Owen soon figured out that the so-called specialty class was the sheep herding class, which only took two days a month, and the rest was all self-study.

Whether you let the sheep graze or eat enough or eat less depends on your ability.

If he had been treated like this at school in his previous life, Irving would probably have been happy to death, and then cried to death after entering society because he couldn't afford to eat.

Although the class time is short, it is full of useful information. A legendary alchemist and a master alchemist come up with various theories and data. If it were another alchemist here, I would probably kneel down to listen.

But for students other than Owen and Cortana, it's just a duck to listen to thunder. What the hell is this?

However, as the course progressed, Owen and Cortana were a little unable to keep up. They were smart, but they couldn't keep up with the relevant knowledge system. It would be very difficult to rashly come into contact with high-end things, and it would take a lot of time to fill in the gaps.

Cortana can ask the teacher for advice, and Owen also has a group of subordinates. After asking them to help analyze, he can then activate the wisdom spell to copy.

In any case, Owen had a lot of time. After several trials, he simply used the portkey to travel to and from the North. Anyway, it did not delay him in collecting knowledge about the academy city. Even the Hydra interest study group was with him. Gradually grow under the operation.

It was just hard for Karl. From time to time, he would be locked into a small dark room by his sister. First, he would be whipped, and then various props would be put on him in turn. Finally, he would be carried back to the Alchemy Department by a group of strong men in black tights. It became a scene in the academy city. Many students bet on this and even came here to watch.

Now Karl finally understands that there is no future in working alone, so he starts looking for someone to join forces.

Kara was very pleased with her brother's growth. In order to encourage him, she whipped him harder and even sent him back without a shirt and even oiled him.

Think of a group of strong men wearing black tights with bulging protrusions that look like a bunch of grapes, holding up a handsome man covered in whip marks and greased with oil and parading through the streets. This scene will make the men look at it, but the women will not be able to leave. Dong Dao, one can imagine how famous Karl is now in Academy City.

Now Carl has even given up the revenge of killing his father, and just wants to kill Kara.

It must be said that Kara succeeded to a certain extent. She succeeded in making her brother forget the hatred of the past, and now only new hatred remains.

Owen, who helped with many ideas and provided many props during the process, did not dare to take credit and kept a low profile to prevent others from mistaking him for being a pervert.

On the contrary, those Hydra minions are getting more and more arrogant. No one likes them when they wear tight clothes or hoods, and they have secretly developed many people. After all, when you are surrounded by perverts, you will not It will look out of place.

Owen, who was aware of this, had nothing to do. Although he didn't want to be the leader of a group of perverts, the problem was that he had already reached the point of no return when he made suggestions for Kara. At this time, no matter how much he tried to prove his innocence, it was useless. In desperation, he could only Able to hide his identity, he controlled the Hydra interest study group through Kara, Senior Sister, Obadi, and Brody, and set up a grading system like the one-eyed braised egg to try to avoid his identity being discovered.

During this period, Owen focused most of his energy on the territory, because with the implementation of the canonization of the Northland nobles, many forces in the empire will reach deep into the Northland. Although it has brought many opportunities and accelerated the development of the Northland, it has also It brings countless hidden dangers and disputes, such as competition for population and resources.

Nowadays, the empire's borders are wide open, allowing landless farmers and wealth-hungry merchants in the empire to enter the Northland. However, the vast and sparsely populated Northland has no end to its desire for population.

This is very realistic, because both land development and military training require a large population to support each other. Therefore, competition for population at the borders of the empire often occurs. Owen's territory has not had a large influx of refugees for a long time, only a small number of people came with the caravan. , which shows how fierce the competition for population is.

If the competition for population is fierce, then the competition for resources is fierce.

The Northland has no shortage of resources, especially mineral veins.

Previously, due to limited manpower and material resources, these mineral veins could only sleep underground, because it was more important to cultivate the land to feed oneself than to dig these mines, because the environment in the Northland was such that you could not even buy gold bricks to eat.

But with the influx of a large number of refugees into the Northland and the officially canonized Northland nobles, these mines have gained value.

Nobles have the qualifications and ability to mine veins and turn them into wealth.

The problem is that some territories have barren iron mines, some have fine copper mines, and some have crazy gold mines, so conflicts and disputes arise.

This kind of contradiction and dispute is irreconcilable. You have me or you don't have me. Whatever you want to do, you can only rob it. If you are not willing to be robbed, you can only resist desperately, so war appears.

As the old earls of the North, Ferrier and Solari are also having a hard time now. They are also facing provocations from emerging forces. Their original monopoly on furs and horses in the North is beginning to be shaky.

These two things are the foundation of their territory. Once there is a problem, collapse is not far away, so they can only fight whoever touches the other until no one touches them.

The empire turned a blind eye to the turmoil in the North. How could they have the chance to intervene if there was no chaos? Moreover, the empire would not intervene in the fights between nobles unless mediation was needed, and not all nobles were qualified to have the empire mediate, at least not It must be the first level of earl.

The troubles don't stop there. Through the Black Hand's intelligence network, Owen learned that Sylvia's father, Grand Duke Macaron, had finally taken action. However, because he was in the academy city and exposed the blood of the Elf Royal family, he did not dare to Overtly, secretly, he guided an undercurrent against Beicheng.

At the same time, Sylvia also received a letter from her father, asking her to leave Owen's bloodline. Simply put, it was to improve the family's bloodline by leaving seeds.

Grand Duke Macaron dared to think that a witch with the blood of the elf royal family might be as good as a demigod in some aspects.

If these are just hidden dangers that have not yet broken out, then the sudden drop in temperatures in the Northland this year is the prelude to a large-scale war.

Not even halfway through autumn, a shallow layer of white snow has covered most places in the North. This is not a good omen for a good harvest, but a sign that many people will die.

The further north you go, the colder and barren it becomes, and the food becomes scarcer. If Owen hadn't cheated, there wouldn't be so much fertile farmland in the North City.

In contrast, the barbarians in the North rely entirely on the sky for food, so they must store enough food to last a whole winter before winter. If one person loses food, one person will die. If there is less food for ten people, ten people will die. That is So cruel.

Therefore, once faced with the problem of insufficient food, the barbarians in the north had no choice but to hunt or plunder.

However, large-scale cooling has made hunting more difficult. In contrast, going south to plunder has become their only option.

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