The blue wave and the black flame gradually divided the duel field into two halves, and the collision became more and more fierce, just like two fat men of three to five hundred pounds crowded at the entrance of the elevator, refusing to give in to each other, and the resulting fluctuations became more and more terrifying, even if There were legends working together to strengthen the barrier, and the entire venue was still shaking, which made Kevin Flynn's face not look good, because from the beginning, various alarm sounds kept ringing in his ears.

As a legendary alchemist, he has the highest authority in the alchemy system. Therefore, the intelligent system of the alchemy system will constantly remind him after sensing the accumulation and loss of high energy.

But what can Kevin Flynn do? Both the water element and the black flame are transformed from some high-level origin. They are not ordinary toys at all. Although they have not reached the level of laws, the fluctuations caused by collisions are still not A simple explosion impact is like an efficient grinding wheel to the dense alchemy arrays and runes of the alchemy building complex, so there are damage alarms everywhere.

In order to prevent shock waves from penetrating into the interior of the building and causing irreparable damage to those precious equipment and materials, Kevin Flynn had to focus most of his energy on adjusting the resistance and repair of the alchemy array, so the enchantment in the field was handed over to Phoenix Waiting for several legends, so they did not notice the changes in the field.

Phoenix is ​​the most concerned about Cortana. The problem is that many legends take action. What needs to be paid attention to is not whether the strength is enough, but to maintain balance. If there is a slight negligence, the power inside will not explode, and the duel field and thousands of students around will be transformed into Fei Ash was also involved in a lot of energy, which caused no one to notice that something was wrong with Cortana.

In fact, everyone was marveling at the youth and strength of the two people, but they did not realize the danger hidden under this power.

To put it bluntly, regardless of the big scene, in fact, both Owen and Cortana are far from being legendary, especially in terms of realm. They are not even masters. They simply rely on their talent and potential to use semi-artifacts.

It was okay to bully the weak in this way, but when faced with equal beings, the two of them lost control. Especially after the two semi-artifacts sensed each other's inadvertent increase in energy level, they became more and more beyond the upper limit of their control.

In fact, the problem is that when a child drives a large car, it is okay to turn the steering wheel and play with it, but if he really wants to step on the accelerator, the consequences can be imagined.

However, everyone was deceived by the false power released by the two. Even Phoenix, who was most likely to notice this, was also deceived by Cortana's elven royal bloodline and many trump cards. Therefore, without anyone stopping her, , the power of the magic gun water droplets was continuously released. As the holder, Cortana was the first to bear the brunt. Her eyes turned into light blue unconsciously, and her will was filled with wave-like blue fluctuations.

The somewhat dazed Cortana did not ignore Owen, because he was also constantly releasing power, causing the water droplets to automatically lock onto the target, and she instinctively launched an attack.

Water droplets come from the elemental realm of water, which is not an ordinary world, neither void nor hell, but a more unique place, where there are no boundaries, no concept of space, and even time is blurred, such a special place , the thing is certainly not ordinary, not to mention that it is made from the crystallization of the original water element, and it naturally has the power to control the water element.

Owen now felt like a whole reservoir of water was coming towards him. He instinctively waved the hunting god's sword. As the sword was swung, the black flames rising into the sky blocked the pouring water element. For the first time, a force with opposite attributes released its own power without restraint. The terrifying fluctuations rattled the layers of reinforced barriers in the duel field. Although it did not collapse, it still shocked everyone around them.

Everyone evacuate the alchemy building! A legend saw the two of them preparing for a second collision. Since they could not be interrupted, they could only give priority to evacuating the people here.

The students present were already shocked by the momentum of the two men. Before they could recover, they instinctively screamed and ran outside.

Fortunately, the students are all prepared extraordinary professionals. Some are blessed with magic and can climb over the wall and slowly fall down. There are also some who throw hooks and claws to follow the trend. There are even some who are like monkeys flying over eaves and walking on walls. They are not limited to the exits on both sides. Therefore, It was panicky but not chaotic, and did not cause serious squeeze.

In a blink of an eye, the evacuation of the people was almost complete, and Phoenix immediately released the amplification magic and said.

Abandon the barrier that reinforces the duel field, and use your own methods to reinforce it layer by layer.

The quality of the barriers in the duel field is good, but they are essentially for students. Even if there are legendary reinforcements, they are just stickers on paper boats, and they cannot exert their respective abilities at all, so Phoenix chose to give up and be the first to hold up a barrier. boundary.

Other legends also used their own methods to prop up the barrier. For a while, the duel field was shrouded in five or six layers of barriers, which looked very spectacular.

But no one was sure. First, they were not well prepared. After all, they were here to watch a show, not to fight with others. Second, they were facing two and a half artifacts. Even if they were not aimed at them, the power they released alone would be enough. It is not something that ordinary barriers can resist. Now we can only rely on numerical advantage.

I hope I can last until the end of their battle. Kevin Flynn sighed, and then notified the teachers of the Alchemy Department to transfer some precious instruments and materials. He is really afraid that those two will use real fire to destroy the academy. It won't be a problem if we reach the city, but I'm afraid it won't be a problem if we demolish the alchemy department buildings.

At this time, the second collision began. If the first collision relied purely on volume to suppress people, then there were more changes in the second collision, becoming more concentrated and penetrating.

Countless water guns dropped from the sky, flashing with cold light like ice crystals. With the impact of the water flow, they had terrifying penetrating power. Not to mention the plate armor knights as a unit of measurement, even the city walls could not withstand such a large flow. They could not withstand a few blows. It has to collapse.

The water gun was powerful, and the black sword was no less powerful. It brought black flames that burned everything into the sky, just like a volcano from hell erupting, and the power was not weaker at all.

Both sides were obviously transformed by energy. The collision between the gun and the sword actually made the sound of iron and stone. Even if it was shattered, a terrifying impact would erupt, making the scene even more chaotic. For a moment, the sky was thundering and the earth was on fire, and the conflict was inextricable. .

What's even worse is that the energy of the two seems to have no end, filling the entire barrier continuously, causing huge pressure.

In the end, the barrier in the duel was broken, and the barrier held up by Phoenix took over.

Who would have thought that as soon as he made contact, Phoenix's expression changed. A large amount of magic power was turned into runes under precise control, and was applied to the barrier layer by layer. However, he still felt huge pressure and the barrier was shaking. It was obvious that he had endured a huge amount of energy. pressure, there is a possibility of rupture at any time.

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