I didn't expect these two little guys to alarm Tianzhihen, but it was the mother who took action. A legend said quietly. The legends present were a little speechless, and they didn't know whether to say that these two little guys would cause trouble. Still young and promising.

Because they are very aware of the importance of Tian Zhihen and the high level required to alert the mistress. Not every criminal needs to dispatch the armed police brigade, and the few lives in hand are not worth the manpower expended.

The existence of Tianzhihen is actually not a secret among the top management of Academy City, but only legends and some masters in the entire academy city are qualified to contact it, and only these people understand the importance of Tianzhihen.

The Mark of the Sky is nothing else. It is both the entrance to the secret realm and the wound of the world.

Because a crack appeared in the world, the fragments in the void were attracted and gathered together, just like when a person is injured and infected by bacteria, so they were sealed to act as a bandage and suture to prevent dirty things from coming in, and the seal is the sky. The traces are maintained.

It can be said that Tianzhihen is the real guardian of the world, so nothing can alarm them. Therefore, even Phoenix, who is very worried about Cortana's safety, can only wait for the news with a frown.

At this time, Owen was in a very embarrassed state, because the Lock of Heaven was the manifestation of law, and even if it was crackled by black flames, it would not be able to be burned out in a short time, not to mention that he could feel the aura of divinity from above. It was obvious, This is God taking action.

What is hidden in Academy City?! Owen was flustered, but he had to force himself to calm down and seek a chance to survive.

There is nothing trivial about the gods, and he does not have the strength to challenge the gods now.

As for breaking free and escaping, don't pull it. The chains are formed by laws. Unless you surpass the opponent in mastering the laws, or you can break free with hard power, let alone him. Even if the god is tied up, he will have to kneel down.

But the solution is so easy to think of. As the chains extending from the Sky Mark pull the two people closer and closer to the sky, the chains become more and more entangled and shrink tighter. Owen and Cortana The huge incarnation of the external release was the first to experience strong pressure and was shrinking.

It felt like the flood was forced to flow back due to external pressure in the middle of the discharge. The whole body was swollen and uncomfortable, as if it was going to explode. However, the chain was very considerate and squeezed all directions, causing the pressure to have nowhere to release, and was forced to merge into the two of them. in vivo.

At this time, Owen already understood that the other party had no ill intentions. This was to help them master the power that they were not familiar with, but he looked a bit ashamed, because many chains had been wrapped around his body along the gaps in his clothes, and they were still wandering around. Look for weak points of pressure to reapply force in order to maintain balance in the body.

The problem is that it is obvious what the weak points of the human body are. Even as a veteran driver whose bottom line is constantly declining, Owen is a little unable to handle it. Cortana, a little lolita, is even more unbearable. And then there are the gods who were like before. Cold, tearful, panting, blushing, and covered in chains, Owen almost couldn't hold himself together with this expression.

Fortunately, the chain was retracted after passing through the Sky Mark, but the momentum did not diminish. The two of them were ejected from the monkey rubber band, crossing the secret realm and heading to the void behind the secret realm.

At the same time, a message also reached their minds.

Come back after the fight.

Well, not to be completely banished, but to teach them a lesson. It seems that there is no need to worry about his own safety for the time being, Owen thought with a sigh of relief, but he also regretted it in his heart.

Ever since he left the North and entered the empire, he was no longer as obsessive as before. He actually learned bad things and pretended to be cool. He wanted to marry a princess and make friends with nobles. He couldn't live in the academy city. Although there were not many moves, the movement became louder every time, and this time it actually provoked the god to take action.

Even if he successfully survives this calamity, he will still have to be stared at by the higher-ups of the academy city in the future, not to mention that there is an unknown god standing behind him. In this case, why should he play the trick of replacing him with a hydra and simply surrender? I got it thanks to my adoptive father.

Thinking of this, Irving was immediately annoyed that he had let down his guard. How much achievements he had made, how much strength he had increased, how many bases he had built, and how much power he had developed, yet he was so careless and indulged in showing off that he was exposed. He picked up a lot of trump cards that he had hidden away before, just like taking out a disc that he had treasured for a long time and watching it with his friends, but his parents suddenly opened the bedroom door. I couldn't even imagine that scene.

So this is absolutely inappropriate, and we must find a way to get back on our feet again.

When Owen was feeling stressed, the two of them had arrived in the void.

The secret realm formed by countless fragments is attached to the surface of Tianzhihen, which is both pressure and a layer of protection.

But not all kinds of fragments can be used. Some fragments that contain huge dangers are excluded, forming this boundless void.

Compared to the secret realm where space is relatively stable, the Void Land is like the remains of a shattered planet, with countless large and small fragments floating in the void. Only a handful of them retain a small amount of their origins, maintaining a fragile ecological environment.

But lacking a perfect barrier and being directly eroded by the void, its demise is only a matter of time.

Generally speaking, the so-called void place is the tomb and decomposition field of fragments.

However, except for part of the matter decomposed by the void, the rest was absorbed by the larger world and secret realm, becoming nutrients for the growth of the world.

Owen immediately understood the role of the Sky Trace. It was both a wound and a mouth that swallowed up nutrients from the void, and the secret realm was the food reserve and filter.

Dangerous substances are blocked by the secret realm, and nutrients are absorbed and filtered by the secret realm, and are transmitted to the inside of the world through the Sky Trace, becoming nutrients for growth. No wonder there are so many legends and masters in the Academy City, because the Academy City located below the Sky Trace is the first Anyone who enjoys this wave of benefits is completely in a paradise.

Owen was a little envious, but when he thought about the existence of a god in the Sky Trace, he was not envious at all.

In their wild thoughts, the two finally landed and stopped on a boulder suspended in the void.

Now the two of them no longer have the same power as before, but they are still extraordinary.

Cortana holds a water drop gun and wears dark blue armor. Although she is a little smaller, she is still heroic.

Owen is no less impressive, wearing a beast-faced head-swallowing chain armor, carrying a square-shaped halberd, and a three-pronged purple-gold crown with two slender feathers standing out like antennas, making him look even more energetic.

Now that the two of them are not fighting anymore, they are in this strange and terrifying place together, so how can they still have the mood to continue fighting.

In fact, it's really scary here. It's like being in a meteorite belt in the universe. There is endless void in the distance. It feels like being swallowed up at a glance. If you carefully identify the large and small meteorites around, you can see them. It can be concluded that they are all part of the fragments of the world, and you can even see the traces of civilization and the appearance of destruction, which makes people feel even more chilled after seeing it.

The most terrifying thing is the dead silence. There is no light, no air, and no life. The two people stand here alone, leaning against each other involuntarily.

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