Twisting his waist and straightening his body, he fired another Destruction Mushroom, killing the half-crushed Slaughter Demon swimming on his back in the void. By the way, Owen was promoted several levels, but he was in no mood to care about it now because he was targeted by the Devil's Gate.

Owen couldn't tolerate it. It was just a door and it couldn't grow legs. So regardless of the danger, he took Cortana with him. The two of them wielded two semi-artifacts and slashed them, and in a daze they demolished the huge devil's door. He was reduced to pieces and took the devil's head back as a trophy.

In fact, Owen was mainly afraid that the Devil's Gate would be restored, so he chose to take away the Devil's Head, which was the core at first glance. When the body was separated, even if it was restored, it would still be half disabled.

After doing this, Owen and Irving were teleported back to the academy. Obviously his guess was right.

However, Owen didn't know what his mistress said about the two of them, which was that they were reckless.

The mistress didn't actually have as many ideas as Owen suspected. In fact, she just wanted to scare these two naughty little guys. As for the goblins, it was a small benefit for them, but the trial was not as serious as Owen imagined. , In fact, in the mistress's mind, the two of them could strengthen the seal of the Devil's Gate, or push it deeper into the void. As for forcibly demolishing the Devil's Gate, she had never thought about it.

In any case, the destructive power of the two little guys has not improved a little bit in the mistress's mind, which means that it has not reached that level, otherwise she will have to worry about the two of them causing a big disaster.

Under the arrangement of the mistress, the two people who had just returned to the academy city received a notice of class placement.

This is the first time I know that there is a specialty class in Academy City. Cortana complained. Although she is mentally young, it does not mean that she is a fool. As the oldest student in Academy City, she knows Academy City better than many teachers. So it was natural to guess that this specialty class was obviously just established and was specially designed to accommodate troublesome students like them.

Well, from this point of view, Cortana is quite self-aware and knows that she is trouble.

Owen was a little unhappy when he took the class placement notice. After all, he had just laid the foundation of Hydra in the puppet class and was assigned. Of course he was not happy.

If my brother doesn't like it, I can go to the teacher for help. After seeing it, Cortana said comfortingly. It was obvious that she really regarded Owen as her brother, otherwise she would not care so much about his mood after coming back.

It's okay. Maybe we will meet more interesting students. Owen said after receiving the notice. If the specialty class is full of students like him, it may not be a better opportunity. After all, no matter how many ordinary students there are, they are not as good as one subject. A super talented student like Tana.

In any case, unless they leave, they still have to listen to the allocation of the college town, so the two of them made an appointment to go back and pack their things. Because the specialty class has an independent dormitory, they have to move.

Before going back to the dormitory, Owen went to the puppet class first, and when he arrived, he saw Kara beating Carl. It was a real beating, the kind where he was hung up and whipped with a whip.

After asking the little fat guy Obadi, I found out that Karl was determined not to give up. He came here yesterday to repeat the previous scene and destroy his sister. As a result, Carla, who had been reborn, beat him with a hammer. While beating him, he shouted something like weak. My brother is not worthy of revenge, so why should he feel the pain, recognize his own weakness, and become stronger if he wants revenge? Anyway, he was ravaged, and this lasted for a day and a night.

Kevin Flynn came during the period, but after seeing Kara wielding the whip with one hand on her hip, and her skin becoming shiny and attractive due to sweat due to the continuous operation of her body, he bent over and went back, leaving just one sentence Don't forget to send it back when you're done.

Owen's expression was very strange, he didn't speak for a long time, and finally said.

I'll build a dungeon later and fight wherever I go. It won't be good outside.

Owen is not afraid of beating people to death. Firstly, Carla knows it well. Secondly, the whip not only hurts people, but also has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Long-term whipping can help blood circulation and is most suitable for people who sit for long periods of time. It can prevent various chronic diseases, occupational diseases and so on, otherwise Kevin Flynn would not turn around and leave.

However, just using a whip is still a bit monotonous. Then get an iron virgin for acupuncture, a triangular wooden horse to treat hemorrhoids, a gallows to prevent cervical spondylosis, and a soldering iron to remove moisture.

I just don’t know if Carl has constipation or anterior proximal problems. If so, prepare a wooden donkey for him to ride on. When the time comes, let Carla pull in front and Carl rock in the back.

Doing this every three to five times will ensure that Carl can live until death without any disease or disaster.

Not to mention Owen's good intentions, not long after the two were teleported away, two groups of people came to the Void Land, and they were enemies. They started fighting fiercely when they met. One side had a large number of people, and the other side only had one person. In the end, it was difficult to fight with both fists. Against four hands, the man grabbed a handful of things and left.

The winning party originally wanted to chase it, but the dismantled Devil's Gate drifted further and further away. In desperation, they had no choice but to collect the fragments of the Devil's Gate first.

Not only Owen, but even the mistress knew nothing about this. After all, one was still a mortal and the other had many restrictions, so she did not discover this group of daring people.

After waiting for a few days, the time came. Owen said goodbye to Peters and Robert, and took Cowles to the specialty class.

Even Owen didn't expect that both Cowles and Sylvia would be assigned to the specialty class.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not surprising. Cowles has the heritage of a necromancer and Sylvia is a witch. They are both highly dangerous students.

Is this good? The short Phoenix stroked his long beard and said to Kevin Flynn with a sad face.

No way, this is what the mistress wants. Kevin Flynn said helplessly.

Compared to those people, Cortana is too kind. I'm really afraid that she will be bullied. Phoenix said worriedly like an old father.

Didn't she recognize a brother? That little guy is not as weak as she thought. Kevin Flynn couldn't help his eyelids twitching when he thought of his apprentice who was brought back by a few strong men in black tights. .

But fortunately, compared to the lifeless apprentice who was always immersed in the swamp of hatred and couldn't extricate himself, now he is much more energetic, just like a volcano, it will explode at a moment. If he hadn't stopped him, he might have used an alchemy bomb to destroy the puppet class classroom. It was blown flat.

Those students are fine, but why did College City send Amelia, a pair of troublesome masters and apprentices, to be teachers in special classes? Phoenix suddenly mentioned this name, and even Kevin Flynn frowned when he heard it. .

You know, she is the only legendary alchemist in Academy City. We can't keep her locked up forever. Kevin Flynn took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it, holding back something and whispering softly Said to Phoenix.

Not even Phoenix can deny this.

Although the alchemist is not a combat profession, it is more precious than ten professionals of the same level. It is impossible for the academy city to imprison a legendary alchemist all the time. Even the academy city cannot bear this kind of waste.

The problem is that you also know her hobbies. If you put her together with those students, you won't be afraid of problems. Phoenix couldn't help but speak again.

Perhaps this is the balance that Academy City wants. Kevin Fehling rubbed his eyebrows and said. Obviously he was also very distressed about this matter, but he could not stop Academy City's decision.

Faced with the answer given by Kevin Flynn, Phoenix was speechless.

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