For the sake of safety, the opening of the shelter is not only hidden, but also very small. Even two small people have to bend down to walk in. Fortunately, the children have no waist, so they will not suffer from back pain.

After passing through the Z-shaped passage, the interior suddenly opens up. The barrel-shaped hall is divided into several areas and rooms on the upper and lower floors by the circular second-floor corridor, which can fully meet daily requirements.

In the plan, the first floor is the living room. Owen also built a fireplace and a bar according to his own habits, with a thick carpet in the middle. The palm-long pile is so fine that it can lift a person up. When he steps on it, he feels like he is floating. In addition, there are kotatsu and soft pillows placed on the carpet.

Rolling around on the carpet, then getting into the kotatsu, letting the firelight of the fireplace shine on your face, this feeling is simply heaven, not like being in a dark and cold void at all.

Owen is busy planting lanterns. This improved lantern will light up and down according to the 24-hour cycle, imitating natural light, and will not make people feel impatient and confused due to long time.

In addition, there are special plants that increase oxygen and add natural breeze, making the place more comfortable and less likely to make you feel stuffy and irritable.

While Owen was busy, Cortana, who had nothing to do, put her chin on the table of the kotatsu and felt the warmth gradually penetrate into her whole body. She felt lazy and completely relaxed.

The previous experience was too exciting for Cortana, who had been under protection. She was always in a state of tension. Now she was in a safe space that she had dug with her own hands, and was arranged so comfortably that she relaxed unconsciously. , just like a child who likes to get into the nest he builds with quilts and pillows.

Wake up, it's time to eat. The dazed Cortana was woken up by Owen who had finished his work. Before she even opened her eyes, her sense of smell was completely awakened by the aroma, and she immediately became energetic.

Elle, the cat wearing an apron, was carrying a steaming tray filled with food, holding two large glasses of butterbeer in its two paws, and walked in an elegant catwalk.

Oh~, is this my brother's summoned beast? Cortana called her brother without any hesitation. She obviously already trusted him quite a bit. After all, she was in the void and the only one she relied on was Owen, not to mention him. She is very reliable, but right now she is more interested in El Cat. After all, it is difficult for girls to resist cute furry animals.

Meow~, Ellu is a good helper for the master. With a rare opportunity to play her own role, Ellu showed off her cooking skills and made several special delicacies.

Placed in the middle is a whole leg of lamb that is roasted to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. After being sprinkled with cumin and chili pepper, the spiciness and aroma are perfectly blended together, making people want to sneeze and salivate at the same time. Those who live there are moving out.

In addition, there are mushroom soup, mashed potatoes, fried chicken legs, fried bacon, and finally cream puffs, strawberry pudding, and butter beer, all of which are favorites of children.

Cortana swallowed, staring at Owen with a pair of big watery eyes, making him smile and said.

Eat it while it's hot.

As soon as she finished speaking, Cortana didn't care about the royal etiquette at all. She stuck a piece of roasted lamb leg with a fork in one hand, grabbed the fried chicken leg in the other, and showed off from left to right, leaving oil stains on her face.

If you have good looks, you are good. Even if you eat like this, it will only make people feel cute. If you change it to someone with low looks, I am afraid you will only get an unqualified evaluation.

Owen shook his head secretly. He was lucky in this life. Not only was he good-looking, but he also had a system, so he followed the same pattern and started eating. As expected, he was also indescribably cute.

After eating and drinking for a while, the two of them couldn't help but hold their round bellies with both hands, and lay on the kotatsu to digest food. Elle cat was happily clearing the table, because the delicious food it cooked was favored by its owner. The welcome from guests is undoubtedly its greatest recognition.

The mistress, who had been paying close attention to this place, was a little speechless at this moment. Her original intention was to use this to temper these two little guys with amazing talents but reckless behavior. Unexpectedly, the test turned into a barbecue, and the two little guys had an extremely nourishing life. No matter how long the time goes, I'm a little worried that I'll gain weight.

However, the mistress has no intention of continuing to interfere. Being able to live a healthy life is also her ability. She will not interfere too much. She just hopes that these two little guys can discover the 'gift' she left them.

Ellu Cat, who was humming a song and squeezing fresh juice for his master and guests, suddenly shrank his pupils, and his sharp claws showed a little bit of sharpness from the pink flesh pads. Then he flipped back and grabbed a ghost almost instantly. A sneaky little dark shadow.

Meow~, what kind of strange thing is this? Elma stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, looking at the palm-sized little man in her hand with a puzzled expression.

Elu Cat is a cat-human, not a cat, so although it has many cat habits, it has already been able to suppress some of its instincts, such as eating raw and playing with prey. Therefore, this strange villain was lucky to save his life, but It was still ravaged by the meatballs on the cat's claws. Anyway, when it came into Owen's hands, it looked like it had been spoiled, and it was the kind of thing that could be done with a little milkshake.

It's a goblin. It's so rare. As a princess of the Elf Kingdom, Cortana recognized what it was at a glance.

Owen also knows something about goblins, strange creatures that are rarer and more sensitive than elves.

In fact, it is not entirely correct to say that goblins are living things. Although they look like living creatures, they feel the same, and they can even reproduce. However, the original goblins originated from nature and dissipated back to nature after death.

Theoretically, if a place has a good natural environment, sufficient magic power, and the power of nature gathers, it is possible for fairies to be born. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are naturally raised.

But this is only the case in the early stages. When a certain number is reached, the fairies will reproduce in their own unique way.

Because they exist similar to natural spiritual beings, fairies, although not powerful, have various magical abilities. For example, the body fluids of fairies have the ability to heal physical, mental, and even soul wounds. It has even been rumored for a long time that eating fairies can lead to immortality. Rumors of agelessness.

Various rumors, coupled with fatal weakness, have caused elves to become increasingly rare, and even elves can rarely see elves.

Looking at the palm-sized little man in his hand, Owen fell into deep thought. Because the environment in the Void Land was too harsh, it was impossible for a goblin to be born, so he was very curious about the origin of this goblin.

Let's wake this little one up first. Owen said to Cortana, who was so curious that she pushed her head towards her.

Brother, leave it to me. I heard my mother say that if you put the injured goblin on a plant, it will be cured. Cortana was very interested in the very soft-looking goblin and had been ready to do it. Now that she has found an opportunity, the two of them are All the little paws were raised.

Owen was not worried about leaving the goblin in the hands of Cortana, who was gradually awakening to her naughty nature. He personally placed the goblin on the sunshine mushroom.

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