because he was the will of the territory.

Maya, Howard and other core personnel immediately set up a war logistics center and took over Green Shade City and the underground ruins. First, they sent the part of the Guards who did not follow them directly to the entrance of the ruins, and let them join Owen through the portal, because Owen's Safety comes first.

Next came the goblin corps. Except for the goblin corps that had switched defenses, all the corps entered the evil secret realm to prepare for war. A large number of weapons, equipment and weapons were also transported to the secret realm as quickly as possible to prepare for the next war.

If the Fel Secret Realm were not too special, tens of thousands of troops from the territory would have been sent into the secret realm. However, they were not idle now. They were also preparing for war. Once the Fel Secret Realm was lost, it would be their turn.

However, the current Fel War still requires the Goblin Corps as the main force, but it needs more support. Therefore, Maya packed up a large number of golems and mechanical puppets stored in the dungeon and sent them to the Fel Secret Realm. As for how effective it can be , she could only resign herself to fate. Anyway, she did everything she could do.

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