Baron Oran stared closely at the skeleton mage standing behind the undead, his eyes full of anger. After all, it was the other party who caused the huge losses to Stone Wheel Town.

Sir Owen, can you fight against this skeleton mage alone? Because he realized that Owen was not simple, Baron Oran's tone was much more polite. However, the situation was urgent at this time, and he had no time to be polite, so he asked straightforwardly. road.

No problem. Owen nodded and said. Although it was difficult to use his full strength because he was not adaptable to the new complex and changeable rules, the diverse sources of power allowed him to always find a suitable way, so he said with confidence arrive.

In this case, leave the Stitch Monster to me. Baron Oran took a deep breath and said when he saw the figure dragging a huge guillotine in the black smoke.

In order to fit the character, Owen started to cast spells, starting with the magic armor protection, and then the classic Expelliarmus.

The Skeleton Mage was also an orthodox mage during his lifetime. Even if he was transformed into an undead, he still retained considerable instincts. He started with the Mage Armor, and then used the Corrosive Spell. His routine was similar to Owen's.

The two sides went back and forth and entered the testing phase. On the contrary, Baron Oran came up and entered into fierce melee combat with the Stitch Monster. After all, melee professions never play empty tricks.

Stitch monsters are the backbone of the undead system. Although they are sewn together from corpse fragments, because all the materials have been fully soaked in the power of death, they are not only tough enough, but also possess powerful strength after being sewn together, weighing more than 20 kilograms. The heavy guillotine has no weight in the opponent's hand, and the wielded tiger is like a branch in the hand of a naughty boy. Although it is unorganized, it is full of destructive power that cannot be ignored.

Faced with the overpowering Stitch Monster, Baron Oran could only use his shield to deflect the opponent's attack, and did not dare to take a direct attack. Even so, the sophisticated shield began to become irregular under the continuous critical hits. While the body was shaking, the limited counterattack could not cause enough damage. After all, to the undead, a mere fatal injury was nothing at all, not to mention that the Stitch Monster was originally a torn corpse.

Sensing that Baron Oran's situation was not good, Owen shook his head and reluctantly worked harder.

The magic spells in the Hogwarts series are essentially the ability to mix magic and spiritual power to distort reality. Therefore, the effects of many spells are completely unreasonable, such as space spells, repair spells, cleansing spells, and even the ability to manipulate time. props.

Because his destructive power is low but almighty enough, Owen has never given up research in this area. Coupled with the growth of telepathy, the most important thing is that the authority space has given him the same ability to distort reality. To a certain extent, he can be It's called a reality warper, so once you get serious, you don't even need to take a shot of any spells or magic, you can get whatever you want.

Of course, this performance is a bit outrageous, and since he has only mastered this ability initially, Owen only uses it as an auxiliary ability to lower the learning threshold, enhance the power of skills, and achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

The originally invisible armor protection not only appears, but also has a steel-like texture. Except for your weapon, which has basically no lethality, it is as powerful as a laser gun. The skeleton mage has used many methods, but it has not changed his transformation. A scumbag ending.

With his hands free, Owen then used the Upside Down Golden Bell on Stitch Monster, helping Baron Oran win.

Without the Skeleton Mage, the undead inevitably fell into chaos. Baron Oran pursued the victory and led his soldiers to eliminate all the undead and set the village on fire, bringing the battle to an end.

Because Owen contributed the most this time, he got half of the three hundred gold coins. The remaining people, the warriors and the walking knights as the main force, took the lion's share, followed by the rangers, and the thieves the least, and most of them were taken away by Baron Oran because he stole If something is caught, this time it is a meritorious service, and the money taken away is a fine.

Dear spellcaster, I wonder if you lack a loyal servant. Putting away the poor three gold coins, the thief rolled his eyes, ran to Owen, and saluted gracefully before saying.

Yes, and I think you are a good fit. Owen said with a smile. Now it was the thief's turn to feel unsure. After all, he also knew that he was not a good person, so the problem was, knowing that he was not a good person, he still dared to What is the purpose of keeping him?

Well, if there is someone suitable, I will definitely introduce it to you. After saying this, the thief turned around and ran away.

Irving just smiled at this and then rejected Baron Oran's solicitation.

After the other party left, Owen returned to the undead village that had been reduced to ruins and stood in front of a well.

Just by reaching out and grabbing, the wellhead and the surrounding land were separated from the earth and suspended in the air motionless. This shows that Owen's mental power is very strong at this time and he already has considerable power.

Putting the wellhead aside, Owen looked down and found a secret room.

Too lazy to go down, the transformation technique and the power of telepathy were used to lift the entire soil layer, revealing that although it was a skeleton, it could still be seen that it was full of helplessness and fear.

The puppet technique is good, and the spell casting is also very standard. It's a pity that he met me. Owen squinted his eyes and stared at the other person.

The previous Skeleton Mage was transformed from an unlucky old wizard. The real Skeleton Mage has never shown up and has been hiding in the secret room under the well for research. Unfortunately, he met Owen and all his methods were useless.

Mog, a member of the Imperial City Mage Group, has met you. Skeleton Mage Mog still maintained his etiquette, even if he was facing an enemy.

I remember that the Imperial City has fallen. Owen recalled that the first time he entered the Imperial City was still vivid in his mind, but it was gone in the blink of an eye, so he felt a little emotional.

Yes, that place has become the death paradise of the Head of Demons, the Flesh Church, and the Church of Natural Disasters. Skeleton Mage Mog said in a complicated tone after a moment of silence.

Then you have also fallen. After Owen finished speaking, he looked at the village with only broken walls remaining.

Yes, I have fallen. Skeleton Mage Mog put the manuscripts and diaries he studied in a box, raised his head and said to Owen.

Kill me and take away my research. Knowledge is innocent. Skeleton Mage Mog didn't care about death, but it was a pity that his research had not been completed yet.

You're overthinking. Although I'm not evil, I'm not a messenger of justice either, so come with me. Owen said calmly.

If he had just traveled through time, maybe Owen would have killed the other party, but now, he really doesn't care much about the crimes committed by the other party.

Even if the other party destroyed the entire village and killed many travelers passing by, it had nothing to do with him.

There are no laws in this world, and there is no clear distinction between good and evil. Wars between nobles and lords often last for hundreds of years, and various organizations fight each other. There are so many innocent people dying that he can't help but pity them.

Compared with good and evil, Owen is more concerned about whether the other party is useful to him. If he is useful, he will stay. If not, he will be killed. It is so realistic.

The skeleton mage Mog agreed, put on a robe that could block the sun, and followed Owen on the journey.

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